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Revan VS. Nihilus... who would win

Anakin Skywalker

Who would win in a fight?  

201 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would win in a fight?

    • Revan
    • Nihilus

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Everyone needs to review the Forum rules, with special attention to the rules on flaming. Calling each other stupid, 'tards, and other names is flaming. Keep it civil, please.


OK, let's remember these are characters made up of pixels in an imaginary world....


And if you think this canon thing is serious, you should check out my version.


Statement on the new 6 degrees of Star Wars Canon


We, at WookieWikiWarrickWicketpedia, wish to clear up the confusion of ‘Canon’ in Star Wars by instituting a new classification system on how to rank the different Star Wars and Star Wars EU materials. This will replace the Canon-a, b, c and g system (along with other letters and symbols), which was becoming just too confusing, resulting in many emails from forum administrators and moderators who were ‘having to deal with too damn many threads on arguments over Canon’.


1st degree Canon shall be The Movies. Radio adaptations, so long as they include voices from the Original Actors (and Actresses) shall also be 1st degree Canon. The Screenplays are also 1st degree Canon, but only if George Lucas put a ‘GL’ on every page. The official soundtracks are 1st degree Canon, because John Williams has included the use of both the bassoon and the triangle in his music, and quite possibly the krummhorn. Anything spoken by George Lucas is first degree Canon, including those more mundane statements like ‘I want to order a pizza’ and ‘I have to find the nearest restroom.’


2nd degree Canon shall include those radio adaptations that deviate from the script slightly but still maintain the ‘True Spirit’ of the movies. Those radio adaptations that include the voices of Harrison Ford or Liam Neeson shall automatically be changed to 1st degree Canon, because their voices are really sexy. Those adaptations that include excess amounts of Jar-Jar Binks or Ewok cuteness shall automatically be reduced to 6th degree Canon or less.


3rd degree Canon shall include any books that George Lucas decides shall be 3rd degree, which is pretty much everything else not in the 1st and 2nd degrees. It’s his world—if he wants to say a book is 1st degree or 6th degree, we shall bow to his greater wisdom. The exception are the Vong books, which shall be reduced to 6th degree or the 9th circle of Dante’s Inferno, whichever comes last. All Star Wars games are 3rd degree Canon. The Knights of the Old Republic games, because they are Really Righteous, are 2nd degree Canon. We hereby declare all permutations of Revan and Exile to be Canon, because trying to pick just one is really p!$$ing off the fans. The Star Wars Lego games would be 4th degree Canon because of the ‘cutesy factor’, except for the fact that my son really likes the games, so they stay at 3rd degree.


4th degree Canon includes any comic books. Graphic novels remain at 3rd degree because ‘graphic novel’ sounds more cool than ‘comic book.’ The exception is the Knights of the Old Republic comic book series, which is destined to become a Graphic Novel when bound together, and because they’ve drawn Zayne Carrick really cute. It’s at least 3rd degree, and we might even make that series 2nd degree if sales continue to be good.


5th degree Canon includes all fan-fiction, unless they are “Really Good,” which, by our definition, is anything with over 1,000 views on LucasForums or over 15 thumbs-ups on kotorfanmedia. If they’re “Really Good”, then they can, at the option of the administrators, moderators, machievelli, or the author, move to 4th degree. The exception is if the spam-per-view ratio approaches 1:82, in which case the fanfic shall be declared ‘spammy’ and the fic drops to 6th degree. Action figures are 5th degree Canon, unless they involve Yoda, Han Solo, or Luke Skywalker. These are 1st degree Canon because I like them and because Frank Oz rules.


6th degree Canon includes any speculative posts on any forums. It also includes any non-speculative posts, comments, jokes, pictures, and other written, visual, or aural media. Anything else not already specified shall be 6th degree Canon, unless the author finds something she really likes, in which case the Degree of Canon may be altered accordingly. Forum posts that are written by administrators or moderators shall be whatever Degree of Canon they desire, because the author feels the need to suck up, unless George Lucas declares otherwise, because his 1st degree is more equal than everyone else’s 1st degree.


We hope this clears up any confusion about Canon. If you have any further questions, please send an email to our help center at ‘we won’t answer it anyway.idiocy'. We will do our best to make sure that the answer to your questions are answered with as much obfuscation as possible, preferably by someone who does not even speak your language.


Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

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(yes, that includes Kreia's - not coincidentally most Revan fanboys don't like talking to her either)

Except, of course, when she says nice things about Revan.


Ok, I don’t want to do this, but I’ll have to...I'll have to end the whole discussion...please look here http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_Drain

Provide a source that's more trustworthy than Wookieepedia (the game itself, perhaps?), please.


But you will be a total fool if not admit that Revan (the creator of this particular force power) would surely find the way how to defeat Nihilus, maybe even using the same technique:)).

Firstly, Revan is not the creator of the power. Secondly, there is no credible evidence to show that Revan has the ability to defend against Nihilus' drain. Thirdly, even if Revan had the same technique (right...), using it would do nothing. Nihilus is a wound in the Force just like the Exile, and the power would have absolutely no effect on him.


Oh and don’t even start saying that wiki is untrue and fanbaised or non-canon…. At the end Star Wars are all just a fiction )))

Wookieepedia is not a very reliable source in several cases. It can be edited by anyone at any time. And I'm just wondering, do you know what canon is?


Well, I really don't see the point in furthering this. There's no reasoning with fanboys who'll use anything they can to try to prove their non-existent point.

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Its I who don’t have any argument???No I gave you a lot of evidence already while you can only say that "OH, Nihilus was soooo powerful wound in da force that he would suck Revan's power..!!!" and that is the most stupid argument(and manifestation of fannyboism) and no evidence at all... But we all know that when Revan walked the surface of Malachor 5 (one of the biggest so called “wound in the force”) for the 1st time through the strength of his will, he was able to feed on its evil power without being consumed by it .....P.S. It was stated in the game that only Exile could defeat Nihilus and Sion not because otherwise they were immortal but because there no powerful enough Jedi to destroy them, and Revan was in the Unknown Regions and he didn’t even care about such minor threat like Nihilus or Sion...

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.....P.S. It was stated in the game that only Exile could defeat Nihilus and Sion not because otherwise they were immortal but because there no powerful enough Jedi to destroy them, and Revan was in the Unknown Regions and he didn’t even care about such minor threat like Nihilus or Sion...


Source please. IMO, Nihilus could only be beaten by the Exile because Nihilus was, just like the Exile herself, a wound in the Force (Avellone practically told us so). What happened to Nihilus when using Force Drain on the Exile, could've well happened to the Exile herself when she would've been as proficient in that particular technique as Nihilus and using it on Nihilus.


While I agree that Revan was much powerful and had more knowledge of the Force than Nihilus, he would've had no chance of defeating Nihilus, for the sole reason that Nihilus consumed everything that is but even the slightest surrounded by the Force, so the only thing that could stop him was something that wasn't surrounded by the Force, and only the Exile had that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Revan's best chance to win would be to try and engage Nihilus in a saber duel and do this as quick as possible. If this doesn't happen I can't see Revan surviving even in a saber duel it is not entirely far fetched to say that Nihilus would get a chance to use his version of the force drain technique.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure you're getting Nihilus' power correctly. He doesn't feed on the planet, but on the living creatures that live on that planet, since they all have a small amount of Force in them and Nihilus feeds on the Force. This being said, there really is no way for him to feed on a star.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Nihilus is not even a Sith Lord, he's a freak of nature, a monster, a predator.

All KOTOR Sith Lords/Jedi Masters live in Revans shadow.


In a fight Revan would find a way kill Nihilus.

Damn it, Revan conquered the Galaxie then left and let it rot, now that's POWER.

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In a fight Revan would find a way kill Nihilus.

Damn it, Revan conquered the Galaxie then left and let it rot, now that's POWER.


Um... he didn't let it rot. He kept most, if not all, of the infastructure of the Republic intact - that's hardly 'rotting'. The only problem for the galaxy was recovering from nearly two decades of endless war.


But, Nihilus would supposedly win quite quickly, as the Exile is apparently the only one who can kill him.

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Damn it, Revan conquered the Galaxie then left and let it rot, now that's POWER.

So? Nihilus destroyed an entire planet and species, using only his special ability and without the endless fleet Revan had at his disposal. I would call that quite a demonstration of power. :xp: But we're not talking about power here.


Anyway, like others have said, in a lightsaber-only battle Revan would beat Nihilus, but if Revan were to undertake the sort of assault the Exile underwent on Nihilus' ship in K2, he would surely loose. The Exile was the only one who could beat Nihilus...that was one of her/his roles.

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Firstly I'd just like to say that I don't so much agree with how KoToR fits (cannonically speaking) in the SWEU.


Regardless, as much as I love Revan and want to say he/she is so great that he/she would find a way to beat nihilus, I can't.


The point of the fact of the matter is is that when it's all said and done, Revan wouldn't be able to come within 1000's of meters of Nihilus before he could feel him.


If you remember in the game, Nihilus told Visas to feel the Jedi Exile, not because he couldn't feel the Jedi Exile himself, but because it was something in the Force he had yet to encounter. (IMO) The fact is, with the ability to destroy an entire planet at one time with nothing but the feeding of Force Senisitive beings, Revan wouldn't stand a chance.


R.I.P Revan, you will be missed.

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Nihilus is not even flesh and blood. He is a "Black Hole" in the galaxy.

You know... Not even the speed of light is fast enough to escape a black hole. Everything that comes to close to it will be sucked in to its dark place.


Loosely speaking, a black hole is a region of space that has so much mass concentrated in it that there is no way for a nearby object to escape its gravitational pull.


This is where the developers got their ridiculous idea i think.


In terms of force connection no one is stronger than Revan.

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Sorry about my post earlier, I've seemed to upset some people.


You are all right: LightSaber vs. LightSaber => Revan Wins. Force vs. Force => Nihilus Wins.(Cause it seams he'll eat Revans Force)


But lets look at it from another pov. like I see the situation:


What if Revan created (made/influenced/pushed in that direction) the Exile on purpose. That will make The Exile Revan's indirect weapon. So in the end Revan still wins.


PS: Revan didn't conquer the galaxy because of his vast fleet, but because of his genius, because the Force made him understand.

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What if Revan created (made/influenced/pushed in that direction) the Exile on purpose. That will make The Exile Revan's indirect weapon. So in the end Revan still wins.


Now we're getting into the realms of fantasy. That's just too far fetched to even be possible, IMO.


Revan didn't conquer the galaxy because of his vast fleet, but because of his genius, because the Force made him understand.[/Quote]


Um... he did conquer the galaxy because of his fleet - His genius helped, but you can't conquer the galaxy on wits and intelligence alone.


But now we're beginning to veer off topic...

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