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Hmm allow me to try a few theories, *loads pneumatic nailer, and tours the forum looking for hapless posters to bleed*

nope nothin,

*throws basketball at monitor*


*holds on tight to football, and dives over modem*


*tries a really cool fighting move combo from DOA 7 with the stale air of my room as my opponent*


*tries doing a 4/40 sprint into monitor*

(If I keep this up, I'm gonna need new hardware)

no comment,

*really quickly, races in tomorrows Nextel Cup race*

Driver Points, but no forum points,

*suggests that the thread belongs in the technical support forum*

gets fish slapped,

*sharpens all pencils in existence*

OUCH they're sharp, yet ironically no points,

*gives up on the whole thing, puts on a bandaid and gets back to the mod tutorials*

Smartest choice yet:D

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Dude, NyQuil and Allergy meds are the only thing I've ever smoked...NO NO WAIT I DIDN'T SAY THAT I MEANT TAKEN IN THE DOCTOR RECOMMENDED MANNER, stupid mouth is faster than the brain I guess:D

Seriously dude it's just the way I am, although having a strange hallucinogenic drug producing earthsuit would explain why dreadlocked college students keep stalking me and trying to collect my sweat, that has really slowed down my work pace, because I'm always tripping over them, one actually sued me for dropping a door on him.........

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Originally posted by jedigoku

then how come no one has any


@RJM dude you really need to lay off the wacky weed

It was an old system they used to use for various stuff...



Helping Out Posts

and other stuff


You could then use those points to buy stuff for your RPG character, OR you could spend the points on stuff like changing your name... (which you can now do "free") hehehe...


They abandoned the system as far as I know...

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Sorry Goku, I forgot to list monitor gas alongside nyquil:p


So do you think that once the admins get everything cleared up, take a vacation, catch up on everything they missed on vacation, take another vacation (not insulting them, simply what I would do if I was in their place:D )

They could actually find a new use for it???

Anything that adds a fun new twist is OK with me:)

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Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE

Hmm allow me to try a few theories, *loads pneumatic nailer, and tours the forum looking for hapless posters to bleed*

nope nothin,

*throws basketball at monitor*


*holds on tight to football, and dives over modem*



Sweet,sweet,sweet weed :D .. But why are the points still there under the posts?

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THAT'S IT!!!, points for quality posts, post number only gets you glow and C ranks,

Quality posts earn you the right to other stuff like custom post background art, maybe when you reach enough it can be animated, there's all kinds of things you could do as rewards for High Quality (grammar, well thought out, well layed out, good attitude, Etc.) posts,

this would also help with spamming, not by discouraging it but by providing an alternative to the spammers goal, that requires them not to spam or flame:D :cool:


Maybe you could even have an Officer's Club forum:)


And delete any form of spell checking:vamp1:

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