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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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I would post more screens, but a lot of the things I would like to show you are animated, and a screenshot would just not do it justice.


now Team Gizka's Policy is saying that it is coming when it's done. I personally think to have some insight in how much longer it is going to take. but to prevent disappointment by stating a timeframe which could possibly not be met, I can only say, be patient just a little longer.


there are some minor issues to work out. (not everyone agrees on what is the biggest one :p). but all in all, it's in the final stages

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Well, bump, but to make a d*** good point :)

Check this topic at their forums out. If your too lazy to go there, then:


Now, many people came up with this conspiracy that TSLRP would turn out to be another KOTF. OstermanA, one of the mods at TSLRP, stated this:

I find it amusing that Mr. Jason 'Jay' Little is referring to the leaker in the third person, since the leaked beta initially came from the user darkgamorck, whose email address was jaylittle@....com.


You want to ask the leak about the motivations? Ask him.

Jason "Jay" Little is the little prick who sent a mass PM to all Beta Testers for the Beta, saying that it "was for the good of the community" and Jay is denying everything. Yeah Right.


Source Links:

TSLRP Topic above

Codex Forums TSLRP topic

More info? Please Share :)

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Something like this was inevitable, I'm afraid. I honestly can't believe that it hasn't happened before now. It doesn't make it suck any less, though. :(


My sympathies go out to Jdnoa and Tupac Amaru, Dashus and the rest of T-G.



Who do we lynch? Which one of you beta-testers leaked it? You're a ****ing loser, whoever you are.


EDIT: @Trigger: Who is this jaylittle? How did he get a copy of the beta?

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Something like this was inevitable, I'm afraid. I honestly can't believe that it hasn't happened before now. It doesn't make it suck any less, though. :(


My sympathies go out to Jdnoa and Tupac Amaru, Dashus and the rest of T-G.



Who do we linch? Which one of you beta-testers leaked it? You're a ****ing loser, whoever you are.


EDIT: @Trigger: Who is this jaylittle? How did he get a copy of the beta?

I agree. All that can be accomplished by a leak is harm. The same thing happened to Doom 3. Someone leaked an executable of it that turned out not to be what the game was soon to be. So this leaking only serves to give a false impression of what the finished mod will be. I mean come on. To the guy who did it let me say this. Do you honestly think we're so bored with our lives, or so impatient that we can't wait for the mod that it needs to be leaked pre-maturely?

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The Black Mesa Project (mod of HL2 that recreates the HL1 game with the source engine) was also leaked a few years ago. It didn't harm the project, but it certainly didn't help it. Hopefully TG can either remove the torrent (unlikely, since major companies don't seem to be able to) or at least prevent future versions from being leaked in the same fashion.

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EDIT: @Trigger: Who is this jaylittle? How did he get a copy of the beta?

Jaylittle is, as I said, someone who sent a message to all beta testers. He didn't get one. He was the prime suspect, and somehow, Osterman reported that the same IP, ISP, and email was used by the person who got the beta.


Oh, and for all you low-lives who have to get this unreleased, leaked copy, KillerBob, the webadmin of the Team Gizka forums, said this:

And people, stop posting links to it. We all know it's been leaked. There's even a post about it up on the top in the stickified section. We don't need you guys posting more torrent links. It's being dealt with as we see fit... we've decided not to try to stop the torrent sites from hosting it, and to go after the source. Anybody downloading it is in for a surprise when they get to one of the major bugs that hasn't been fixed, and find out that their game is now unplayable. Some of them are pretty early in the game, too....
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@Trigger: Well, I wish you all the best of luck "going after the source." There is most obviously a traitor in your midst.


I think T-G made a huge mistake when they announced to the world their intent to start this project way, way, way back in 2005. They would have been better off keeping it under wraps until it was ready to be released. It would have deprived them of the publicity, but it would have also prevented all of the angst, bile and out and out nerd rage generated by the absence of a timely release. It would have also most probably prevented this leak and all of the drama surrounding it.

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Wow. That was a massive outburst there. But not unwarranted.


I think T-G made a huge mistake when they announced to the world their intent to start this project way, way, way back in 2005. They would have been better off keeping it under wraps until it was ready to be released. It would have deprived them of the publicity, but it would have also prevented all of the angst, bile and out and out nerd rage generated by the absence of a timely release. It would have also most probably prevented this leak and all of the drama surrounding it.


Too late now. Best to stick to the present, than trying to invent a time machine.

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I Won't Download This


The Game In It's Original Form Was Unfinished And People Were Upset About It


So The Question Must Be Why Play A Mod That At The Moment Is Also Unfinished


Doesn't Make Any Sense To Me

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I wish some guy in the team was psychopathic enough to put a nice...ty trojan in their beta. Every honest gamer could smile and say "Yeah, go ahead and download it :]", that would be great.


Bah, Team Gizka's been through too much to let that bother them. I'm not worrying.

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Something like this was inevitable, I'm afraid. I honestly can't believe that it hasn't happened before now. It doesn't make it suck any less, though. :(




I hope the leaker burns in **** damned hell. Anyone who downloads this will be hunted down by all honest members of the community and murdered brutally.


Yes this guy is an idiot, but you realise the above actually makes you worse than him, I mean some of you guys are getting *this* stressed over a video game? And threatening to do physical violence to him?


There are far more important things to get pumped up about... 20,000 African children died yesterday, as they did the day before, and the day before that; do something about that and save all the poo some of you have been writing here.


Yawn, more drama. I'm glad TG is grown-up enough to ignore it.




I Won't Download This


The Game In It's Original Form Was Unfinished And People Were Upset About It


So The Question Must Be Why Play A Mod That At The Moment Is Also Unfinished


Doesn't Make Any Sense To Me


Most people are idiots, especially rich westerners, who have far too much time on their hands and a much inflated opinion of themselves and think they *deserve* everything right now!


I think T-G made a huge mistake when they announced to the world their intent to start this project way' date=' way, way back in 2005. They would have been better off keeping it under wraps until it was ready to be released. It would have deprived them of the publicity, but it would have also prevented all of the angst, bile and out and out nerd rage generated by the absence of a timely release. It would have also most probably prevented this leak and all of the drama surrounding it.[/quote']


Balls. Quite simply. A project such as this I think had to be announced, TSL:RP has achieved a lot of things for the community, and contributed greatly to modding. Besides, if it hadn't been announced I'm pretty sure the KotOR community wouldn't be what it is today, as I think many stick around waiting for TSL:RP. I'm sure the team weighed up the pro's and con's.


Final thought; Some of you are real drama queens, enough with the nerd rage!

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So, after all this waiting and supporting Team-Gizka, someone finally snaps in his arrogance and selfisness and sets the project back several weeks/months.


Nice. TG now has to deal with this mess before continuing the modding process. I hope the one responsible enjoys his unstable leaked version. I hope he realises he has made the waiting for the 'NORMAL' people in his selfish actions.


It''s to early over here to post an angry rant which forces the poor idiot into hiding and mental trauma...

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So, after all this waiting and supporting Team-Gizka, someone finally snaps in his arrogance and selfisness and sets the project back several weeks/months.


To be honest, I don't see how this will slow the project down; I think things will continue as they are regardless of what has happened.

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Ehm. Apparantly there's a leak. I suspect they want to find it and shut it down. Some team-members might stop because of this (hard work is, from certain point of view, 'stolen' ).


In the worst case, they ARE set back a few weeks.

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Ehm. Apparantly there's a leak. I suspect they want to find it and shut it down. Some team-members might stop because of this (hard work is, from certain point of view, 'stolen' ).


In the worst case, they ARE set back a few weeks.


They've already cut the Beta-team down; they've acted quickly, I get the impression from over at the boards that it's a hiccup and that business will continue as normal.

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Some team-members might stop because of this (hard work is, from certain point of view, 'stolen' ).


TG has made it clear they're working on the RP for their own enjoyment and are only releasing it to the rest of the community as a courtesy. As the project isn't done yet, they're not likely (and have no reason) to stop.

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I have been summoned.


Lets get a few things straight first:


I didn't leak it. I fully admit to having tried to get the mod in the months past. I wanted to play the beta. TG has no evidence to back up their allegations on this. They claim I downloaded it from their site and that they have my home IP in their logs. They then post whois information for my web/email domain that point to a hosted server.


Go back and read the previous two sentences again and again. There is no way to derive my web/email domain name using my home IP. That is a faulty leap of logic. By claiming that is their evidence, they have only hurt their own case because one claim does not lend itself to another. What seemingly happened from my perspective is that Team Gizka checked out the leak on TBP, saw a username similar to the one I used on the TG forums to solicit their beta testers via a mass PM and assumed that I was the culprit. They then looked at my account information, saw the domain for my email address and performed a whois lookup. And as for my home IP, I was frequent visitor of their forum, so of course my IP is scattered all over the site and they would have that information already.


So if that series of deductions, which are flawed at their core if you are at all familiar with networking in general, is enough to convince people of my guilt, then I ought to be the one yelling and screaming at TG. Over the last few days, my online name has become no better than mud. And what evidence is there to drive the accusation? None at all. I have been accused of committing a range of felonies ranging from cracking their boxes to identity theft. Apparently Team Gizka is claiming they have filed a DMCA violation against me via my ISP. So if my ISP is as willing to turn a blind eye to the actual evidence on the table as the community is, then I'm probably going to lose my internet connection in a few days as well.


So really before tying me to the stake and setting it on fire, ask yourselves this: What evidence has Team Gizka provided to back up their accusations? Does Team Gizka have any evidence disproving that one of the ten beta testers they let go last night, didn't just upload the build to TPB themselves using a username that was similar to the one I had been using? They couldn't just use my darkgamorck username you know because, well I had already registered that one and was using it myself.


Frankly at this point I hope the original source and uploader was one of the beta testers that got canned because that would mean at least they got what they deserved. They had the gaul to use a username that they knew would draw attention to me and keep it focused there. Unfortunately for them, Team Gizka while in no hurry to admit to it, clearly was able to find evidence that they Beta Team had misappropriated their trust and that's why membership was sliced and diced.


So I ask all of you, before you sever my head and upload a video of the process to YouTube, just take a long hard look at the facts. The facts don't support the accusations that have been leveled against me. About the only thing you guys can accurately say about me is that I am in fact a bit amoral. To be frank, I don't feel bad about the leak. I've been watching this thing for years along with so many others. I've been hoping for a morsel of an update within the last few months but gotten nothing just like everybody else. If I had obtained it first, would I have leaked it? Probably not as I would've been spending most of my time playing it.


So believe what you will, but for at least one brief moment consider the facts. Because the facts simply don't back up the accusations being leveled at me.

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TG has made it clear they're working on the RP for their own enjoyment and are only releasing it to the rest of the community as a courtesy. As the project isn't done yet, they're not likely (and have no reason) to stop.


And now the team-gizka website is down/moved... :(

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