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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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I should point out that I still can't access the team gizka website - http://www.team-gizka.org/index.html


I've tried 3 different web browsers and tried shutting down my firewall. The only thing I can think of is that loading the page also requires the loading of some kind of ad, which my system is blocking - thus also blocking the page. I have SpywareBlaster installed, but disabling the Firefox protection still won't let me load the page.


Can anyone advise?

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Accoriding to the team forums (what's being restored?) she is a young (in the game 17) padawan who didn't get receive the most important lessons if the Jedi. She doesn't really know what's right or wrong and even studies some Sith artifacts in the hope of reviving the order...and by letting the Laigreks kill everyone on sight :xp:


Anyways, this looks SO good! Keep it up, team! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am encouraged by the fact that they're on the sixth build of 1.0b and TG has fixed a number of bugs reported in the beta, albeit there are still 27 issues to be resolved. I'm hoping for an end of summer release but I trust that TG will finish TSLRP at some point in the future. I think they've come too far and won't call it quits now.

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I am encouraged by the fact that they're on the sixth build of 1.0b and TG has fixed a number of bugs reported in the beta, albeit there are still 27 issues to be resolved. I'm hoping for an end of summer release but I trust that TG will finish TSLRP at some point in the future. I think they've come too far and won't call it quits now.

From what I can tell, T-G has been on a bug-fixing rampage ever since the release of the closed beta a month and a half ago. The bug count will go up and down and should not be regarded as some sort of countdown, as new bugs pop up on a regular basis. This is a huge project with a finicky engine, done without the benefit of a developer's toolset.


If anyone has read Obsidian's comments on the development of TSL, then they'll know that this engine is hard enough to work with when one has a developer's toolset, especially when it comes to producing cutscenes, of which the Restoration Project has a ton, made from scratch. One should not only expect a crapload of bugs, but also for this project to take just short of forever.


That they've come this far without giving up in frustration is nothing short of amazing, IMO. That they've actually released a beta is practically miraculous.


Take your time, T-G. We'll still be here "when it's done." ;)



EDIT: Fixed. :D

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Its sort of a semi-public beta, since those selected for it are from the general public. Whereas previously it was a completely closed private alpha-build.


Its very encouraging progress. To avoid starting up the "let's have a random guess at the release date" competition again, its close. Not so close that we should all be popping the metaphorical champagne corks and throwing down showers of confetti (which we will do when the mod is released), but close enough that we can all put our past doubts behind us and look to a new future in KotOR history. One where we can finally tick the little box next to our list of life goals that says "Play KotOR 2".

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I see, I'm just curious because SithRevan's mod alters the module files for those places. If Gizka didn't touch the module files, then it must be compatible right?

No, I'm afraid not. While TG doesn't alter the clothes of the Sith Marauders, other things in those modules have been changed (Like the Traya Prison for example). 903MAL, 904MAL, 905MAL and 906MAL, where the Marauders appear, I think, are all being edited by TG.

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The Trayus Academy Clothing Fix is a great mod, and I doubt that it would take much convincing for SithRevan to make it compatible with TSLRP. With the way his installer works, it may already be compatible if installed after TSLRP, but I'm only guessing here. ;)

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The Trayus Academy Clothing Fix is a great mod, and I doubt that it would take much convincing for SithRevan to make it compatible with TSLRP. With the way his installer works, it may already be compatible if installed after TSLRP, but I'm only guessing here. ;)

Yeah, shouldn't be very hard to make it compatible. It won't work if you just install it over TSLRP, because then it replaces the .mod file from TSLRP with the one from SithRevan, I think.

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