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The Telltale speculation thread


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Okay, so this should maybe go in the future of MI forums, but whatever.


If you haven't guessed from the subject, this thread's all about discussing the meaning of this. Go.


(If this thread doesn't get many replies like almost all the threads started by me do, then I'll delete the forums in spasm of anger).

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I think this is being well discussed on other forums, but whatever.


It's certainly exciting news. Whatever "popular license" these guys are working on, we know the end product will be an adventure game and we know this team is talented, so it's going to be good stuff.


I'm not so sure how much I believe it could be a Monkey Island 5. I just don't see LucasArts, even in its current "Star Wars is god!!!1" phase getting rid of that trademark. If it is in fact a popular LucasArts adventure license it would seem to me that Maniac Mansion or something like that would be more likely. I don't hold too much hope for Telltale picking up Freelance Police, either. If they are working on a Sam & Max game, it would likely be completely new. We'll see. In the meantime (hopefully a short time), let the mindless speculation continue.

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Other forums? There are no other forums!


I'm not sure how much I believe this to be Monkey Island 5 either, but you've got to admit it's a possibility. The thing that inclines me more to the MI games than, say, Maniac Mansion is the way they say "it's something many of you already know and love". I don't know, but that, for me, hints at MI more than anything else, as the MI series is arguably the most well known and loved of any of LucasArt's games. Feel free to reply with abuse if you disagree.


Also I don't think that MM is really an "exciting lisence", or at least not nearly as exciting as Monkey Island is. Maybe it's the word lisence - that kind of suggests series of games, no?


"Telltale's only a part of the exciting things that are brewing around it" has me perplexed, however. Maybe the game they're working on is also being made into a movie? I don't know.


One major pressumtion is that this lisence is LucasArts' related, but that isn't neccesarily the case; "If you've enjoyed any of the products we've helped create in the past, you're sure to love this one!" suggests that it's different from their past projects. I can't think of any lisences that are already well known and loved that could be made into an adventure game, though. Simon The Sorcerer, maybe? God knows.


People have also said how http://www.telltalegames.com/images/shhhhhhh.jpg looks like Sam without the ears, but I say the nose is all wrong. My first thought was that it looked like an Alien, but that doesn't ring any bells. I don't know, maybe it has nothing to do with the new lisence they've required.


Come to think of it, is that sticking out thing even a nose? If it was, then the eyes would be looking away from the camera, yet the hand seems to be waving towards the camera... or not, it's difficult to tell.


What do you think?


On edit... I was just looking at my avatar and I realised how Guybrush's hair fits exactly into that mysterious sticking out bit! Talk about concrete evidence!

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I'm thinking the only license it could be is Sam & Max, at least if they're talking about a license that has been related to LEC at some time or another. I mean, they say in the Gamespot interview that they have had very limited business dealings with LEC, so they've probably not bought an existing license from them, which really only leaves Sam & Max.


Also, that image is a typical Sam pose.


Or I might be all wrong, who knows. :~

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Originally posted by Gabez

I'm not sure how much I believe this to be Monkey Island 5 either, but you've got to admit it's a possibility. The thing that inclines me more to the MI games than, say, Maniac Mansion is the way they say "it's something many of you already know and love". I don't know, but that, for me, hints at MI more than anything else, as the MI series is arguably the most well known and loved of any of LucasArt's games. Feel free to reply with abuse if you disagree.


Oh, absolutely. I think that MI and Sam & Max are more well-known than MM, but it's MI's popularity that makes me think LucasArts still wants to hold on to it, even if they never plan on doing anything further with it. Perhaps the agreement Telltale is supposedly making with LucasArts (or another company - it was never actually stated that it would be a LucasArts license, only that we've gonna love it) would allow LucasArts to keep selling the games as well. I dunno. Maybe I just want to see a Maniac Mansion 3.


Originally posted by Gabez

Also I don't think that MM is really an "exciting lisence", or at least not nearly as exciting as Monkey Island is. Maybe it's the word lisence - that kind of suggests series of games, no?


At this point, I think I'd be excited by any license these guys work on. Admittedly MI is infinitely more popular, but I don't think that its popularity alone cements the idea of a TellTale-made sequel.


Originally posted by Gabez

"Telltale's only a part of the exciting things that are brewing around it" has me perplexed, however. Maybe the game they're working on is also being made into a movie? I don't know.


Yeah, I'm surprised that amidst all the speculation no one has really mentioned this. If they're teaming up with other companies, which are they? I'll certainly be interesting in seeing how that develops.


Originally posted by Gabez

People have also said how http://www.telltalegames.com/images/shhhhhhh.jpg looks like Sam without the ears, but I say the nose is all wrong. My first thought was that it looked like an Alien, but that doesn't ring any bells. I don't know, maybe it has nothing to do with the new lisence they've required.


Come to think of it, is that sticking out thing even a nose? If it was, then the eyes would be looking away from the camera, yet the hand seems to be waving towards the camera... or not, it's difficult to tell.


What do you think?


I think it's just a simple picture someone threw together in a few seconds that has no relation to anything.


On second thought, it's clearly Zak McKracken.

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It's MI5, they've bought the rights to MI and are going to make an adventure game based on the events of the first 4 games. it'll be called "Monkey Island: The Way We Thought We Were" and it'll focus on Guybrush struggle with his inner self and how marrying Elaine could have been the single most stupid thing he'd even done incuding the time with the ferret.


Then he'll go back in timeand stop himself from marrying elaina nd then he'll go back to find his life changed dramatically, and then he'll find out that the voodoo lady is actually th bad guy and he's been dead for the entire 4 movies and it'll turn out that the world helives in isn't real, but is actually just a computer program made over him and then he'll die and people will set fire to his things and at the end of the game, we see his sledge go uyp in flames with the words "Flooring inspector" marked on the bottom.


The above may be slightly over exaggerated.

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I think everyone is jumping the gun beyond belief with this story. Yes it's very possible that they're working on a Sam & Max title... but who knows?? Gamespot might, but they didn't reveal anything. I wouldn't complain if they were making a Sam & Max game... I would be *very* surprised if it was a continuation of work on Freelance Police however.


Did it say anywhere specifically that they were working on a well known well loved license that was Lucas related? I mean, they list Steve Ince's blog on the Telltale site. Maybe they're making one of the two announced sequels to Revolution Software's games (Broken Sword 4 or Beneath a Steel Sky 2)? Clearly that's unlikely, but I don't think it's less likely than them somehow gaining the rights to the Monkey Island franchise. (I don't genuinely think they're working on a Rev franchise either, it's just an example of how you could stretch this any way you'd like).


Also, the speculation about the "shadowey figure" is hilarious.

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Well, I think a LucasArts lisence is more likely because of a) their previous track record and b) they have more well loved and known adventure game lisences than anyone else. But you're right, it could be anything.


You have no-one to blame but me for the wild shadow figure speculation.

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GS: How is your working relationship with LucasArts today? Is there one?


DC: We have lots of friends over there, but on a business level it's hard to get traction. They are very focused on dealing with what's in front of them. So unfortunately there is none, which is sad because we really love those old licenses, and of course Sam and Max. We do chat with Steve Purcell from time to time.

Isn't he saying that it's NOT a LucasArts license?

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I have to admit, there is a resembelence there... but...


The head is the wrong shape, there's still that mysterious sticking out object and the absence of ears seems too weird. I mean, they might have took out the ears to throw us off, but it still seems weird.


Of course, it may have nothing to do with the game and just be there to confuse us. Or maybe it's a company mascot, like the LEC Golden Guy?


I hope the Telltale guys and girls are reading this and laughing!

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Whats this mysterious shape your all going on about. If you mean the bit sticking into the arm, its just a lighting warping effect, the same thing happens when mercury is about to pass the sun. The graphics engine they've used for this has symply encorporsted this. The arm is just close enough to the head to make it appear that they are joined. Its just distorted light, lots of programs do it nowadays.



I looked for a photo but couldn't find one, NASA probably have one somewhere.


Thats the only mysterious shape I can see.

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Originally posted by hellomoto

Whats this mysterious shape your all going on about. If you mean the bit sticking into the arm, its just a lighting warping effect, the same thing happens when mercury is about to pass the sun. The graphics engine they've used for this has symply encorporsted this. The arm is just close enough to the head to make it appear that they are joined. Its just distorted light, lots of programs do it nowadays.

I thought it might be that at first, but it doesn't really make sense for a light phenonomen associated with planets to be found in a close up, albeit blurred, character image.


It might be headset. Or it might be a nose. Or it might be something else entirely.

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The same thing applies for closer up things aswell, it just dends on the light source.


Just get a 3D engine (I think you can do pretty much the same thing in some 2D engines). Stick to objects close together. (Dont make their edges to sharp it might affect the result) Put a light source behind the, but not so that the light shines straight through the gap, but close enough to a straight line, that things are visible from a viewers point of view. Take a screenshot and put it into a 2D program and turn it into a silohette.


Sorry if that doesn't work after youve tried for an hour to make the thing.



Just found this:

Brendan also worked on the yet to be released Sam & Max: Freelance Police, as a programmer, designer, and writer.


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Heh, okay then, you might be right there.


I still think it's probably a headstrap or something, and not a mistake. They probably got a 2D/3D made into 2D image, made it dark and then blurred it, which wouldn't have created the effect you just described.


That's a really interesting quote. Maybe it was a slip-up? I hope not!

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It's possible, but I highly doubt it.


It's either designed to give us a very subtle clue or to throw us off the scent alltogether, but it's very unlikely that it has no meaning at all. I'm sure a lot of thought went into it and the wording of the statement.

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Marin Independent Journal


Although the company is in negotiations for the license of another game, the trio said it is no secret that they want to develop the sequel to "Sam and Max" or something like it...

LucasArts has a license for the game from the comic book's creator, Steve Purcell. That license expires in May, at which point Connors said he hopes to strike a deal with Purcell.


So, Sam & Max are ruled out for gamer #1.


The caveman is probaby going to appear as an original character in one of the mini-games we've read about (but could be an original character from a licensed game.


Does the line "in negotiations for the license of another game" mean they're aquiring an existing game license, rather than a comic book, TV show or movie license? Or simply mean they're licensing something from somewhere for "not Sam & Max" game #1?


Also, my favourite part of the article;


Connors said he hopes to have the company in full swing by the time LucasArts moves a large portion of its operations to the Letterman Digital Arts center in the Presidio in San Francisco.


"With them going to the Presidio, this gives us an opportunity to stay working and living in Marin," he said.


Haha. They're grabbing their pitchforks and burning fagots and running LucasArts outta town. San Rafael ain't big enough for the both of 'em.

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Hi. I'm new to these forums, and just thought I'd add my thoughts on this subject.


Well, as much as I'd love to see a MI 5, I think its VERY unlikley that this will be it. I don't think that lucasarts would part with it easily, and if they were going to give it up, I don't think that a new startup company would be the ones to win the deal. Besides, I'd much rather see Ron Gilbert get his hands on the licence!


Obviously from the other news it seems that it isn't going to be Sam N Max 2, since they have said the licence dosn't run out yet.


I think that its probably not a Lucasarts licence at all, maybe not even a gaming licence. Cartoon show maybe? Whats the deal with that shhhhh pic? It looks like casper! or maybe a simpson? Ok just being stupid here, Im sorry.


Anyway, hopefully we will see what it is soon, but I'm not holding my breath for any great adventure licence, but maybe a great adventure at least? And thats better than nothing


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