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Who spars with Lightsaber?


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I am just having a hard time picturing a 30 year old running around in a grassfield saying lines from SW and pretending to use the force.


I dont think you Quite get what he means lol


I know a few months ago there was a martial arts magazine with Obiwan on the cover think it had a piece in there about Lightsaber combat in the movies and such.


I think its random sabers where you can buy Stunt Sabers with rods in them these would be perfect for sparring!




Have a look there! they also have some pretty nice custom saber designs!


Lightsaber comabt used as a excercise seems absoloutly brilliant to me! ok so the sabers arnt real but all the moves are there and its safe and fun and get you fit!


Sixshot do you ever incorporate the different Forms of lightsaber combat?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I dont think you Quite get what he means lol


I know a few months ago there was a martial arts magazine with Obiwan on the cover think it had a piece in there about Lightsaber combat in the movies and such.


I think its random sabers where you can buy Stunt Sabers with rods in them these would be perfect for sparring!




Have a look there! they also have some pretty nice custom saber designs!


Lightsaber comabt used as a excercise seems absoloutly brilliant to me! ok so the sabers arnt real but all the moves are there and its safe and fun and get you fit!


Sixshot do you ever incorporate the different Forms of lightsaber combat?


Well, I haven't try that though.

No manuals I know of show me the fighting styles.

Count Dooku does the Makashi, right?


I do know a couple sword of sword techniques like the Wu Dang 7 Star formation or Er Mei Execution stab.

I got the book for referance.

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For start, I don't know really know much about saber styles.

I emulated the styles from Chinese sword styles.

For example, I mentioned the Wu Dang 7 Star formation; it's 7 men wielding swords in the formation of the Big Dipper. These 7 men have to be trained from young for that.

It is a defensive formation. When used properly, it can hold off 100 men.


The Er-Mei execution stab is a swift lethal jab from a sword as a classic "Finish 'em" move. The Er-Mei are made of nuns entirely. Being female, they have none of the stamina or strength in males. So they rely on swift & desicive moves to determine the fight.


There is also a quasi Force thingy about it.

In a Chinese novel, a master by the name: Dugu Qiubai (say: Doo Guu Chuyou Baai) meaning "Alone & Seeks for Defeat" is so well versed that even a stick in his hands becomes a weapon. His philosophy is that: "Although my hand have no sword, but in my heart, has a sword therefore I have in my hands"


His principle of no technique equals best technique because one cannot break a form if there is no form. Therefore, in theory this style of fighting has no style and cannot be defeated.


It only uses attack techniques. The idea is that when one forces one’s enemy to have no other choice but to defend himself, there is no need to defend one’s self.

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  • 1 month later...

Sparring is basically martial arts. Ergo: Jet Li. It's marginal.



I haven't seen the trailer, no. Thanks for the link. :)


I suppose you've seen the movie "Hero", right? There was some excellent choreographed "swordfights" in that movie (along with stunning scenery, etc.). Some really amazing moves that must have taken a while to perfect. Something of that magnitude to act out (basically, spar) would really...top...one’s achievement list.

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Sorry about going way off the subject, guys.

I apologise for that.


But that's where one get inspiration of sparring from.

Imagine Star Wars' saber scenes are vibrant, over the top and at times, incredulous.

It adds to the magic of Star Wars.

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Sparring is basically martial arts. Ergo: Jet Li. It's marginal.



I haven't seen the trailer, no. Thanks for the link. :)


I suppose you've seen the movie "Hero", right? There was some excellent choreographed "swordfights" in that movie (along with stunning scenery, etc.). Some really amazing moves that must have taken a while to perfect. Something of that magnitude to act out (basically, spar) would really...top...one’s achievement list.


That's Jet Li's last movie.

The docs says After years of training & fighting, Jet's bones are screwed for life.

The man's trained at Shaolin temple since he was a boy.

He punched at vat of beans for hour to harden his knuckles, was so tough that he can tear phonebooks in half with his bare hands.


At least Jackie Chan didn't wind up like him even though he and Eviel Kneivel can compare who broke the most bones.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can you spar with force FX sabers? I thought they were props!


@Skye: Fencing is good but not my style. Far too "English" for my liking (even though I am English).


In my opinion its the lightsabers that are the best part of StarWars. Some of the scenes are sooo cool especially in RotS! After watching RotS I watched RotJ and was so disapointed because I remembered the sparring to be really googd in that but compared to RotS its pretty crap.


I aways used to spar with my brother. We Always had blistered knuckles from hitting each others hands with wood and metal but you get used to it. We started hitting each others sticks and poles et cetera so hard that every pole of wood got splintered and metal got snapped (hollow metal poles). We used Iron rods once and dented them loads.


Nowadays my bro doesnt relly do it so I piss about with snooker cues and stuff :D. I dont really focus on trying to learn forms I just copy off films and stuff (ever seen Bullet Proof Monk..?) I am really "elagant" (if thats the right word) sometimes. I can spin poles with my hands (and one hand) REALLY fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ahh, yess, once... it was good, coordinated... shok_tinoktin was with me on that one, although we didn't call them lightsabers, they were "electro-toxicators" or something to that effect... couldn't call them lightsabers, as it was for a school project... but we used the single blade, dualies, and the double-blade... man that was fun... took a long time coordinating though, and even then, some improvisation took place... man, that was fun

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, sparring with lightsabers has no age limit. Just because we're not physically kids anymore doesn't mean we can't still be kids at heart. :D

My friends/sisters and I used tomato stakes and broom sticks after SW and ESB came out (they really didn't have anything else then, and the toy lightsabers fell apart or bent if you hit them too much). Then some of us graduated to fencing, and some of us graduated to history re-enacting clubs that use either fencing gear or fake swords.

However, when my son got a couple of toy lightsabers for a gift, I, of course, had to try them out by sparring with him. Too fun!

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Hey, sparring with lightsabers has no age limit. Just because we're not physically kids anymore doesn't mean we can't still be kids at heart. :D

My friends/sisters and I used tomato stakes and broom sticks after SW and ESB came out (they really didn't have anything else then, and the toy lightsabers fell apart or bent if you hit them too much). Then some of us graduated to fencing, and some of us graduated to history re-enacting clubs that use either fencing gear or fake swords.

However, when my son got a couple of toy lightsabers for a gift, I, of course, had to try them out by sparring with him. Too fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

lucky me, i fight with lightsabers, and i used to fight with Katanas.....that was fun...hehe..bloody....at times (this was a martial arts dojo that i was in at the time, but still was bloody. i have a very faint scar running from my left shoulder to my right hip frim a near miss..)

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