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Who is your favorite KOTOR characters?


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Welcome to LucasForums, Empress Revan. Have a nice time here.


1. My first is Darth Nihilus.


2. Jedi Exile.


3. Revan.


4. Bastila Shan


5. Carth Onasi


6. Handmaiden


7. Mira


8. Visas


9. Mission


10. Zalbaar


11. Droids.

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The Main characters are most favorite in KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2.


Excluding them:


K1=Jolee (grey philosphy), Canderous (A very cool Mandalorian who love war stories), Bastila (she is your mentor and teacher, and she is the one that can lure you to the DS, and since I love the Dark Side...:)). I think all the others were not that interesting.


K2=Kreia (grey philosphy, manlipuative witch, hates the Force, She's perfect!), Atton (the anti-Carth, who joined up with the Sith Empire), Revan/G0T0 (Yes, Revan. He has a very small NPC role, but his fall to the Dark Side was much more interesting, and it shows how much Kreia's infulence rubs off on Revan. G0T0 is paried up with Revan because I see G0T0 as symbolizing the dark and evil side of Revan that all his supporters and fans fail to see. G0T0 too fell to the 'dark side' to save the Republic, but the question remains if G0T0 really love the Republic...and if the Republic wants to be 'saved' by G0T0.) I like other NPCs, but this is a list of the top 3 in TSL.

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Let's see, for K1 I would go for Mission, Bastila and female Revan...and Yuthura Ban.

And for K2, I would say Visas, Brianna, the female Exile and somehow I like Atris too, even though she was kind of a psychopath.

For some reason, most of the girls in KotOR are pretty hot...but let's not get into this.

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i dont know why people dislike carth, i think hes great

What I didn't like about him, that he just kept suspecting you of being a traitor and he would always get upset if you tried to find out more about him.

Even though I seem to be one of a few people that think that way.

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Bastila - Hawt. 'nuff said. Quite cute when embarassed aswell :D

HK-47 - 'Meatbag'. again, 'nuff said.

Revan: Duh.

Jolee: Hehe. "When i had a full head of hair and Coruscant was a small town with a well. heheh." Just gotta love him.

Nemo: I love his voice.

Iridorian Mercenary: "You may find some of my answers... distasteful"



Visas - Don't know why.

HK-47 - (again)

Atton - Yay, funny.

Bao-dur - Soft-spoken, cool as ice.

Kavar - One of the cooler Masters.


(Runs from the Bastila fanclub)...

yeah, you'd better run :blaze6:

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Why all the Kreia lurve? she annoys me to hell... cryptic, grrr. condescending and patronising grr.... and ugly.


Because she's a cryptic, condescending, partonizing and ugly old witch who can be sympathized somewhat for her goals. She is someone who is morally complex, and someone who you can hate. She is, in other words, a very good villian.


We just love to hate her. :D

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Have to agree with the above Kreia statement. A good bad guy goes a long way towards making a fulfilling game for me.


I therefore have to go with the baddies as my favourite ; Malak, Uthar, The old nut hermit from the Korriban academy (love him so much i can't remember his name), , Darth Sion, Darth Nihlus, and Darth Traya.


Also love DS Revan. Something particularly cool about when you force choke that guy startin on you in the Tatooine cantina and reads something along the lines of : [This man will think twice before questioning your power again]

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This is my top ten list and I shall explain why.


1. Revan/The Jedi Exile - Revan is the best Sith Lord (Other than Darth Sion) in the KOTOR series, but he/she is overrated. The Jedi Exile is a much more interesting character, than Revan. Better backstory and just less overrated.


2. Jolee Bindo - Reminds me of Uncle Albert from Only Fools and Horses when he talks about the war. Some of his comments, could become famous, but I doubt it.


3. Kreia - The only party member in TSL who was completed. I found her more of a mentor than Bastila was for Revan in KOTOR. She is also a mysterious character and I'm still wondering if she could be Arren Kae, but we should wait, until someone from LucasArts/Obsidian tells us.


4. Darth Sion - My favourite Sith from TSL. For me, he is much more interesting than Malak and he is different from the normal Sith Lord.


5. HK-47/T3-M4 - T3 was useless in KOTOR, but in TSL, he became a tank. He is really good at opening locked doors, etc and he did save the Jedi Exile. HK isn't as funny as Jolee (My opinion), but he does have a good sense of humour, when talking about love and speaking like Carth and Bastila.


6. Carth Onasi - The best Party Member with dual Pistols and he is one KOTOR's interesting characters. Over the course of KOTOR, I feel like Revan has become friends with him. Although, when I played as a female, Carth's chat up lines aren't the best.


7. Bastila Shan - She is an interesting character, but not as good as Kreia, when it comes to being a mentor to the PC. I really liked her fall to the dark side and her redemption.


8. Atton Rand - The Han Solo of the series. He is a lot more interesting for the female Jedi Exile and has one of the funniest lines in TSL.


9. Brianna the Handmaiden/Mical the Disciple - Brianna is the best fighter in TSL and her past is interesting. Her relationship with Atris is also interesting. Yes, I like Mical, unlike some of you, but he does have his uses and he is one of the only characters in TSL who actually knows the Jedi Exile and who he/she really is, than the master's poor opinions.


10. Canderous Ordo (Mandalore) - I preferred him in KOTOR, but Canderous is still one of the best dark side characters in the KOTOR series.

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Ahah, i see what you're all saying. still can't say i'd put her in my favourite characters though, a generally have to have some empathy with them. With Kreia i don't. needs must i suppose. I bonded with Bastila, HK, Jolee (he's like me :D except younger), Visas, etc. Characters i can't emphasize with, i don't like.

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To me, the tone-setting character of K1 is Mission. Like most of the party, she is light-sided (in fact, she and Carth are the highest alignment). To an extent, a DSer can corrupt her (turning her against the Beks and Griff), while a LSer can help her grow up. She is the first and most vocal crew member to support you after the big shock, she and Zaalbar being the only ones who neither know or really care about who you've been. And if you ultimately choose the Dark Side? Well, killing off the Jedi is par for the course. Killing the innocent, the ones who believed the most in you? That's the possibly the finest demonstration of what the Dark Side truly is - it's sacrificing all the good things you had on power's altar. All the Death Stars and slaughter of nameless younglings didn't drive it home near as well as killing the adolescents (Zaalbar is likely about the same developmental stage as she is) who swore you a life debt.


From a storyteller's view, Mission is probably one of the chief reasons a K1 fanficcer can write Ebon Hawk mark one as becoming a united force. In fan renditions of K1, she is a character that often acts as the crew's heart and "glue," a character other than Revan who can easily be written as connecting to the other characters and lacks the prejudice many of the crew may feel towards one another. Her background in Lower Taris means she probably at least knew Canderous in passing, and gives her means to connect to Juhani as a fellow "non human female," but one with the opposite view Juhani holds. It is VERY easy to see Carth, someone who painfully misses his adolescent son, stepping in to act as a surrogate father. And as much as Mission balked in banter #1, banter #2 shows her being genuinely astonished and grateful to be needed by an adult. Jolee's sense of humor and willingness to break the law for a good cause jibe VERY well with Mission's M.O. (his "greed tax," her picking Vulkar pockets), she even cheers the idea of a Jedi "not hung up on all this light side, dark side stuff." The only one I can't see her getting on with is Bastila, after the tripping stunt. Then again, I see Bastila as keeping a wall between herself and the others anyway.


By contrast, Kreia is the one calling the tone of K2. Secretive, manipulating, and contradictory, disdaining the whole damn galaxy. She gets along with NONE of the crew, not even stopping to call them by name. Half the time both she and the game give you a headache with their convoluted logic, bizarre demands, half-followed leads.


K2 starts on a space station full of corpses and goes downhill from there. You do not get a liberation of Kashyyyk here. It's all subtle work in the shadows, just like Kreia, that pushes the worlds you visit. And in many ways, it really doesn't matter which way you go. Nar Shadaa will always be a Hutt-run cesspit. Telos will still be rebuilt. The Jedi Masters still die horribly. There's just you, a wreck of a planet, and the old hag's corpse. Your friends don't even come with you. There's no victory celebration, no standing with your friends as heroes or a grand celebration of reclaiming your throne.


Using a story standpoint, K2 goes out of its way to show the crew has NO unity. The only thing keeping them together is the Exile, and despite Mical or Visas insisting to the contrary, it's very likely subconsious vampirism on top of it. Kreia attacks the other crew, threatens them, mind-rapes them. The other crew snipe and snark at one another. There is no character that can act like a binding agent like Mission, only rivalry and secrets like Kreia.

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