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Best Star wars EU books


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I've always been interested in those star wars novels, however I have only read a few so far, because I have the feeling that many are crap.


What I have read so far:

The Thrawn Trilogoy (That was great imo)

I, Jedi. (Great too, what detailed combat scenes!!!)

The story about Kyp Durron and Exar Kun (decent)


I did some research about other books and what I'm defnitly not interested in, is the Yuthang Vong war (or whatever they are called) and stories that are about Leia's children...


Apart from that, what do you guys recommend?

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If you read and enjoyed I, Jedi (one of the best EU books, hands down), then you should thoroughly enjoy the X-wing series by Michael Stackpole (which you probably should have read first). I would also recommend Zahn's duology, Spectre of the Past // Vision of the Future, which is kind of a continuation of the Thrawn Trilogy.


And you get bonus points for not being interested in the Vong ;).

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If you have read the 'Thrawn Trilogy', I would stick to Timothy Zahn's novels. Out of all the Star Wars novel writters, he keeps true to the original cast's characteristics. I have never read 'The New Jedi Order'. At the moment, I am reading the 'Dark Nest' trilogy. The 'Dark Nest' trilogy is a continuation of the 'NJO' series. If you jump from Zahn's books to the 'Dark Nest', you will notice a drastic change in your favorite characters. At the moment, I cannot remember the author, but he/she doesn't know how to write for the original cast. He/She also doesn't know how to write for Mara Jade. The author is also confussing Indiana Jones' characteristics for Han Solo. Plus, all your favorite characters are in their 60s.


Besides Zahn's mess of novels, there are others out there. I suggest the Rouge Squaderon (sp?) novels and the 'Bounty Hunter War' novels.


Personally, I am a pre-NJO and pre-prequel Star Wars novel reader. I think Zahn is going to concentrate on that era. I would bet on his books. "Allegence" and "Outbound Flight" are his two recent novels. "Allegence" will be out in February 2007, and "Outbound Flight" is out now. Before reading those two, I would read "Survivor's Quest".

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If you jump from Zahn's books to the 'Dark Nest', you will notice a drastic change in your favorite characters.


Well, of course there's a change. There's a pretty big gap between those two series of books and it's at least five years big. A lot can happen to the characters in five years. Heck, I'm reading the Hand of Thrawn now, before that I've been reading the Thrawn trilogy and now there's a ten year gap between the two and I'm seeing some changed relationships, some of the events that happened in those ten years are mentioned, but I'm mostly picking up the pieces. Overall it doesn't ruin the main story, so my advice is to do what I'm going to do after I finish Vision of the Future - read the NJO books. Despite all that I've heard about them, I don't believe they're that bad and I'm very interested to see what happens, besides that *thing* everyone's so pissed off about.

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I was going to give 'NJO' a shot, but it is about 21 books long. One of the books is massive. 'Star-By-Star' has to be at least 700 pages long. Gr...


There are two reasons why I will not read the series:

1. Someone important dies.

2. A certain ship gets destroyed.


There are a few reasons why I do want to read the series:

1. Curiosity.

2. New characters and species.


Ben Skywalker's discription is similar to a Scottish Highlander. Lol... I have this image of a red-head and green eyed Jedi wearing a plaid robe and carrying a lightsaber. Lol...

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Speaking from personal experience, the NJO is total crap. It stopped being Star Wars the minute those things that you mentioned (reasons not to read) happened. Complete bollocks.


I have to echo the love for Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. Excellent, excellent book. I'm an X-wing junkie, but that is definitely my favorite EU work, even taking into consideration Michael Stackpole and Aaron Allston's stellar works in the X-wing series.

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Anything by Timothy Zahn is worth reading.


NJO is, like others have said, not worth reading. I don't find the idea of Force-immune, living technology-using, jungle-terraforming, caste-based, theocracy-based masochists to be very true to Star Wars. I don't care how well the books are written, the ideas they put forth are just too ridiculous. The post-RotJ era is far too overused, IMHO. Another war on a galactic scale less than a century after Endor is too much.

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I've read many of the books in the SWEU, but Zahn's and Stackpole's stand out the most as the ones I liked best. Have read many of the NJO novels, but won't likely read them again. Not b/c they were badly written, just didn't really care for the story line. Though, really, after the introduction of ysalimari into the SW universe, it only made sense to give the complacent jedi a real challenge. Too bad they had to be luddites and jihadists.

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Don't know if that was directed at me or all, but I haven't read a SW book for sometime (usually get them when my bro finishes his). I think I did read Betrayal, but not the second one. So-so. I think the last one I read was Cloak of Deception (at least I think that's what it was called. It's been so long, so very, very, long.....

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I was going to give 'NJO' a shot, but it is about 21 books long. One of the books is massive. 'Star-By-Star' has to be at least 700 pages long. Gr...


So is Vision of the Future, but I'm still reading it.


There are two reasons why I will not read the series:

1. Someone important dies.

2. A certain ship gets destroyed.


There are a few reasons why I do want to read the series:

1. Curiosity.

2. New characters and species.


I think the two reasons for reading the NJO outweigh the two for not reading it.


NJO is, like others have said, not worth reading. I don't find the idea of Force-immune, living technology-using, jungle-terraforming, caste-based, theocracy-based masochists to be very true to Star Wars.


That's because you just can't accept a new and interesting idea. Yeah, a certain character dies, I know, I don't like it very much either, but that's not going to stop me from reading the books and the Yuuzhan Vong, despite all that you anti-NJO people say, sound like an interesting enemy. I think I'll make my impression of the NJO series after I read them, not because people say ''It's crap! The enemy is Force-Immune, I don't like that. [baby cry] Waaaaahh! [/baby cry]''.

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That's because you just can't accept a new and interesting idea.


New? Yeah. Interesting? Meh.


This is a subjective debate about opinion. There is no way out of it. Since this is a thread about people's thoughts of various Star Wars novels, everyone is allowed to say whatever they think about x, y, z book or serie. Someone mentioned the NJO and why they like it. Good. Someone disagreed about the NJO being here and mentioned why they didn't like it. Good. That's where it ends. Further debate is useless. One opinion is not more true then another.


One thing is cold hard truth though, the NJO serie is about the most controversial piece of EU ever made. Some love it more then their life-mate and others hate it more then...I can't find an interesting comparison but I'm sure you understand.



I think I'll make my impression of the NJO series after I read them, not because people say ''It's crap! The enemy is Force-Immune, I don't like that. [baby cry] Waaaaahh! [/baby cry]''.


I think it's good that you try to make your own opinion about something after you've gotten truly acquainted with the subject matter. However, flaming other people by calling them whiners, is wanting to get crap thrown at yourself. So watch what you're saying, unless you want to see this thread go down the drain faster then the Millenium Falcon's Kessel run.

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LIAYD said most pretty much everything there is to say about that. :)


All I have left to state is that while the Yuuzhan Vong are a very original idea, Star Wars was not the best universe to put them into IMHO. If I disliked new ideas, I would've stuck to the movies, as the EU greatly branches out from that.

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Don't take it personally, man. I was talking in general. :)


I'm just sick of people saying that something's utter crap just because they don't like some of the events that happen in the storyline or some of the characters. In my definition something's crap if the story is stupid and not written properly and, of course, if the characters aren't presented adequately. Maybe this is the case with the NJO, but all I've heard so far were whinings because a certain character died.

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