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Cantina 14: The Guardians Of Peace And Justice


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((Scar, reread my last post.


*"Nobody" leaps backwards, over Kal's head, then kicks him towards Deac as the apprentice turns.


He stands directly in front of the hatch.*



Imperial Base, Datacore


Nobody: I never said I'd 'let' you destroy it. It's not as if I can stop you, on the other hand. However, you'll not pass me.


*As the figure walks in, "Nobody" switches to a sideways stance*


Nobody: You, too?


*An explosion sounds nearby, but out of sight.


A spiderweb of portals tears through the datacore wall*




Shadow Base, Tatooine


*Aren disembarks from her ship, flanked by Shadows. Farran follows*


Farran: What in seven hells just happened?


Aren: A draw, that's what.


Farran: What are you talking about? Who was that girl?


Aren: I don't know exactly. We have a great deal of theories.


Farran: What? What was that Blade doing there? And that gargoyle... was that K'Warra K'laar? Who were the others?


Aren: They were there for the same reason we were. Making their moves in the game.


*They reach the portal back to the base. Aren opens it and steps through. On the other side, she heads for Kioet*


Farran: I don't understand. Where did that girl and the gargoyle go?


Aren: That's the biggest problem we have right now. *to Kioet* You seem eager to get moving... might you happen to be ready for your next mission? You'd need to leave within the next two minutes.

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[OK, final post for two weeks as I'm off to Vancouver. See you in August]


Imperial Base, Datacore


Comm: Sir! The reactor's collapsing and portals are opening everywhere. We've got one in your location...we have to go through!


Deac: Very well. *He throws his lightsabers at the top and bottom of the datacore, removing it from it's mounts and charges at it, grabbing it*




*The two techs diver through, followed by Deac, carrying the datacore.*

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Elysium: Blackwald


Strider nodded quietly in agreement with Riebe. "Even after I had departed from the rest of the Sith Hunters, whom before long many thought me to be dead, I had an encounter with a particularly strong Sith Lord. It was a hard fight, but after I took him down, I became the hunted, his followers began to stalk me wherever I went. They proved such a constant threat I had to fake my death to throw them off long enough to get to somewhere where I would have the advantage in a fight, and managed to take them out in small groups of five as they began to track me again," he explained.


He turned to Riebe, then back to Idona and said, "Those of us who did learn from their arrogance became much stronger as warriors. We realized that we were not immortal, that we were not infallable, and we have thus improved upon our weaknesses."

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((OOS: Scar, Deac's characters need 'alone time' at this point. ;)))


Imperial Base, Datacore


*The portals close shut as fast as they had opened. A new spiderweb of portals opens through the room after it, then closes for another line to open, like seams unraveling and being resewn.*


Nobody: *still in a guard stance* Oh? How did you get here?




Cantina, Shadow Base


Aren: Follow me. You'll need to take one of our ships this time. *They walk back through the portal into the hangar, arriving next to a relatively small, unusually shaped ship the color of charcoal* We've installed what we call a W-capable engine drive on it, which will let you use a shortcut to arrive at your destination within minutes or less. The computer will need to control your flight plan until you get there. The situation you'll be going into may be extremely dangerous. If you want to opt out, now's the time.

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Elysium: Blackwald


Odin: That Rwos is fine for Gillian, what about Orion? Given her hostility towards us, I doubt she would agree to such a deal. Futhermore, how could we trust a person who hates us, believes we only want Gerd for a tool, and are evil?



Elysium: Blackwald, another part


Idona: I really just wanted you to think about them and keep them in mind since our prey is far deadlier then they were. Later on you will recive a more detailed briefing, for the time being it will be sufficent for you to know that our prey was once allied to the ancient masters of what then could be called the Sith. In the wars that followed, Sith Lords and warriors were used as cannon fodder to allow our prey to penatrate the defending lines.


Now if you would please do a quick examination of the area, and come back with anything you find exceptionally odd.


((There should be plenty, just check the battle a page or two back)).

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((Because I am a stickler for my magic, WJ, see PMs. :)))


Elysium: Blackwald


Rwos: Orion?


*Orion doesn't look at him*


Rwos: *to Odin* Excuse me a moment. *His words become intelligible. From the looks on several of the Blades' faces, they do not understand the language either. Nereli and Slythe are among those who seem to understand.


After a brief exchange, Rwos switches languages again*


Rwos: Then will you follow your pride, or will you help us?


*Orion looks at the expressions of those around her, realizing Rwos had said that for all to appear. Abruptly a look of shame crosses her face*


Orion: I will help you.




Shadow Base, Tatooine


*The hatch of Kioet's ship opens.* [Assuming Kioet boards] *The ship lifts open, and a hangar bay door opens. Beyond the door is a bright blue expanse, threaded with electricity. Kioet's ship streaks forward into the blue.


In less than two minutes, the blue clears away to reveal space. A large group of asteroids is located nearby. The ship follows an automated course towards one of the largest asteroids. A base is set up on the rock. Kioet's ship flies into the docking bay, then releases the hatch.


Kioet's suit displays a path for him to follow, leading into the interior of the base*


Aren: *comm* Tell me, Kioet... what do you know about interdimensional travel? How about other universes?


((OOS: Scar probably won't read this, judging from his habits reading the RPG lately, but "Figure" should sense Kioet, a Sleeper, arriving...))

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((Oh i have red, i have.


i try and read other peoples posts too :)))


Imperial Base: Core


*The figure stops dead in his tracks before he reaches the portal. He spins around in the direction of Kioet.*


Figure "Another...."

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((Thanks for the PM, Red... forwarded it to Flamehart too... so's he can catch some of the stuff too. And I've assumed that the area where they had the fight has become a fairly large clearing due to what happened there.))



Elysium: Blackwald



Riebe glanced at Strider, Godwyn, and Alyssa before nodding and heading out, checking to be sure her companions were following.


"I suggest spreading out slightly," Riebe said aloud. "Not so far as we can't see one another and immediately offer aid if we need it. Cover more area while still offering protection to one another."


Alyssa nodded and moved to her right. Riebe moved a little to the left and kept glancing to the right, always ensuring she could see her companions.


Four sets of footprints, Alyssa spoke to the hunters through the Force. Two have three toes and two seem to be wearing boots. They seem to have appeared out of nowhere.


Keep following them, Riebe instructed, catching a peculiar patch of trees ahead of her. Keep us posted.


"Frozen," she murmured, approaching the shattered trees. Carefully, she lifted a frozen piece of wood and stared at it for a moment. A few moments later, Alyssa reported that two sets of footprints, one three-toed and one booted vanished as untraceably as they'd appeared.


Then, all four hunters came out into a very unnatural clearing.


"I'd say this counts for... unusual," Riebe murmured.

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Kioet over comm to Aren: This is all new to me. Though I have heard fictational stories of interdimensional travel, I remember a holodrama that would play in the theatre in Keren, Naboo around the time the death star was destroyed, it was playing for about a season or two before the Imperial officials shut it down permanantly...something about it creating dissent by depicting an army from another universe joining the rebellion and overthrowing the Empire. I never gave much thought to it though.

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((Again, sorry guys, been busy at http://www.totalwar.org ))


Air Boss: Point guns are hot, the E-Wings are firing.


Thats 3 more boggies down, make that 5.


2 more targets down, 3km and closing.


Point guns live, report no kills


Report 2 kills.


A-Wings got off their last volley, fighters pealing off.


Enemy still on intercept course.


2km, and closing.


Report 2 more kills.


Countermeasures: Shields at full strength, all generatory on line.


Air Boss: Approaching minimum range.... No kills.


They're past the guns, we've got 5 boggies on dead run!


Impact in five!












*The sound of the ships striking the shields reverberates throughout the Battlecrusier and the lights dim momentarilly as the defensive systems draw power.*


Admiral Fargan: Damage report!


*Over speeker*


Sir, this is engineering, we've sustained no direct damage but the mid-port-upper shield overloaded and some of the relays are burned out, I'm getting reports of minor fires on several decks, nothing serious.


Drago: *To Air Boss* How long until you can have more fighters in the air?


Air Boss: They're launching now, General.


Drago: Good, as soon as they're in position recall Colonel Flax and tell him I'll see him in my office.


Drago's Office, Defiance II


Twenty minutes later


*Drago sits behind his desk, his uniform jacket open and a pot of Caf on the desk infront of him. Sellenna reclines on a sofa with her needlework. Drago sips his Caf and the door chimes.*


Drago: Enter!


*The door swishes open and Hal enters still in full flight gear.*


Hal: The duty officer said it was important.

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Imperial Base


Aren: *comm* Most people in this galaxy have aware that other universes exist. The concept has existed in your fiction for some time. But the reality is that this universe has been visited by travelers from other universes for a long time.


*A display readout pops up on Kioet's viewscreen, showing the layout of the base. A blinking light appears on one portion of the map*


Aren: I'll finish explaining later. There's a being who just appeared at this location. He must be ...detained. Get to him as fast as possible.

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Elysium Blackwald


*Idona walks behind the hunters quietly observing them*


Idona: Why do you say this is strange? More importantly what conclusions can you draw from this clearing?




*Odin looks at Rwos*


Odin: I need a little more then just that Rwos...what did you say to Orion to make her even for that short time say she would help us? And how do I know that will hold when it seems she so unwilling...

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Elysium, Blackwald


Rwos: Then... I will do nothing to protect her. *He pauses, and looks at Nereli*


Nereli: *smiling slightly and stepping forward* Ward of the Blades Orion Rish'tal, you are now considered under custody of the Blade Society while you remain in this dimension. You are to remain in company of a Blade under my command at all times. Without my permission you are not to perform any action that assists, resists or pertains to any inhabitant of this dimension. Should you violate this mandate, you will be immediately removed from this dimension and placed under Council arrest, and depending on the severity of the violation subject to execution. Do you agree to these terms?


*Orion pauses. She looks at Rwos, then at Odin, then all around*

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Elysium, Blackwald


Rwos: We both can only do what we must do. There is no point looking back.


Orion: I agree to this.


*Nereli motions to Slythe. Slythe steps smoothly to Orion's side and clamps a metallic collar with a silvery weave around her neck.*


Nereli: As you have agreed, so you shall be held to it.


*A facial muscle in Orion's face twitches, but she doesn't say anything.*


Gilian: Then are we finished here?

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Imperial Base: Core


*The figure continues to attempt to use his senses to find the sleeper, but he couldn't find a presence in the force. He grits his teeth and then glances over to 'Nobody'. He walks over to him and looks at him. He then grabs 'Nobody's' hood and throws it off.*

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Drago's Office


Drago: Yes come in, sit down. *He gestures to the chair infront of his desk.*


Sellenna: Would you like some Caf?


Hal: No, thankyou Aunt. *He sits.*


Drago: I want your opinion on the demeanor of the Aesir, given that my last meeting with them was less than spectacular. I've never known them to be a duplicitous race, nor an unfair one but there was nothing of value on either of the two disks you brought back.


Hal:...Two disks?


Drago: Yes, two disks, neither of which had much of worth on them, that made sense anyway.


Hal: Ah.....There were three disks.


Drago: I didn't get three disks.


Hal: Errr....*He reaches into his flightsuit and profers an Aesiren data disk.* I suppose I forgot about it, what with the attack on Coruscant and everything else.


Drago: Get out....Now, before I do something the medics can't fix, I'll come up with a suitable punishment later.


*Hal leaves, very shame faced.*


*Sellenna sits foward, her pretence of languid disinterest forgotten.*


Sellenna: It must be a key-disk of some kind, without all three you get nothing..


Drago: Nothing without a week at DCrypto anyway.


*He inserts all three disks into the desk's holoprojector.*

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