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kotor 3 names


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^Unfortunately, I think we have already had a Sith War before.


KotOR III: You think its easy to come up with a title?

KotOR III: Not again!

Anyways, here is others:


KotOR III: Fate of the Galaxy (I think someone already posted that one)

KotOR III: The Forgotten Empire


"Warriors of the Force" might be prettty good, I suppose.

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  The Doctor said:
How can the name be declared if the game isn't even confirmed yet? I don't get that.


How about:

"Warriors of the Force"

"Galaxy's End"

"The Power of the Force"

"The Faceless Enemy"

"The Invisible Enemy"

"The Tomb of the Sith"

"Enemies of the Force"

Fury of the Force"

"Dark Nemesis"

Those seem a bit more like book titles for novels, but they are good titles.

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  PoiuyWired said:
kotor3:do you remember the love.:)



  RobQel-Droma said:
KotOR III: Search for the Yodas

KotOR III: Yoda- A Species Revealed


How about those? :lol:

NICE :lol:


I have combined your double post pokejedi123. Please don't double post, if you have the last post on a thread and wish to add to it use the "edit post" feature, thanks. -RH

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KOTOR 3: The Age Of Chaos

KOTOR 3: Combat Evolved

KOTOR 3: Sorrows

KOTOR 3: Exudus

KOTOR 3: Beyond Malachor

KOTOR 3: Terrillion

KOTOR 3: Fracturation

KOTOR 3: The Sundering

KOTOR 3: To Build An Empire

KOTOR 3: Drink Moss Cola

KOTOR 3: All Your base Are Belong To Us

KOTOR 3: The New Republic

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Star Wars KotOR III: Revenge of the True Sith

Star Wars KotOR III: The Dark Project

Star Wars KotOR III: Dawn of the New Age

Star Wars KotOR III: Fall of the Old Republic

Star Wars KotOR III: Battle for the Old Republic

Star Wars KotOR III: Pirates of the Outer Rim

Star Wars KotOR III: The Curse of the True Sith

Star Wars KotOR III: The Quest for Peace

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Star Wars KotOR III: Pirates of the Outer Rim = Star Wars KotOR III: Pirates of the Carribean

Star Wars KotOR III: The Curse of the True Sith = Star Wars KotOR III: The Curse of the Black Pearl



K3: The Sith Resurrection

K3: The Sith Invasion

K3: The Fall of the Jedi

K3: Chaos in the Galaxy

K3: Call of the Force

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  • 3 weeks later...



I've been thinking about this for quite awhile, and the only names would even be suitable (IMO) would be something along the lines of: SW: KotOR III: ______ of the Force. It's not too dependent on the story, yet it doesn't imply that the story won't be followed. If you throw "jedi" or "sith" into the title, you're pretty much stuck with being one or the other. What if you wanted to be a straight up "grey-level" force user? Or maybe they could give you the choice of being a force user. They put so much emphasis on lightsabers and force storms in the series, they make it seem that the only thing that can destroy the sith is jedi, and vice versa.


What I would love in the new game, is that your a type of rouge/force sensitive bounty hunter. That would be perfect if the game was titled Legends of the Force or something. No more Ebon Hawk, no more droids, no more Carth (though he is one of my favorite characters). You just start on your own, doing odd jobs on Coruscant, until you somehow unleash a force power. That's how you discover your sensitivity. Some random Jedi master sees this, and decides that it would be good to take you up as an apprentice. You argue with yourself about it, do some more jobs on your own, then your given the choice of taking him up on the offer. You train and do some stuff, until someone hires you to "take care" of a jedi or sith, depending on your actions up to that point. And if you succeed, you gain his robes and sabers. You are giving the task of studying them. Upon further suggestion from the force itself, through visions and what not, you are then given the choice of joining into either the jedi or sith order, or possibly training yourself, or just becoming a soildier for the republic, or a general for the sith, or...... then the game continues from there.


I know this isn't the "story arc theory/suggestion thread," but I just thought of this and got caught up. How does it sound?

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