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It's finally happened!

Frank the Tank

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Anyone know of anything worth-while coming down the LA pipeline anytime soon, besides yet another cash-in sequel?


The problem is, I still get suckered into buying some of these games, and while they're not bad, they're nothing compared to the polish, complexity, and innovation produced in the "good ol' days". I wouldn't mind so much all these Star Wars games if they were on par with the likes of Tie Fighter...

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Why would they want to do anything but Star Wars? They're making money off of it, people actually liked Empire at War. Frankly, you can take any genre of game and slap on a Star Wars label in order to sell it. If Psychonauts had lightsabers and it was called Star Wars: Jedi Power! it may have sold better (although I would have lost all respect for the Schafer).


Just a side note, if you click on the games section on LA's official page, there are 22 games (a lot of games being repeated for platform, so only really 11) 2 of them is Mercenaries (for PS2 and X-Box). Take a guess at what all the other games are.



20 more SW games under the classics menu, against 9 that aren't SW (although 2 are Indiana Jones, but at least they were good). Something tells me they like Star Wars...not sure why.

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The fact that they've turned into the "Star Wars Game Factory " isn't doing anyone any favours as they're just saturating the market and eventually it will blow up in their faces. Back in the old days George didn't let them touch Star Wars, it was all done out of house, they were only allowed Indy and original things.


Of course, the fact that Grim Fandango was the only game not to make a profit probably scared them ****less. Oh well.

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I haven't got any figures on hand, but as far as I'm aware the game had slightly disappointing initial sales but managed to snowball in the following years as word got around — it's commonly referred to as a "sleeper hit", and some believe that Psychonauts will go the same way.


I think it was still selling fairly well until only a couple of years ago, as I saw DVD restocks of it appearing in game shops over here in the UK during 2004.

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A lot of people who would have bought the game were probably put off by the way it abandoned the traditions of the point-and-click genre which LucasArts themselves pioneered. I remember thinking "meh, not interested" when I saw it in GAME during its first release. It was only my Uncle (what is it with those Uncles and Adventure Games eh?) who convinced me it was just the same but with a different control method, and was actually better than most previous LucasArts adventures. I probably bought my own copy around 1999 - 2000.

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In the link you gave it simply say: "As of 2004, Grim Fandango is the only game that didn't make LucasArts a profit." with no-one disputing the claim?


Indeed, I'd only linked to a site that gave you one side of the "dispute" when I gave the impression that it gave both. My bad. IMDB seem to think it's been disputed though (and we all trust them). I really don't know any of the figures or facts so I couldn't say.

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Did Majesco's multi-billion dollar advertising campaign come into fruitation?


All I heard from it was Yufster seeing an ad for Psychonauts in some magazine in Ireland, like a year before the game was released. I also saw a few in PC Zone around Christmas, telling us that the game was "wanted: November!"


That can't have helped...

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Er, Basic Braining was ace. :¬:


There was an advertisement campaign, the most prominent part being that "Psycho Portals" competition; there were also large ads on various websites for a while, both around the US and the European releases. It's also done very well critically, and has won quite a number of awards from all the large websites, and even Eurogamer's game of the year award.


So, yeah. Why exactly it failed is, like Tim said, not completely clear. The general gaming audience does seem slightly reluctant at the moment to try games such as Psychonauts out, though — when Eurogamer gave it their GOTY awards, there were literally over 200 comments moaning about how Resident Evil 4 should have gotten it, despite very few of them having actually played Double Fine's baby.

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