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Cantina 14: The Guardians Of Peace And Justice


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Gladsheim Station, Throne Room


Rwos: I want to speak plainly. I have told the others nothing, with of course the exception of Gilian. The other Blades have come, I believe, because Nereli is cautious. K'Warra K'laar is considered very dangerous, and you Aesir are an unknown factor. Combine those two, in addition to the reason for us coming here...


The Blades are in this universe to wipe it clean of "rogues" - expatriates of our universe - to investigate the Blood Scrolls prophecies, and if appropriate start diplomatic relations with the powers of this dimension. I am essentially under house arrest because I have become involved with the social affairs of this dimension. The reason I wanted to speak to your father directly is that I have rather disturbing hints of information from K'laar.


I was also told by your father that the name of the Jotuns was not to be uttered by me in this dimension. Now these Blades, except Gilian, though they know of a large part of the Blood Scrolls, do not know what Odin has told me of his portion. I have not told them of the Jotuns and I have not told them about Gerd and her role in prophecy. But they know vague hints about what the Jotuns are, and they know of Gerd - and it is because the demon Sejhan, mentioned in the Scrolls, knows about her, and them, and so K'Warra learned of her. It would appear Sejhan is hunting her and intends to kill her. He was one step away from succeeding when K'Warra was freed from his control.


Now, where is your father?

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*Deac rises*


Deac: Well, I'd best be off. My transport leaves in a few hours and I need to get set. Take care old friend. We'll have another glass once we've dealt with whatever monstrosity's in THIS one...


*Deac salutes and leaves, heading toward the Military Loading dock*

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Hyperspace: Outside Korriban System


*Irvine kept at his post, watching the slue swirls of hyper space. Suddenly his console beeps violently, and Irvine kills the hyperdrive.*


Irvine *Reading the console* "Gravity wells. Father must have put those there."


*Irvine starts pressing a few buttons and then the Llamda-class shuttle's engines begin to roar as Irvine pilot's the craft forward.*


Irvine "Ah ha!" *looking on the shuttle's sensors* "There's a gap in the gavity wells. One of the unit's failed!"


*Irvine continues to pilot the craft, and he zips the shuttle past the destoryed Gravity well generator and races towards the planet.*

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Yaga Minor


Agric: What do you want me to say? Tha I will raise an army to oppose you and we will have a bloody and destructive Civil War while the Rebels snatch planets from under our noses. I am offering you the chance to destroy the Rebellion and the Jedi once and for all.


Idona's Office


Drago: Ten thousand dead are not a small problem, nor should they be brushed off lightly. *He holds up his hand* Do not tell me millions could have died, I am aware of the questions of scale here. Regardless, the only reason for withholding information about the Heloki would be if you wanted to use them, or something like them, against us in the future. Further, since you have dumped this in our collective laps for perpetuity and without warning you owe us at least this information. We could fight them without it but that would mean higher casualties and a larger group might even break containment.


If you don't want to give information about your own movements and operations then fine but you have no reason for witholding information on the Heloki themselves.

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Gladsheim Station: Jedi Quarters


Godwyn: Very true. I'm a little hungry would either of you like to accompany me to see one of their resturants?



Throne Room: Side room


Vidar: I am aware of what my father has told you, and if you remember I'm well acquainted with the blood scrolls, at least our half. Anything you wish to tell my father you can tell me and my sister. His location isn't important but he is listening...



Idona's Office


Idona: Those ten thousand are dead, nothing you or I do will change it. Nor was I referring to them or their death as a small problem. I was referring to the small and I do emphasize small band that you have contained.


You by no means have all the Heloki contained, you don't even know where their homeworlds are. We have given your leaders sufficent information on the Heloki to deal with this small band, we will give you no more.


The facts of this are very simple General, the Heloki are kept under containment by our forces. A small group broke containment, we then nformed your government and the empire, by the time your Senate got around to doing anything about it, ten thousand died. We also provided intell on the Heloki for you. There is nothing else we owe you, if we owed you even that much.


If we wanted to use the Heloki or something like them against you, you can be assured that We would never have told you about them in the first place. Nor would we have given you any information on them.


Now do you have any questions?

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Coruscant: Jedi Temple


*Volmount stops his speeder near the temple. He looks at the serene peaceful walls in the night sky. Whom wich he hadnt seen since his youth.


He parks his speeder around the corner. He begins to walk back turning the corner to make his way to the temple. But when he turns he sees a large field of tall grass surrounding a large building made of stone....*


Flashback; Planet Chis: 10 years ago


*In the field two teenage padawan are training with training lightsabers, one had dark hair, and the other a redhead, both cut short. The two had kept at each other, both attempting to keep at the offencive, but their clumsy styles let the other retake the offensive.


Volmount kept his distence watching the two. Suddenly the dark haired one let's out a scream and swings down with his saber, the redhead blocks it and they are in a saber lock. Both pushing agenst each other, this goes on for at least 20 seconds before the redhead pushes himself forward and then kicks the dark haired padawan onto his back.*


Redhead "Come on Sir-vin! I thought Master Chi's favorate student!"


Volmount *snapping at his student* "Bolock! Mind your tounge!"


Bolock "Master he!"


Volmount *showing his disappointment* "That is not how any student act like that, it isn't mindful of your feelings, and your focas is distracted..."


*The young Sir-Vin stands up, looking at his training partner, not happy.*


Volmount "And now, look what you've done Bolock. You're taunting will only harbor hate, hate begets hate. And if you don't stop you're going to create more and it will only be redirected at you. You can see it now... Sir-vin, go and take a breather..."


*Sir-vin extingishes his saber and storms off. Volmount walks up to his student. Before Volmount realizes it he's seeing the walls of the temple.*


Coruscant: Present day


*Volmount throws his hood on and walks into the foyer.*

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Maw Installation, Main Observation Deck


Herod: Lord Hailfire! A pleasure, I am Research Executor Herod, and am most pleased the Emperor has sent such a distinguished representitive to oversee the final stages of testing. *Herod gives a bow, and stands straight again. His additude screams of pride in his work.*


Now, I assume that you have read the briefing that the Emperor no doubt gave you, and that this weapon is fully armed and operational now. We were just about to put the ship through her last paces give a demonstration on it's power, and let me tell you, we have made great strides in cutting down the recharge time down to 10 minutes! 10 minutes! the orginal design called for 15! And we think the mext model we can push it down to 5!


Yaga Minor


Cracken: Please brother, that "Rebellion" is no longer our concern. With any republic, it will again fall into decedance and once again, we will be there to pick up the pieces.


If you haven't noticed, "brother".....


The War is over.

The Jedi are no longer a threat to the Sith.


However, your Sith Army is impressive, and I must say, Father would be impressed.....


*grumbling* As usual...


Nevertheless, I don't exactly have a need for 3,000 Sith now, unless you have a suggestion for thier use?

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((Cracken, see PMs.))


Gladsheim Throne Room - Side Room


Rwos: If that is how it must be. I have refrained from interrogating K'Warra K'laar as closely as I might have wished. I felt the only course of action that would remain true to my promise to your father was to bring him here. To you. Besides that, I suspect you Aesir would better understand this situation than I.




Mos Eisley Cantina, Tatooine


Aren: Thank you. *She takes the satchel* Here's your mission... I want you to locate Farran. He has... well, essentially stormed off. He's still on-planet, but... well. He isn't quite in his right mind. Probably a result of the drastic upheaval of his life when Cracken defeated the Imperial Seperatists. I would appreciate it if you could find him. Don't let him see you, if possible...

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Gladsheim Station: Throne Rooom-side room


Vidar: And what will these other blades be doing while we interrogate K'Warra K'larr?



Idona's Office


Idona: Nothing has changed General. The Heloki are your problem, just not the entire Heloki civilization. I told your leaders three weeks ago the Heloki are one of the evils we have kept contained and now feel you are ready to face, my Lord Odin then said that dealing with this thread would be your responsiblity.


All of which is true, we just never told your leaders you only had a small band of Heloki to deal with. Why did we do that? The answer is simple, so your government would take this threat seriously and begin to prepare to defend itself against outside threats. Eventually the galaxy proper will have to defend itself agasint the entire Heloki civilization, for now you have this small band to deal with and learn from.


Now General, since you have no questions for me and I have other work I must get to, this meeting is over. The Valkyrie will show you to your ship. Review the information we gave your leaders and best of luck in dealing the Heloki.


*As Idona stood a Valkyrie entered the office. Idona gave a breif nod to Drago and then the Valkyrie before leaving*


Valkyrie: General, if you would follow me.


*The Valkyrie took Drago, who was flanked by two Einherjar back to the hanger bay which his shuttle landed in. The Valkyrie pulls out a data disk from a belt pouch*


Valkyrie: Take this General *handing him the disk*, it has all the information on the Heloki that was given to your leaders, plus the size and composition of the band you have contained. Your shuttle and escort have already been given departure clearance, have a nice flight.


*The Valkyrie turns and leaves. The two einherjar stand and wait*

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Gladsheim Station: Jedi Quarters


"I'll stay here," Alyssa said. "It seems like I've been travelling a lot lately and..." She glanced at Riebe as the older woman gave an amused chuckle, "... and I'm feeling a little tired."


"I'll join you," Riebe told Godwyn. "I must be used to traveling... it doesn't affect me as it seems to affect Alyssa."

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*Drago turns and boards the shuttle without a word. Once aboad he nods to the pilot.*


Drago: We have clearance, take us out.


Pilot: Yes General.


*Drago sinks into one of the shuttles seats and rubs his eyes, then looks over at the woman curled up in one of the other seats reading a book.*


Sellenna: It did not go well?


Drago: Not really, they are as arrogant as ever. Do as they please with no regard for others. I don't think they care at all how many of us die, so long as we learn some lesson they wish to teach us. Had Idona given me more time I would have pointed out that we were at war when they dumped this in our lap, I don't believe for a moment the containment breach was anything but deliberate.


Sellenna: What will you do about the Heloki on C-34-T-78?


Drago: Neutron bombardment, irradiate the planet. There are no sentiant lifeforms and the planet was terraformand anyway. I'm not letting any of those hairy bastads get away. Had we known ealier I would have sent in troops, Wookies, Barabels, Agamari Houseguards. As it is we didn't.

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ISD Damocles


Comm: They're...talking sir. We've been reassigned.


Stormbaltz: I see. We're no longer wanted in this new empire. Where too now then, Lieutenant?


Comm: We're doing a houseclearing mission at an old Research base of ours in neutral space. We think the Republic's going to send their own team.


Stormbaltz: Have us hyper out. We're not going to let the Rebels get hold of whatever's there.


I have a bad feeling about this. Nothing good ever comes out of these bases.

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((BD: Did you mean "so long as we learn some lesson they wish to teach us."? Side note, I do find Drago calling the Aesir arrogant this time rather amusing. :)))


Gladsheim Station:


*Idona was walking along a corridor when she ran into Valda.*


Idona: Good evening, where are you off to?


Valda: I'm just about to get something to eat. Care to join me?


Idona: Sure, the troop reviews can wait a little while longer. How did welcoming the Jedi go?


Valda: Well, kept my answers short and very crips but that didn't get to them. Oh hunter Reibe is with the two masters.


Idona: Really? Surprised I wasn't informed. How did she react to seeing you again?


Valda: She took it in stride. How the meeting go with Drago?


Idona: As well as to be expected from a meeting with him. He demanded information, I told him no and cut the meeting short. I might have given him some more info on the Heloki if he actually asked for our help.


Valda: To bad, well we're here.


*Valda and Idona walked into a large open arch. Inside was a large busy resturant, soothing hammered dulicmer music was playing with a variety of other instruments, there was a low level buzz of converstation.


Valda and Idona stood just in the doorway, waiting for a table to open up for them*


Gladsheim Station: Jedi Quarters


Godwyn: Then shall we?


*Godwyn and Reibe walked along the corridors looking for a resturant when Godwyn saw Valda standing in the archway*


Godwyn: Well this is suppose to be a resturant, and there is Kiyala. Want to see if she would like some company?

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Coruscant: Jedi Temple


*Volmount walks into the large halls of the Temple. There were a few droids scurrying about. A few padawans talking to one another, but otherwise a quiet night.


Volmount hears a buzz on his belt. He walks to an alcove and pulls out a holocom, which transmits to his shuttle, then transmits to Horris.


He turns it on and the image of a hoodded Jedi appears.*


Holograph *female's voice* "Master Volmount, I was told that your visit to Coruscant will take a while, yes?"


Volmount "Yes my old friend. I'm afriad that young Sir-vin wasn't able to make proper relations with the new order."


Jedi "So, how long has it been since you stood in those walls. End of the Clone Wars was it?"


Volmount "Not important now."


Jedi *laughs* "Well if you haven't noticed yet Coruscant runs their daytimes a bit earilyer then you'd see on Horris."


Volmount "I know. There's always someone up. If not I'll just come back in the morning."


Jedi "And what about young Sir-Vin?"


Volmount "Don't know yet. I no longer sense Chi. I don't know yet."


*Volmount turns off the holocom, and puts it away*

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Gladsheim Station: Resturant


*Godwyn and Reibe approach Valda and Idona.*


Godwyn: Excuse me my ladies would you care if we joined you?


*Idona glanced quickly over at Valda*


Idona: Sure, it would be our pleasure. Nice to see you again Reibe.


*A droid walks up shortly after*


Droid: If my ladies, and master jedi would follow me I'll show you to your table.


*The droid leads the quartet through a curving line of tables before coming a round table in the back corner.*


Droid: Your waiter will be with you shortly, have a nice evening.


*The droid left quickly as everyone sat down*


Idona *after everyone was seated*: I hope you are having a pleasant stay so far. How do you like our station?

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Riebe smiled. "The station is quite impressive... though I must admit the station itself failed to attract my attention so much as the two of you." She turned to Godwyn. "You've met Kiyala. The other is Tassia."


Turning back to Idona and Valda, she continued. "After searching my memory, I can distinctly remember announcements of the deaths of both of you." With a chuckle, she added, "But to find you both alive now is not so surprising as it may have been... had I not also been assumed dead."

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Gladsheim Station - Throne Room


Rwos: K'Warra is under containment. He's on the ship Silver and cannot be moved. Blades would be present during the interrogation.




Mos Eisley, Tatooine


*Farran walks along the dusty streets of Mos Eisley, fuming, Artemis following him*


Farran: These thrice-damned suns. I'm sick of this dustball. I'm sick of this goddamned Shadow, sick of her manipulating us, keeping us at her beck and call, taunting us with the display of her power...


Artemis: Farran, wait, think about this. Where else do we have to go?


Farran: Anywhere but here. Start over on some backwater planet... some other backwater planet.


Artemis: But if what Aren said was true... besides the Executioners could still be looking for you...


Farran: Let them! It'd be about goddamned time.




Maw Installation, Main Observation Deck


Starr: That is all very well, Research Executor. But I would prefer you explained the status of the... most interesting power system this Starscream has been built around. I understand that you have 'cultured' a massive organic-technological component to this ship... including the power source, and the majority of the ship's inner workings, eliminating the need for 90% of the standard Destroyer's crew, and, coupled with advances in technology research, increasing the possible weapons power by a factor of several thousand percent. That aside... am I to understand that this Starscream is an organism - that it is, in actuality, a living thing?

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Maw Installation


*Herod nodded, though he thought that the Emperor's representitive would be more.... intelligent. He was careful to try not to show his contempt. He remembered several researchers under the first Emperor who showed that contempt to Lord Vader that meet an... untimely end.*


Herod: The organic-technological power system is actually a living organism. It was engineered in this very facility, as Cracken wished to find a new power source for the future designs of the Crimson Star, or perhaps... *his eyes gleemed* another, more powerful Death Star.


Where a standerd power generator is your standered hypermatter annihilator, like in your Star Destroyers, this actually is an organism that is a self feeding being. It re-uses it's waste as food, and generates 1,000,000 times the power of the Crimson Stars' reactor. It's a wonderful self sustatining system. Once we began to feed it, we simply let it run.


Now, because its' a living being, many of the ship functions have been automated by the organism itself. We bio-engineered it to need similar living enviroment to humans, and it provides a proper breathing atmosphere for the few crew needed, and is also a air scrubber, recycling the air. It also eats the waste those few generate, thus, the need for large scale garbage disposals is eliminated.


The superlaser itself has been streamlined to use all this power more efficiantly. The charge batteries have been made vastly more efficiant in capacity since Endor, thus, we can fire the laser at least 10 times under powered, and 5 times at full power. To recharge it takes, as I said before 10 minutes, but I believe that future cultures of this being can be made genetically better, and the technology behind the superlaser improved where we can have near constant dischargings at full power.


Lastly, this organism is not sentiant. It obeys the will of the Imperial Family alone. Which means.... also you.


*Outside, the Starscream was moving into position, around it, arrayed several ships of varying class, from Star Destroyers to smaller Cruisers......*

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*Irvine's commandeered shuttle touches down a few miles from the temple. Irvine leaves the cockpit and walks to the cargo bay, opening the ramp while he do so.


He steps out of the ship and looks up high at the temple, and the ledge that Cracken and Starr jumped on a single bound, while leaving him on the ground having to climb up. He didn't think it wasn't as much as a task now.


He takes a step onto the tainted ground of the planet, and a familar sensation of coldness crawls its way up Irvine's spine. He staggers a few steps, regaining his composure. He walks up to the wall face and looks up once again, detrimination was on his face, then he calms it, closing his eyes.


Then he opens then again, clam. He crouches then leaps into the air having the force assist his ascent. He gets to about as high as being able to grasp the ledge. He grabs on and kicks off of the wall and flips onto the ledge.


He stands up brushing himself off he walks in...*

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Coruscant, Tower Overlooking Docks


*Gamma crouches over a sniper rifle, taking direct aim at Deac's head. He puts his finger on the trigger when he is suddenly hit on the head by a large fist. He rolls to the side and looks up to see...Deac*


Gamma: What?! What are you meant to be?


Omega: You will not carry out the purpose I was created for.


Gamma: He has to be destroyed! I am the superior model! Your project is over!


Omega: The project is over. I am tying up all the loose ends. I was created to kill Deac Starkiller and all remaining specimins from the Avatar project. We three are all that remain.


*Gamma fires his blaster pistol at Omega, who shrugs it off as a personal shield shimmers*


Gamma: None of us had...none of us had that augmentation! There were only two viable samples! Alpha was a failure.


Omega: Your mistake was to assume I am human. * He punches Gamma in the stomach*

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