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Crappy Jokes Thread!!!!


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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

It's "Got an ID?"


"'bout what?"




"ID" sounds a lot like, "idea" in some southern places.


Ah, I didn't understand it either.


I'm a up north guy, so, I haven't heard a southern accent since I went down to Florida 3 years ago...

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What do you call a fly with no wings? A walk.


Why was the Tomato blushing? Because he saw the salad dressing.


A mom dad and baby tomato are walking down the street and the baby starts to lag behind so the dad goes back and smashes the baby and says "ketchup" (*anyone remembe where it came from??*)


What do you give an elephant with diarreha? Lots of Room.


Why do they put bells on cows? Because their horns don't work!


bunch of lame ones off the 'net....

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

When people with a southern accent (mainly hicks, hill billies, and people who live in the Ozarks) say the word 'idea' it sounds like 'ID'. The cop asked for the hill billies 'I.D.' (identification). The hill billy thought the cop was saying idea.


Do you guys want me or Rhett to draw you a picture or a diagram or something?

Yes, but no Photoshop, we don't need some artist/eloborate/over-the-top picture that reminds how weak we are :D



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Originally posted by Chase Windu


A hillbilly gets pulled over for speeding.

The cop asks, "I.D.?"

The hillbilly says, " 'bout what?"

(think of how a hillbilly talks and you'll get it)





Er, am I the only one that got that without reading an explaination? Ahem. Wutch ya'll naid ta doe is gitch ya'lls selfs ejucated in some southern terms. Or else none a ya'll's ever gone get them southern jokes. Mmm-hmmm. :D


I don't know if it's been posted in this thread but:

A guy walk into a therapist's office wearing only underwear made of plastic wrap. The patient says "Doctor, can you tell me what's wrong with me?" The doc looks at the patient and says "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts."



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Originally posted by Chase Windu

When people with a southern accent (mainly hicks, hill billies, and people who live in the Ozarks) say the word 'idea' it sounds like 'ID'. The cop asked for the hill billies 'I.D.' (identification). The hill billy thought the cop was saying idea.


Do you guys want me or Rhett to draw you a picture or a diagram or something?

Yay! picture time! I wanna draw a picture too, Mommy!


Sorry if I don't know the southern accent that well.

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Going to be the other night, I noticed people in my shed stealing things.


I phoned the police but was told no one was in the area to help. They said they would send someone as soon as possible.


I hung up. A minute later I rang again. "Hello," I said, I called you a minute ago because there were people in my shed. You don't have to hurry now, because I've shot them."


Within minutes there were half a dozen police cars in the area, plus helicopters and an armed response unit. They caught the burglars red-handed.


One of the officers said: "I thought you said you'd shot them."


To which I replied: "I thought you said there was no one available."

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A mom dad and baby tomato are walking down the street and the baby starts to lag behind so the dad goes back and smashes the baby and says "ketchup" (*anyone remembe where it came from??*)


Pulp Fiction, damn you. I was just about to post that one. :p


Okay, so a dollar bill walks into a bar. The barkeep says "Hey, get out of here. This isn't a singles bar"


A Hahahaha Hooo. What? No? *dodges flying vegetables*


Okay, how bout this one:


So this dyslexic guy walks into a bra...


*runs for cover.*

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Alternate Ending to The Empire Strikes Back


*A furious light sabre duel is under way. DARTH VADER is backing LUKE

SKYWALKER toward the end of the gantry. A quick move by Vader chops off

Luke's hand! It goes spinning off into the ventilation shaft. Luke backs

away. He looks around, but realizes there's nowhere to go but straight



Darth Vader: "Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father."


Luke: "He told me enough! He told me you killed him!"


Darth Vader: "No! I am your father!"


Luke: "No, it's not true! It's impossible."


Darth Vader: "Search your feelings; you know it to be true."


Luke: "NO!"


Darth Vader: "Yes, it is true and you know what else? You know that brass droid of yours?"


Luke: "Threepio?"


Darth Vader: "Yes, Threepio, I built him when I was seven years old."


Luke: "No."


Darth Vader: "Seven years old? And what have you done? Look at yourself,

no hand, no job, and couldn't even levitate your own ship out of the swamp."


Luke: "I destroyed your precious Death Star!"


Darth Vader: "When you were 20! When I was 10, I single-handedly

destroyed a Trade Federation Droid Control ship!"


Luke: "Well, it's not my fault."


Darth Vader: "Oh, here we go. 'Poor me, my father never gave me what I

wanted for my birthday, boo hoo, my daddy's the Dark Lord of the Sith ..

waahhh wahhh!'"


Luke: "Shut up."


Darth Vader: "You're a slacker! By the time I was your age, I had

exterminated the Jedi knights!"


Luke: "I used to race my T-16 through Beggar's Canyon!"


Darth Vader: "Oh, for the love of the Emperor, 10 years old, winner of

the Boonta Eve Open. Only human to ever fly a Pod Racer, right here baby!


*Luke looks down the shaft. Takes a step toward it.*


Darth Vader: "I was wrong. You're not my kid. I don't know whose you

are, but you sure ain't mine."


*Luke takes another step towards the platform, hesitates, then plunges down the shaft.*


*Darth Vader looks after him.*


Darth Vader: "And get a haircut!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're an American before you go in the bathroom...

You're an American after you get out of the bathroom...

SO what are you when you're IN the bathroom?









How many FLIES does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


Two, but don't ask me how they got in there.





A baby seal walks into a club...




A piece of twine walks into a bar and sits down...

BARTENDER: "Hey, we don't serve rope in here!"

ROPE:"Well, for your information I am not rope"

BARTENDER: "you ain't rope?"

ROPE: "Nope, Fraid not"

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Duck walks into a bar, and asks the barman:

"Got any bread?"

Barman replies politely:

"Naw, we only sell drink here."

Duck replies:

"Awright then" and leaves the bar.


The following evening, the duck returns:

"Got any bread?"

Barman replies puzzled:

"Naw, I told you last night, we only sell drink."

Duck replies:

"Awright then" and leaves the bar.


The next again evening, the duck returns:

"Got any bread?"

Barman replies irritably:

"Naw! I told you last night! we only sell drink!"

Duck replies:

"Awright then" and leaves the bar.


The next again evening, the duck returns:

"Got any bread?"

Barman replies angrily:

"Naw! I told you last night! we only sell drink! Beer! Lager! Vodka! Whisky! NO BREAD!"

Duck replies:

"Awright then" and leaves the bar.



The evening after the last, the duck returns:

"Got any bread?"

Barman replies lividly:


Duck replies:

"O.K.... ummm.. got any nails?"

The barman replies hotly:


The duck asks:

"Got any bread?"


:dozey: Poor by even my standards.....

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more like common sense questions but i bet you'll get some wrong!


How far can a dog walk into the woods?


Half way, then hes walking out of the woods.



Is there a Fourth of July in England?


You betcha! Right after the Third and before the Fifth



You have two United States coins. Together they equal 55 cents. One is not a nickel, which two coins do you use?


A fifty cent piece and a nickel. One isnt a nickel(50 cent piece0



Use no calculator! Divide 30 by 1/2. Then add 10. What do you get?


70. Dividing any number by 1/2 is the same as multiplying it by 2.



A house has Southern exposure to all four sides. A bear walks by, what color is the bear?


White. The house is at the North pole.



A farmer has 17 sheep. All but 9 die, how many are left?


All but 9.



A butcher is 5ft. 10in.,what does he weigh?


A butcher weighs meat.



You have 3 apples. If you take away 2, how many do you have?


2 If you take away 2.



Can a man living in the USA be buried in Canada?


He has to be dead first.



I'll think of more as they come to me but i forgot most of mine.

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