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WARNING!:Unbelievable PC specs


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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Gawd. Why? What could you possibly need with that? Can you imagine the week long wait to just defrag something like that?


I'd gladly take a 400GB HD :D


I'd just break it up into partitions


EDIT: and look carefully, its actually two 250GB hard drives raided together. Either they can't do simple math or they aren't being very detailed and have 2x250GB and a 100GB HD.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

I'd say, but ... nvm.


That said, I would love a 400gig HD.


*slaps anthony for recommending to chop it into partitions* How could you do that, it goes against the whole idea of having 400 gigs. :p


Because some people are just special I guess.



I'd be afraid of that much open range on my HD :indif:

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Gawd. Why? What could you possibly need with that? Can you imagine the week long wait to just defrag something like that?

they use those for like movie editors, film directors, Hospital, PD, traffic surveillance and so so so much more



400gb+10 bays-overheating drives=4000gb!

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Originally posted by jon_hill987

That is nothing, my PC has 1 billion gazillion Gb of HD space! and a 15THz processor.


y do people make these fakes? is it a scam or something?



soon they'll have 1TB HDD

128bit processor

3.2THz processor

1TB ram

1TB dual layer DVD-/+RW

1TB DDR9 graphics memory




I like terabytes:)

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Originally posted by jon_hill987

is it a scam or something?




Originally posted by Alegis



A noob at work, the site gives it away


Yeah, he used a freaking template, for heaven's sake. Anyone who can build and afford comptuers like that can afford to make his site look less stupidly obvious. :lol:

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Originally posted by kipperthefrog

It would be good to have two operating systems, one linix for work stuff and windows for games.


if you have 2 operaing sysems, it devides the HD capacity. you can either boot in windows or in linix. the 400 GB gig drive would have plenty of room for the two seperate OS.:D



some guy made a computer and had i think 36 operating systems! it was in a Maximum PC magazine






maximum pc

minimum bs

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