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Which Jedi Masters Do You Want To Return As Force Ghosts?

Diego Varen

Which Jedi Masters Do You Want To Return As Force Ghosts?  

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  1. 1. Which Jedi Masters Do You Want To Return As Force Ghosts?

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Actually, they can all stay gone.


Hopefully the storyline won't be so rigid that our alignment deviations won't have any affect on our mission priorities.


LS and DS play should have different paths to the end. If that's the case, then new masters, new planets, and new companions are all required.


If Coruscant isn't available, then somewhere else should be used for lightside training.

(anywhere but Dantooine)

Along with a new master. Doesn't have to be a white, human male either.


...and Korriban isn't the only sith world in this galaxy. There are plenty of places to learn the ways of the darkside.

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  • 3 weeks later...

None, Force Ghosts have lost all meaning after Anakin was replaced with Hayden instead of the Green Cross Code guy.


Never again...it's starting to get over-used now...seems everyone should be ablwe to do it now...

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none of them. If it had to be someone, Vandar but i would prefer if there weren't any at all. I hope its not Jolee cause i want him in it or as a cameo (still alive). I don't think it could be Zez kai ell, Vrook, or Kavar because after there dead and you look at them it says they look worse than dead, that they had the force drained from them. I doubt they could come back from that, but i could be mistaken

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Actually I'd like to find the unknown planet and come across the force ghosts of Jolee and Juhani. Juhani has fallen to the darkside in her despair at being, well, dead. If I go the LS path I talk her down from whatever she's plotting and get jolee to make/give me a Holocron, if I'd DS I either side with Juhani or subvert her plans in favor of my own (with high charisma/persuade), we sunder jolee's ghost and create a clone or otherwise find a body for Juhani (either cathar or another near-humanoid, say a tall twilek with sickly red eyes), then go have some fun.

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Do we actually know that Vandar is dead? If so, then how?

He was alive at the end of KotOR 1 (in canon light ending), so he must have died (if he did at all) during the events in the 5 years or so between when both games are set.

Was he on Katarr when Nihilus ravaged it? If so, then surely (as other people have said) he'd be drained of all his life force, like Kreia did to Vrook, etc. and therefore could not become a ghost/spirit as he simply ceases to be, any longer.


I don't remember him be referred to at all in KotOR 2. Did I miss something?

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Do we actually know that Vandar is dead? If so, then how?


I don't remember him be referred to at all in KotOR 2. Did I miss something?


Fix the Protocol Droid by the Ebon Hawk's landing area on Dantooine in TSL and you can unlock a dialog between Vandar and Vrook about the Exile.



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Well, Vandar doesn't have to be dead at all.

In Kotor I, he was on the Republic ship with admiral Dodonna but he there escaped this ship. Just like Revan / Carth and Bastila (the Endar Spire) in an escape pod.


You can set Revan to DS and still Vrook tells you Vandar died on Katarr.

But what if he didn't die on Katarr or maybe didn't went to Katarr.

Or he might have survived Nihilus attack just like Visas Marr did (possibly hiding in a crystal cave which, who knows, could protect you from Nihilus's attack?

If you didn't see someone dying he/she could still be alive and it would be a good addition to Kotor III.

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I chose Zhar, for he was the one who re-trained Reven in KOTOR 1. He would most likely have alot of information on Revan and his fighting styles/techniques.


I hadn't chosen anyone yet, but after reading your post, I have to agree, and so I voted for him too. He would be the one, I think, who could teach you the most (maybe even give an insight into Revan's mindset, and offer possibilities as to where he might have headed, and give further information on his past, thus enhancing the story/sense of continuity even further, etc). Yes, definately him now that I think about it. I hope he does show up.




Oh, and cheers RedHawke for the info, I clearly missed that. :)

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None of them, let the dead rest in peace. :)


I don't know why the EU is so keen on recycling characters who have already perished. I'd prefer if they would come up with new, interesting characters instead. Death loses its impact if it's nothing but a minor inconvenience.

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I agree, although i think some force ghosts should appear. I think Vandar is a must, since he was the leader of the Jedi in part one, and he led a Jedi Strike force when he was killed (makes him cool ^^)


Also, Vrook should appear, just for his cynical jerkish comments. It could bring out some very cool DS options, since he can't harm you anymore now he's dead.


'I hate you old man.'

-'Why you little! I'll show you!'

*punches into nothingness*

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