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Judge gives rapist only 2 months.


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Originally posted by Alegis Gensan

it's a big "sin",but 2 months is a lot. It's just that you compare it to 20 years etc, and thats horrible.


A man who relieves his pervertion on an innocent 12 year old and is out before the holiday season.


That is injustice.

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

He'll be just fine. Most people convicted of sex crimes are put in PC, or "protective custody" so no harm comes to them. Maybe someone should rape the judge involved in that particular case, and see if he or she has stiffer (no pun intended) penalties in the future.


yeah, I thought had happenned, otherwise thered be 1000s of dead rapists and paedos being dragged out of jails every year...

(although this probably does happen to some extent)


2 months, sheez.....what was the freakin judge on....prolly the same thing Judge Ito was on when he was deliberating the OJ case.....



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that is such an unlikelyly (?) low sentance that you have to wonder if there are some other factors we don't know about. (not having seen the story).


There was a case in the paper in london a week or so ago where a guy had (in the past) got months for some form of child abuse. Years later he was on a bus with his hand in his trousers (pants) and a mother who was on the bus with her kids complained... and he got life! Weird, incomprehensible justice system...

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Originally posted by RoxStar

Oh quit griping. You weren't at the trial, I'll assume. (correct me if I'm wrong). But just because hes found guilty doesn't mean that he automatically goes away for a crtain amount of time. That is why the United States's legal system has a Jury and a Judge. But I wasn't there so I wouldn't know either.






Don't flame me.


So if someone raped your 12 year old kid (assuming you had one :p ) you would be satisfied with a 2 month sentence? 2 months isn't any time at all for a convicted rapist to change, especially in prison.

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Originally posted by Reborn Outcast

So if someone raped your 12 year old kid (assuming you had one :p ) you would be satisfied with a 2 month sentence? 2 months isn't any time at all for a convicted rapist to change, especially in prison.


If you are looking at changing them (not punishment, revenge or prevention) then prison is pretty pointless to begin with. A 2 month sentance is no different to a 20 year one as far as changing them goes.

I don't know the details of the case, or the legal system in the area, but most legal systems don't just chuck people out after their time has finished, they have to convince the parol board, be monitored, etc..

It MAY (and only may) be the case that the judge wanted to send him for psychiatric care or to a hospital or something, but had to give a minimum 2 month term first. An indefinate term in a hospital would probably be more useful for "curing" him than any length of time in prison. Or it may just have been a weird judge. Can't tell without more details...

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Originally posted by toms

If you are looking at changing them (not punishment, revenge or prevention) then prison is pretty pointless to begin with. A 2 month sentance is no different to a 20 year one as far as changing them goes.

I don't know the details of the case, or the legal system in the area, but most legal systems don't just chuck people out after their time has finished, they have to convince the parol board, be monitored, etc..

It MAY (and only may) be the case that the judge wanted to send him for psychiatric care or to a hospital or something, but had to give a minimum 2 month term first. An indefinate term in a hospital would probably be more useful for "curing" him than any length of time in prison. Or it may just have been a weird judge. Can't tell without more details...


Good point, but it's kind of like the Jayson Williams trile where he didn't even get charged for murder, only with 5 minor charges that might not even land him in prison, only on probation. And most everyone (besides the jury obviously) felt that he murdered the man, yet he didn't get charged for it... Strange world we live in sometimes.

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It is said that sexual criminals seldom if ever reform, so as toms says the time doesn't matter from a 'rehabilitation' standpoint. And wasn't that the point of incarceration over execution? To be 'civilized' and 'fix' the criminal so they can re-enter society?


As opposed to the child. Who is f*cked up for life. That is a real shame. And please don't start about 'consentual' sex between a 12 year old and someone over 18.



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Going to jail for murder: No worries

Going to jail for armed robbery: No worries

Going to jail for assault: No worries

Going to jail for child rape: Shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank shank


Honor among the damned, I suppose.



Expand your Imagi-Nation

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It looks like crime does pay after all.


The system is now completely biased towards the criminal rather than the victim.


There was a local story by me recently about a drunken joyrider knocking over and killing a kid. Not even a single year in prison was sentenced to him. It's a f*cking disgrace.


Hopefully the guy you mentioned won't make it out of prison alive. If I was that girl's father i'd be waiting outside that prison on his release date and administer the appropriate punishment.


The irony is that i'd get sentenced for x amount of years just to see justice done.

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Originally posted by Curt-Man

yeah but what is justice? define justice how can we judge how horrible something is, in the ned we all come down and fall short of the glory of god so we are equally bad, you can't say you've never sinned, becuase that isn't true


I sincerely hope that you were either:

a) drunk

b) sarcastic

c) just trolling for a reaction without actually thinking about what you'd said.


No, I'm not perfect. Far from it. Sure I've sinned. Hell, I probably enjoyed some of it. But I've never raped a 12yr old. Or anyone for that matter.


I have, however, seen the emotional damage that a rape can do to someone. You can never get over that. It changes your life forever. It alters your levels of trust and pre-conceived ideas like nothing else.

And that's to a 17yr old. Try to imagine what it's going to do to a 12yr old. :indif:


Sure I don't know the ins and outs of the case. I don't know the guy in question either. He could be a great guy other than this case. But I don't care if he's two steps away from a cure for cancer, he made his choice and now he has to live with the consequences of that choice. Just like the rest of us.


Two months in prison. Whoop-de-whoo Basil, people get more than that for fraud. My only hope is that during those two months, he learns the meaning of the word violation.



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