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OXM Kotor 3 Refrence?


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If you got the Halo 3 edition of this months Official Xbox Magazine, they did (Yet another) Must have game section. Included Was One of Good old biowares games, Mass Effect.


Yeah, mass effect looks awesome, to drool over, and stuff like that, but I nearly wet myself when I red the caption at the bottom of the page.


The Guys are Insiders at OXM, so they know stuff that half of us can only pretend to know.


The Little caption (Underneath the Picture of a guy pointing a gun at a merchant and saying "Yes I want Fries with that!" lol) was this:


MORE BIOWARE:With Mass Effect Looking so mind-Shatteringly good, we're dying to find out what Biowares other development team is up to, hint hint!


EDIT:NWN2 and NWN, were developed by ATARI, So its not that...

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Well first of all, NWN2 is not a BioWare game, so it definitely wouldn't be NWN2 ;).


Also, odds are 99% sure that BioWare would not do KotOR3 if it was being made. I believe it was mentioned in another thread that as of now they are only creating their own content, not creating content for another company (in this case, LucasArts, and in the case of NWN2, Atari).

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Atari did NWN1 as well... They are simply the producers, however. Like LucasArts. They shell out the money, wave the whips, and do none of the real work ;). Seems like they're willing to let their developers finish, though. NWN2 got pushed back a month so Obsidian could polish it off.

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I've never played NWN, so I would have no idea who it was made by, thanks for clearing that up!


Anyway, the potential to make millions off kotor 3 would definatly be there, Even if the game bombs, They would still sell Millions of copy's because of the Kotor Name. It would almost be a, well, economic loss (for a lack of a better term) to not make a third game.

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I don't know OXM but you said it is a magazine... magazine staff definitly has some inside information, but that doesn't mean at all that they can't be wrong in their predictions.


And it would be a bit odd if that particular magazine had information about Kotor 3 that no other magazine has?

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While KOTOR 1&2 are excellent games, and were both commercially sucessful(says us) and critically acclaimed, their popularity haven't warranted LA's apparent secrecy regarding KOTOR 3 If we're to believe it even has an interest in licensing it at all. I'm all for semi-educated speculation because i'm emotionally masochistic but, as mentioned before in these forums, silence may be the only answer we end up getting.


Had to make an edit due to grammatical errors.

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We knoe kotor3 is considered, and probably "in the process of making a deal" but we don't know who will be doing it, or if anyone is willing, by this I mean people other than LAC. It is obvious that Bioware is not doing it, and Obvious that it would need a new engine(though I hope they use the same/similar system).


If it ever is coming out it would definitely be for 360 and PC, don't know about other systems though.

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The Little caption (Underneath the Picture of a guy pointing a gun at a merchant and saying "Yes I want Fries with that!" lol) was this:

MORE BIOWARE:With Mass Effect Looking so mind-Shatteringly good, we're dying to find out what Biowares other development team is up to, hint hint!


I'd bet on it being Jade Empire 2.

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Specifically? No. However if they actively didn't want to do KII, why would they then want to do KIII? The rumor flying around, whether true or not, indicates that Bioware doesn't want to contract out anymore. There's probably hard evidence to support that, but even the soft evidence (such as Bioware not doing NWN2) strongly suggests it's true.

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Just off the topic here...what did they say the approximate release date was? Because for KOTOR II, about 3-4 months I think it was...they started giving ****loads of information on the game, so I'm thinking that the release date for KOTOR III minus 3-4 months is when we're going to start hearing things.....

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He probably meant the "mystery" game BioWare is working on. And of course if they infer they know nothing about it other than that the development team is making something, there's probably not a release date planned yet ;).

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If I may interject some quotage into this thread... :D


Greg Zeschuk, BioWare co-CEO, offered this response to a question about BioWare's reason for handing off KotOR's sequel to Obsidian Entertainment.

We opted to focus on developing BioWare's own intellectual property, and-having worked with a number of people there in the past-recommended Obsidian to develop the sequel to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. They did a great job with the game, and will also be building on our BioWare Aurora Engine technology to develop Neverwinter Nights 2. We have worked with a lot of excellent licenses in the past, but we decided to take time to craft our own great worlds like Jade Empire, Dragon Age, and our third unannounced title.
- 2005-04-11 http://www.insidepulse.com/articles/36252

The third unannounced title he referred has since been revealed to be Mass Effect.


Hope this helps those who don't understand that BioWare is not likely to make KotOR 3 since BioWare is focused on building their own intellectual property, not licensed properties like KotOR (LucasArts) and NWN (Atari). Now I'm not saying BioWare will never work on another licensed property again, just that based off of what their execs have stated and BioWare's actions over the past two years, the chances BioWare will develop KotOR 3 are slim to none. :)

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their popularity haven't warranted LA's apparent secrecy regarding KOTOR 3

Well, I think every developer who has done game sequels realizes how disastrous it can be to jump the gun on the release of a new title, especially LucasArts after forcing TSL out so early, it's bad business, at least until the initial version of the sequal is completed. I hope thats the thinking anyway, it seems to me there is a ton of revenue already earmarked by us for the next chapter in the KOTOR saga, and if you're all like me, if it comes out with the KOTOR name on it, I'm buying it ASAP, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X, I'll prepay all of them right now. They have to realize the fan base is huge and lasting, but I also think they don't want number three to be hurried like number two was, that could be disastrous to future sales in the KOTOR series. I think the best they could do is to develop two or three KOTOR titles simultaneuosly, building on the positives of one and two, trimming out some of the un-necessities, leave the modding to the modders, and giving solid stories, good adventures, some new things with each release to keep it fresh. I can live with the current engine, the current saber options, just a couple of new planets, return visits to the established planets, possibly with some new shops, maybe the loss of some old shops, they don't have to reinvent the things that already work, just maybe add a basement on tattoine with apartments, maybe a west dune sea, little enhancements, not complete reinventions.

Anyway sorry to drift off the topic, the bottom line is we can only hope KOTOR 3 is coming, and I think odds are way in favor of it coming to pass, but as in all things, the waiting is the hardest part.....and pray to God our country doesn't completely fall apart in the meantime

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I think you're missing the point of BioWare not wanting to do it. LucasArts can't force them to :p. Besides, everyone knows K2's poor quality was LA's fault for rushing Obsidian.


Poor quality is subjective anyway. ;)



But yeah, the fact that Bioware holds Obsidian in high enough regard whereas they'd hand over two of their most successful titles, and then complemen them on doing a "great job" strongly suggests that they'd be perfectly comfortable with letting Obsidian do both KotOR II and KotOR III.

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But yeah, the fact that Bioware holds Obsidian in high enough regard whereas they'd hand over two of their most successful titles, and then complemen them on doing a "great job" strongly suggests that they'd be perfectly comfortable with letting Obsidian do both KotOR II and KotOR III.


Yeah, they'd be comfortable it's not their IP. They are done with Star Wars and Lucas Arts. Imagine working under LucasArts and being rushed to release a game. Then working on your own IP and taking the time to do it right and being successful. Why in the world woul you work with LucasArts again. Bioware built name recognition with all there previous titles (especially NWN) then KOTOR gave them a Game of the year with high sales. Now they don't need LucasArts. It's a great situation for them.

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