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My crazy school


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My school has gone friggin' mental. i'll start my story when it all started. Well all the schools in my area used to meet up and hire a theme park but then 8 people from our school were arrested so they wont go with us anymore, so now we go by ourselves but last time we hired 11 coaches and 2 had their windows smashed. a while before i moved up to high school a school bus had all its windows smashed and was set on fire. in this week someone dropped CS(riot) gas from the main staircase, 6 were hospitalised, today 15 fireworks were set off on and just off the premises. so do you agree has my school gone mental?

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theres been a few gang fights at my skool...between the Preps and Alternative kids(who is just about everyone who dont wear AE, abercrombie, old navy, or other stupid places like that)...and ive been a few of them...and i wouldnt want to be a prep cuz the weapons the Alt kids pack are insane....but other than that there isnt much going on at my skool....and your skool is messed up....

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Originally posted by jebbers

theres been a few gang fights at my skool...between the Preps and Alternative kids


I've been in a few of those. Came out with a few scrapes and bruises, but usually the guy I focused ended up way worse than me. Did you guys know that walls and trees make for very effective weaponry?

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Originally posted by Kain

Did you guys know that walls and trees make for very effective weaponry?



only if its the other guy...benches hurt like crazy if you get thrown on one.....and fences can leave cool patterns on your back for a few minutes of extreme pain....i had marks for about 6 days....

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I'm somewhat a preppy guy, and its weird. I get along with every group of people. We don't have that type of thing at my school. Only thing is, I think my school has more drugs (like, marijuana, no hardcore ones im sure) than any other school, but we really don't have violence.


Your school is insane.

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the only bad thing in my school is some weed (seniors) and flashing (sophmores- one of my brothers friends was accused of paying a girl to flash her boobs).... and nothing else, no injuries, no "real" bullies who accually beat you up, no crap like that.

Well, I do go to a pay Catholic High School with only 1000 students in Seattle, so far the most peaceful city I have ever been to.








BTW, were the hell did they get CS? :confused:




























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Sometimes, I say hire some quite guy that dresses in a slick leather black german uniform. Have him walk up and down the halls with a good sized black metal staff. If someone starts trouble, run up and whack em good.



If any groups gang up on him, he can use a cattleprod on the group.




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Heh. Fights between preps and alternative kids...


You will find me on the other side of the school, completely oblivious of the fight, and if I did know about it, trying to avoid it.


Fun stuff. I went to a gang infested school once, it wasn't too bad. They didn't have friggen street wars at school though. You need to carry like... mace...





Bad puppies! We love you! Bad puppies! We love you!




angry beavers is awesome :xp:

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Originally posted by Sam Fisher

Really Acrylic, it also says that you can have the permission of a parent to be on here if under 13, so he could be legit :D





Man, you school is very screwed... I luve being homeschooled :)


social outcasts in the making. THANK YOU MOM! :D



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