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Which Is Your Favourite Prequel Episode?

Diego Varen

Which Is Your Favourite Prequel Episode  

100 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Is Your Favourite Prequel Episode

    • Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
    • Star Wars Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones
    • Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith

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I'm on the RotS boat. It had some epic scenes that already on paper made it better than the others. Though, I remember experiencing TPM as quite outstanding as well. But I guess that's because of the long wait and of course 'Duel of Fates'. :)

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I have something in all 3 I liked.


TPM: Ray Park was bomb ass with his skills as well as the overall plot and starting point for Anakin Skywalker. Liam Nesson also was great. Still a bit more craftsmanship in this one than the other 2.


AOTC: Fair. Least we learn of Fett's roots as well as the stormtroopers' predecessors. And the beginnings of Darth Vader showing. Christopher Lee was excellent for his role. A little more exposure to the SW universe as well.


ROTS: packed with urgency and intensity. Has more duels than any others. Wish they would have filmed an alternate ending like in the ROTS game for PS2. For a brief time, Anakin shone himself a true hero of the galaxy.

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Honestly , It just depends on what mood i'm in. They all have terriffic thing's about them. Jango vs Obi-wan on the rain plant , the reveal of Emperor Palpatine , The Wookie's and clone troopers battling the droids on the Kashyyyk world , the giant Pod races , Qui-gon and a young Obi-wan vs Dath maul.


So much greatness there . . . .

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Revenge of the Sith,my nick pretty much explains why =).He is really cool with those 4 lightsabers and stuff.He is the main reason why i follow the animated Clone Wars(he's first,second one is cuz there are many fight with lightsabers and clone troopers,third reason are those dumb droids xD,just love listening how stupid they are.

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There are so many things wrong with the prequels-as to tie them up with the originals, but if I had to choose its Episode 3.

There were a few things I liked about Episode 1, the pod race, the duel and Darth Maul :p but the rest of it, was too much like a kid movie and then got really complicated and confusing in the politcial part of it.


And I haven't been able to even force myself to watch Episode 2. It's just really bad to me, in the story and most of the scenes between anakin and padme are so embarrassing.


The fight between Obi-Wan and Grevious was a joke and anakin's whinning really frustrates and annoys me, but like I said, if I had to choose E3.

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Episode 3, since The Phantom Menace I only like it because of Darth Maul, the duel... and the attack of the clones is awful, the only thing I liked on it was Jango Fett... but he died like a *****.... I mean, he would have used his flamme thrower, move a little bit more... I don't know, something more smart than just shoot until he got behead...

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I will have to say Attack of the clones for some reason that film just resonates with me. I think its the inclusion of Tyranus.



Yeah , I also like the mystey surrounding Tyranus in II and wish George would put back the lost Twenty scene one day.

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