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How much of a Star Wars Geek are you?

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I'm the Wannabee geek, one level below the casual ones:D

But a nice set of high dexterity mandalorian armor would come in handy on the job.

Although I am geeky enough to slack off and pretend my shovel is a saber and my hammer is a p90 (SG-1) when nobody's looking:D


Oh and Cate, what's wrong with putting that on a mustang (sounds like you're enough of a fan to do it right)

don't worry about it, just be glad you have a Mustang, my Neon barely does 105:D

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I don't like this whole merchandise stuff, only article I possessed was a toy model of Darth Vader's TIE Fighter though ^^


But I own many SW pc games, including the JK and KOTOR series and I've watched all the movies and exploited the sw.com database, so I guess it's causal :D

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I'm not much of a starwars geek, i like starwars, and that's about it.

I watched episode 3, once, wearing normal clothes, not on the 19:th of may.

Rather on the 26:th of may.

The only thing i have at home that relates to starwars would be a few games and the trilogy box.

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hallucination are u sure that u read only 1 or 2 of those books I mean they are pretty good and u seem to enjoy them as u read them quicker than me +)


besides that i like sta wars and read some books and watch the movies (not the expanded ones just the six) I enjoyed the mavies 1 and 2 were disapointments.

did any1 else who plays star craft expect grevious to all of a sudden break character and scream

MY LIFE FOR AIUR ( his voice is zealotish)


signed hallucinations bro.

P.s brother u gotta up date that cup of yours its 2d man...

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Never fear, you are most assuredly not alone. "Crazy" and "Star Wars" are my middle names... or something like that. :)


Moving on, my old room is plastered with star wars items from floor to ceiling. I'm actually staying in a cave (no, really) right now so I have no room for any of it. Just a lonely Star Wars calendar. :(


Coincidentally, pertaining to the quote in your signature, I've heard that exact same phrase come from my Dad. :D


On a side note, would anyone else just love wearing a jedish robe if it were socially acceptable? Oh boy, I don't even care that they're semi star wars related, they look so comfy! :) Too hot? Fling'er off. Raining? Wrap that sucker around ya. What's not to love?



p.s. A girl, geek and you drive a 'Stang with a Trek emblem on it?


<3 ;)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

On a side note, would anyone else just love wearing a jedish robe if it were socially acceptable? Oh boy, I don't even care that they're semi star wars related, they look so comfy! :) Too hot? Fling'er off. Raining? Wrap that sucker around ya. What's not to love?

Yes I would. Even if they weren't really accepted by society, but they sold them the same way they are in movies and other people besides me would wear them, I would definately wear it all the time.

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Originally posted by cate_kroft

Ok, I think we've all noticed the immense ammount of Star Wars junk coming out for the "last movie".


Episode III is NOT the "last" in the series by any means ;) There will be 3 more Star Wars movies actually :D





I do consider myself to be a Star Wars freak. I've still got EVERY SINGLE item released during the original first three movies. :D Even the "order only" items like "The Spirit of Anakin Skywalker" from ROTJ. I decided if and when I have a kid he'll be the luckiest sucker in the world...lol

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

Episode III is NOT the "last" in the series by any means ;) There will be 3 more Star Wars movies actually :D

Actually it is. I can't find the article, but GL said he isn't making any more Star Wars movies.

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On a side note, would anyone else just love wearing a jedish robe if it were socially acceptable? Oh boy, I don't even care that they're semi star wars related, they look so comfy! :) Too hot? Fling'er off. Raining? Wrap that sucker around ya. What's not to love?


i have a bath robe that looks almost exactly like a jedi robe. its grey terry cloth and goes all the way down to the floor and even has a hood. i almost wore it to the epIII premier, however, i did not see many jedi's with their name emboridered on the chest.


hmm, but then again if real jedi can sew, then maybe real jedi masters can embroider :D

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