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I can't believe I haven't had a Bawls yet. >_>




Go to a Compusa, that's where I find em at locally :)


I just bought my tickets to go see Avenged Sevenfold, along with Hoobastank, Lit, Pepper, and Authority Zero, plus that awsome local band that opened for the flogging molly concert, The Utmost.


I'm very happy right now :D

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Just got a 12pk of Bawls, $17 at CompUSA. I can't try it out because I... erm.... had diarrhea for 12 hours and then finished it by emtying my stomach contents into the toilet. I feel better now that nothing is giving a stomach ache now.


Bottles look sweet, though. And my brother said that a guy working there told him that he drank 3 bottles in a row and had blurred vision for 2 days. :D

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It has 2.5 times more caffiene than coffee :)


The reason I don't pick it up anywhere else, is because there's only one place in vegas that sells it, and that's a compusa : |


But still, 17 bucks isn't bad considering it's just a little more than a dollar per bottle.

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Just got a 12pk of Bawls, $17 at CompUSA. I can't try it out because I... erm.... had diarrhea for 12 hours and then finished it by emtying my stomach contents into the toilet. I feel better now that nothing is giving a stomach ache now.


Bottles look sweet, though. And my brother said that a guy working there told him that he drank 3 bottles in a row and had blurred vision for 2 days. :D


That guy is full of ****, I had three and I didn't feel much more than I would normally having 1.

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Actually, it was my brother who was bull****ing because later he said that he couldn't sleep for 2 days. But that's still kinda bull****.


Well, I've had two because the rest of my family went to Vancouver for the weekend and I had to stay here. I've been getting better (thank God for Immodium >_>) so I didn't get to go to Canada for the first time, bleh.


Well... http://wiredenergydrink.com/x294.htm

I tried to buy that at a 7-11 and they wouldn't let me. :(


Edit: Anyone get a spam message from "HiddenDesk"? Never got one of those before...

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GameCube version of course. It's bloody strange, strange style, strange controls, strange everything... I love it :D This is one of those games where the rating on the box actually MEANS something lol. I'm using mostly Kaede and Dan at the moment... should really boost the stats of the other personalities too XD




So love this game, the remake and extension of the first Metroid game released on the NES. It's not as good as Super Metroid but it is much better than Metroid Fusion. I've actually played and finished this game multiple times over without actually buying it :p but here I am buying it now lol. I got this second hand so some nice guy before me unlocked all of the gallery pics and the original version of Metroid already unlocked LOL.

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Well the vid card I ordered from TiE, it got here a couple of weeks ago, but due to some shipping problems, I wasn't able to fix it until today.


I went from barely being able to run Halo PC ( 640 x 480, everything ether off or low, and it still lagged a good 20 percent of the time ), to running it at full everything, at 1280 x 800, with almost no lag. Hopefully once I get more RAM there will be no lag.


I have yet to test it with any other game. But I'll be sure to post the leap it makes in HL2.

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You guys be careful, those energy drinks can be dangerous! Especially if you're trying to quench your thirst in the summer heat (athletes and workers beware). Caffiene (like alcohol) acts as a diuretic, which means you can even DIE if you're not careful. Not that this will happen to you, but just watch it. I know some student athletes have died from heat stroke/dehydration, though I don't know if caffenated beverages were involved, it can't help in any case. It doesn't help that some of them are marketed as "stay up all night long/perform better" which is complete crap.


When I worked for Dr. Pepper I got to sample all the different ones they had (most tasted horrible, but one or two were decent). The extra caffiene gives me a major headache though when it wears off. ;P


Anyway, not to preach, but I've been there man! Especially if you have it on an empty stomach (arggh) first thing in the morning before taking a brisk walk across town. Your heart is racing, your sweat drying up. The problem is with hot coffee you sip it, so I guess you get the caffiene more slowly rather than all at once in a big gulp of sugar.


Ah it'll be great when finals are over and I'll have time for games again...

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And so I have become hooked...:o


"Take my love.

Take my land.

Take me where I cannot stand.

I don’t care, I’m still free.

You can’t take the sky from me.


Take me out

to the black.

Tell ‘em I ain’t comin’ back.

Burn the land and boil the sea.

You can’t take the sky from me.


Have no place

I can be

Since I found Serenity.

But you can’t take the sky from me."




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