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Favorite Vong from the NJO


Who's your Favorite Yuuzhan Vong?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's your Favorite Yuuzhan Vong?

    • Shimrra
    • Omini
    • Tsavong Lah
    • Nom Anor
    • Czulkang Lah
    • Khalee Lah
    • Harrar
    • Nas Choka
    • Nen Yim
    • Other

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I liked the Yuuzhan Vong, I thought that they were a pretty hardcore, and vicious group, they showed some great potential, and there were some memorable characters on their side, I was just curious as to who everyone liked from their side, if they liked any, or am I just a sick twisted individual, who wanted to see the Vong rule the galaxy? I voted for Nom Anor.

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I liked the Yuuzhan Vong, I thought that they were a pretty hardcore, and vicious group, they showed some great potential, and there were some memorable characters on their side, I was just curious ass to who everyone liked from their side, if they liked any, or am I just a sick twisted individual, who wanted to see the Vong rule the galaxy?


ass? :lol: I never really read any books that were post-ROTJ. Too much drama.

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Never read 'em. Don't want to read 'em.


From what I heard, the series wasn't that good, and the Vong were pretty much stupid super-being rip-offs of other species or whatever you want to call it. Even when I heard about some of the things in the post-RotJ that happened I really didn't like it. I don't really care for anything in that time period right now, none of it seems any good.


And I still am sitting in shock that our beloved Chewbacca was killed by the author of one of those post-RotJ books!

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I didn't like the Vong at all, for a lot of reasons. I didn't find them particularly interesting. It had been a while since I looked at any NJO so I read the short story at the back of The Joiner King (Ylesia I think?) and that just turned me off all over again. When I read about the living "space ship" that opened its mouth and used its tongue as a boarding ramp, I gave up.


For me the biggest issue was that I didn't like the Vong, but I didn't like the new Jedi (Jacen, Jaina, Kyp, etc.) either. I wanted them both to be destroyed. It is hard to enjoy a series when you hope most characters on both sides die...

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...For me the biggest issue was that I didn't like the Vong, but I didn't like the new Jedi (Jacen, Jaina, Kyp, etc.) either.....


I am finding the 'rogue jedi' in TJK very annoying.... at least in the war Jaina acting hot headed was to stop the enemy, now shes being defiant against Luke, Mara and her mum/dad...for what...a bunch of ants ! Hopefully this changes(only 3/4 way through Joiner King)



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why does everyone feel so badly about Chewbacca dying? C'mon guys he was a stupid walking carpet, and he had it coming, It a shame, that it didn't happen sooner. Well I'm sure the insults are gonna fly after my anti chewbacca rhetoric, well anti wookie for that matter, Its a shame that so much time has been spent on glorifying such a worthless species, instead of praising species far more omnipotent, like the Vong, or the Trandoshans. So If you ask my bye bye Chewbacca, glad your dead.

Sorry gang If I seem hostile, I just have an intense dislike for all things wookie..........

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Never read 'em. Don't want to read 'em.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


Living technology? Armor immune to lightsabers? Immunity to the Force? The Force being part of a larger thing? Turning Coruscant into a living jungle? Killing off Chewie? Blegh. In my opinion, the books are nothing short of awful, and are a pitiful attempt to create something new and different from the rest of EU.

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Hopefully this changes(only 3/4 way through Joiner King)
Don't get your hopes up (just finished Unseen Queen). :)


As for the rogue Jedi, that doesn't get better either. Free for all! :D


damnit for not moving this to the EU forum - it would have been nice to have EU fans discuss the ACTUAL TOPIC
You could always start your own thread there. But I suspect the reponses would be pretty much the same...


why does everyone feel so badly about Chewbacca dying?
Because he is a beloved character that has been a part of the Star Wars mythos for almost 30 years?


Sorry gang If I seem hostile, I just have an intense dislike for all things wookie..........
So much so that you spell "wookiee" wrong. :D (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
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Don't get your hopes up (just finished Unseen Queen). :)

You could always start your own thread there. But I suspect the reponses would be pretty much the same...


nah, Theres a stickied NJO thread for that...


damn those ants, they irk me ! Ive always loved the Chiss. I dont see why theyd even bother with them, they arent really a threat - as far as I have read anyway :p


If those rogue jedi get any cockier I hope they get a beat down. I didnt mind Jaina in the NJO, now she just seems to be full of herself. I'd love to see Mara put her back in line.... The Emperors Hand > The Sword of the Jedi


The Chiss should commission a giant magnifiying glass, to focus the rays of the nearest star to fry 'em :p Centrepoint station could also be used for that too :p



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