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Are all the space maps really the same,judge for yourself


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If you look at the pictures of planets on the official website, you will see that almost every planet, if not every single one, has a bunch of asteroids next to it. It seems to me like almost the same map but with a different picture painted in the back. Personally i don't want to have asteroids in space next to every planet, i think it is not realistic and stupid.

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Many have been tweaked. One thing we did find was that open space maps were pretty darn boring, so we limited these to just a few for variety. Every map is different some contain asteroids, space junk, open, nebulas and a mix.


For the future, if you guys had ideas on space like obstacles we could add, let us know.

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Floating ewoks that fell out of spaceships.



Ok not really. But I agree that plain ol space battles would indeed be quite boring that is for sure! I liked the idea of spicing things up with some roids and nebs.


I would like perhaps to see old abandoned large space stations that cannot be destroyed but must be traversed around. Perhaps just the edge of a planet running down the side of the map, with it atmosphere glowing and maybe damaging small ships that enter it.

Space junk is good, as well as sats earth has lots of sats orbiting around it so I would well imagine a place like Corusant having thousands?

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Black holes would be intereasting... Sort of the equivilant of the ground base indiginous wildlife (Such as Ranchor). Something I would think intereasting is asteroid fields that are high in explosive material, meaning if you fire to close to one it will set off a deadly chain reaction. This would mean you would have to be real careful. May not be too fun in multiplayer, but it would make for an intereasting single player mission.

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Someone probably already mentioned the ruins of space battles as one,

An Idea would be ruined Star Destroyers that are just hanging around as another object in the way and if any ships get to near mainly if they are fighters they could die. On that note you could have them explosive if a curtain amount of lasers/ships/missles hit it. The explosion should damage fighters/capitol ships within a curtain radius of course. It could work with ruined capitol ships and space stations that are found above the planet. Someone had already mentioned space traffic and satalites already. I would even more like to see if when a transport ship is destroyed, maybe a few stormtooper/rebel trooper rifles flying out and if a ship passes through them a tiny bit of damage against them, although this is only on a curtain condition that there are storm troopers in that transport.

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Geez, guys, you must be kidding with the black holes :^: . They're not just a small "hole" on the space map, like your hands washer's one, they're (most based scientific opinion) planets with tremendous gravity where even photons are captured, since the main characteristic of black holes is the huge emmision of X-ray (which derives from the extreme speed the photons gain until they crash on planets terrain)......all the rest about "jump to history/future" are ****** of some people out there and not scientists'.......


So, no space station can be constructed "near" a black hole (unless "near" means some millions year lights away :)), nor can it be used as obstacle.


The best eye-candy features that in my humble opinion were good to see are (the ones that already proposed):


1. Left cargos

2. Debris of older battles

3. Ewoks :^:


Well, i don't know what the Golan defence system is, that's why i don't comment on this...


In the backround, we could have:


1. Bright stars (as silenceko said) mainly causing shot accuracy decrease, whereas an

2. exploiding nova (going red -> white etc and finally exploiding) causing short system interference

3. A black hole :), but so as to look very very very away, for the reasons mentioned above.


Honestly, i wouldn't like just plain space maps or just only asteroids. Yet, im looking mostly on the ground maps; who can expect to grab all those 40 different maps and explore every single inch of them??!

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  Darth_Extas said:
actually by the size of them, it would be fairly easy to fully explore the maps. I have been able to do that a for a long time now. Getting all 40 maps is the real challenge.

Yup, even some planets with otherwise no point of existence, such as Dagobah, shouldn't be included. They don't give many credits or a crusial bonus tech. Still, those maps will be great places of pure "troop wars", since big vehicles will have hard time moving on their surface.


Of course, this doesn't mean that space maps should be dumped or paid little attention.

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  popcorn2008 said:
Black holes would be intereasting... Sort of the equivilant of the ground base indiginous wildlife (Such as Ranchor). Something I would think intereasting is asteroid fields that are high in explosive material, meaning if you fire to close to one it will set off a deadly chain reaction. This would mean you would have to be real careful. May not be too fun in multiplayer, but it would make for an intereasting single player mission.



How about those giant worm thingys in Empire Strikes Back? :p

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Heres some Space stuff:

1. Meteroids (smaller than asteroids, but these tend to move very fast, so this would be a moving obsticle around the map, getting into them would result in shield/ship damage, as they can go 20,000+ m/s easy in space)


2. Comets, this could be a larger obsticle. If it happened to get in the way of your Super Star Destroyer, things could get nasty :\


3. On blackholes..in the background would be realistic. Even if a planet is circling a blackhole, it can still take millions of years for the planet to get sucked in. A blackhole would not just appear randomly and as a very small size in space.


4. Space Debris.. More Player built Satellites.. Orbital Defensive Systems.. those would all be good.


5. Maybe there is some type of "space" creature that some planets/asteroid clusters might have lingering around.


6. Small moons maybe? Could be more like in orbit around the moon fighting rather than the main planet. From what I have seen of space battles with the planet in the background, the location for 'orbit' around the planet doesn't appear to be correct. Orbit is closer to the planet. For earth its like 200-250 miles up. Perhaps scale it based on earth's orbital pattern? Or, you could sit there and determine the mass of each planet, the radius, and use the law of gravity to calculate your orbital range.

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Not really space items per say. But I want the sace units to stop flying into each other... They seem to over lap everytime they get near each other, like fighters and things like that, and bombers just fly right through the space station lol.



Anyways I think wreckage from a earlyer battle would be nice as well. But when a unit gets destroyed, their wreckage blows up before the battle ends, So could there really be any wreckage if it explodes?



Maybe some cilivilain transports flying around, like near corasant?


Is being able to blow up bigger astroids a possiblity? Like blowing up on that is keeping your ISD/Mon Cal from going through it?

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my proposals:


1) civilian traffic that may also be affected and also maybe interfere in the battle like the neutrals on the planets (maybe some bounty hunters going for heros or undercover anti-empire factions)


2) golan... a must-be :p


3) wrecks... doesn't matter if they come from actual battles or if they are quite old (for example ships like the leviathan from KotOR or stations from the trading guild from EP1 or old republic cruisers)


4) mine fields as a remain from old wars

you could either navigate around it or shoot one mine to start a chain reaction and blow up the whole minefield (but that would alarm the enemy)

or you could lure the enemy into it (maybe the smallest fighters, for example a-wings are not affected)


5) not directly in the space maps, but what about some events during traveling between two planets like for example "you have been attacked by pirates and lost x credits" (only credits, no ship losses) or as an opposite "you have discovered a hidden pirate cargo bay and found x credits"


6) maybe a bit weird... but what about dead crew members / droids? at least during the battle. i mean, what happens if a capital ship breaks apart or the hull gets damaged on several spots (while it is not destroyed completely? the atmosphere would break down and the crew members are sucked out


what i would not like to see are mynocks... hate those thingies

but i like the idea of the living asteroid thing

like a sandworm from dune, if a small fighter passes a big "infected" asteroid too close, the sandworm eventually eats it :p

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  Matthes said:
4) mine fields as a remain from old wars

"Tommy, can you get us closer to those mines?"



...sorry, but I had to do that!



Space junk is a good idea, and asteroids or small moons that actually move across the map are a neat idea, too! They could change the tactical situation within the timespace of a battle, increasing replayability. Space slugs might be fun hazards, too. You could also have planetary ring systems--basically, long thin lines of very fine asteroids. Additional space station slots for golan platforms and mine fields would be a great way to defend a planet without committing a fleet, and could work basically just like turbolaser towers in land maps.


Black holes could not be on a map. The large ones are too large to fit on one of these maps, and the small ones actually have greater tidal forces, pulling objects in faster, making them silly to have in such close proximity to a planet. Other astronomical events, like supernovae, happen on too slow a timescale to be present as dynamic objects in the background. It would be neat to see a wide range of static texture backdrops in the sky, a la Homeworld--though one of the cool things about Star Wars is that all the battles take place in open space.

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that gave me the idea ;)

but my theory is more like cloaked minefields

in the movie, they made the mines following them due to the magnetic effect and came very close to the enemy

i though of luring them into invisible mines


or maybe some nebula-only maps where the sensors / shields don't work like in freespace or star trek (i think it was the second movie where they played "catch me in the nebula", both ships completely blind)

freespace also had that quite interesting mission in the end where you play and fight (as a small one man fighter) against a capital capital ship "inside" of a hyperspacejump

but i think the "jumping" from freespace bases on a different technology, in star wars, it only looks like a tunnel (hm... wonder how it looks if you would look to the side while at lightspeed :p they always looked forward in the movies)


or... nah this is just too...

ok here we go :p

indoor space :smash:

imagine Kuat would have built some kind of "hidden" (hard to do that in the size that i expect ;) ) huuuuuuuuuuuuge (experimental) shipyard that could contain several eclipse-class SDs or several deathstars...

well, maybe this is already too big, but it should be at least at the size of several caps

and even though it never existed in the "official" storyline: hey, it's our fantasy :p

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I'm liking the golan idea. Especially since it was related to the ground turbolasers idea. Throw in just about anything that will change up the battles and make things more interesting, as long as its not too far-out and silly. (no giant pink flying rancors)

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id like to battle in orbit ar a star with solor flares bursting every now and then destroying ships.


id like more planets where ground combat is too dangeres, so ya got to settle it in atmaspher combat.


i like the black holes in star wars galaxies kessel space, where they are big and detailed, but ar realy only moving background objects. but i dont mind if it sucks a ship up if it gets too close.


a comet, where if a ship gets in the way, boom! or even a meter shower.


a giant ship or space station, where fighters and corvets can manuver through, like starcraft ficility missions


how about navagating through a planet like the lost in space movie, or the andramada episode with hollow magog planets.


star wars ships can do combat under water right?

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  shadowsfm said:
i like the black holes in star wars galaxies kessel space, where they are big and detailed, but ar realy only moving background objects. but i dont mind if it sucks a ship up if it gets too close.


a giant ship or space station, where fighters and corvets can manuver through, like starcraft ficility missions


star wars ships can do combat under water right?


right, kessel... imagine the scenario from the book introducing Daala, Kyp Durron and the Sun Crusher (don't remember the english title right now) where they are inside a black hole (if i remember right :p )


can they? i don't think so

i think there are some (ground)units that can be tweaked to be able to swim


but under water... maybe some old republic units (seen in Clone Wars Vol. I on Mon Cal)

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