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I named my Luxury Space Yaut "Disturbing Peace" I can't wait to get a Decimator...grinding pilot out, it's pretty fun....i'm at the halfway mark, trying to get certified to pilot the TIE Interceptor and the TIE Bomber. Learning to use the pilot tactic specials, it's quite fun, and a very nice break from the ground missions.

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haha nice. i see you have a new sig, are you back in or no?


i started an alt character.....Vaktoro (random name generator) he's a Rodian spy. almost done with the space station missions. I've been helping Jared (remember him from RSN, redwing's brother) out, and we're trying to get off the station.

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now and then. i have 3 chars:

Corzip, Jetix and Fertex.


the guild i was in : ISF restarted its activaty ingame.... and moved to talus from dantoooine.... gonna be hell for me to move all my crap... and BOY do i have a lot of crap :)

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  • 2 years later...

If anyone actually visited these threads then someone would care about the epic rez that has happened here.


As it happens, no-one does


@Papa Smurf- Dunelizards kick ass! Get an upgraded version in a few licences time and you'll be away man.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I named my X-wing Advance Blue 2 to make it sound like I'm in the Blue x-wing squadron.

My YT-2400 is the aptly named Eon Eagle, inspired by the Millennium Falcon

And my SoroSub yacht is Rusty's Paradise my main is -RustyGym- from Chilastra. Oh, my alt has an x-wing named Blue 5 after the novel call sign for Luke Skywalker.

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