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Pod Racer Collection (WIP)


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yes i would also like to welcom revan on the team, he was going to do the rest of the stuff for the remaining pods for me. even tho ive come back for now, im going to have him do the rest of them. he's done a great job fixing them all and hes going to add metalic shaders to them all. i would do this myself but i feel ive done mypart in the mod. zappa if you need anything else let me know, but i dont really want to make anymore pods. also to ninja, we need a weapons muzzle on the side of each of sebulba's pod. just the muzzle, apex will put the flame thrower from it. same for zappa's pod.

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Glad that was settled, now I won't have to take a plane ride to Duncan's house (just kidding). Anyhoot, I've been following Hatrus's work for a while now and was curious: Are there any plans for releasing your modern military weapons? I've seen the pictures that where posted on the TMU website and would very much like to use some of them in a JA sp mod I am making. Thanks for your time and glad things are settled, Peace!

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