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Battle of the Darths


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Here's one... Say you got all the 'main' Darths, for the sake or argument, these ones:














and got them all in one room, gave them their lightsabre of choice, and said 'last man standing'... who would win?

Of course, if there are any Darths i have forgotten, post them by all means :)

Oh, and i won't bother with a poll, it would be difficult to remain objective ;)

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Darth Traya.


[Force Persuade] "Alright. Listen here Sith Lords. The rules said Last MAN Standing. And I am not a man. I am an old witch. This means I automatically lose. Oh well.


So, let me stand over there and watch you kill each other, because I am a Woman, and therefore automatically will lose. Why waste your time spending Force Powers and trying to murder me. I mean, I'm a woman. I'm not a man. And if you attack me, you'll let all the other Sith Lords murder you.


So, go, kill each other."


All the Other Sith Lords: You make sense. Okay, boys, let the duels begin!


Darth Traya drinks some water and eats popcorn.




10 hours later...


Last Sith Lord (male): Yes, yes! After I lost my arm and my leg...I finally defeated the rest of the Sith Lords! I am the Last Man Standing!


Darth Traya: Idiot! You think the term Man represent just a person of the male species, but there is no proof for such false speculation. It is quite obivous that the Last Man Standing really means Last Human Standing. Since I am a Human, you have to defeat me!


Darth Traya defeats the "Last Sith Lord (male)", since she is at full strength. Darth Traya declares victory.


Darth Traya: "Men are so stupid..."

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If Sion uses his little "I can't die power", then I'd have to go with him. :D


That is, if Traya doesn't break his will first.


edit: Dang it, I forgot Nihilus was in that battle. Well yea, Nihilus and Sion would be the last two standing, and they'd go at it forever - Nihilus would drain Sion countless times, and Sion would rise back up every time. This is of course as long as there is no rule where you are out the first time you die. :D

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I agree with the top. Kreia and Palpitine would try to split the dark lords them into "teams" and use them to play a bang-up game of wizard's chess. After mopping up, they would manipulate each other into a stalemate and spend the rest of eternity unable to defeat the other.

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I agree with the top. Kreia and Palpitine would try to split the dark lords them into "teams" and use them to play a bang-up game of wizard's chess. After mopping up, they would manipulate each other into a stalemate and spend the rest of eternity unable to defeat the other.


I agree. Darth Traya and Darth Sideous would manipulate and divide the forces into 2 ranks. However, Darth Sideous is the most powerful Sithlord so he would have stronger persuasive powers and overthrow Kriea eventually anyway

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Darth Traya's pupil, Revan, shall "wipe them out, all of them".


Nice post, and welcome to the forums, but I have to disagree!


This is what would happen;


While Palpatine and Kreia are busy manipulating different Sith Lords onto the Red and Black team...


Nihilus would be trying to decided which morsule he was going to eat first and goes off to by some chinese, ketchup, salt and pepper.


Revan would be busy trying to work out what 'tactical' parts of his body he can leave undefended so he can gain the upper hand (no pun intended ;))


Darth Maul would be saying "At last we can reveal ourselves to the Sith... erm wait thats us, ah well I'm pissed off because all though my face tattoo's are really cool, some comedian thought writing 'I Love Palpey' on my back was funny... So at Last I'll have my revenge!"


Dooku "I've become more powerful than any Jedi, I mean Sith, apart from Anakin of course... Damn hes cut my head off.... AGAIN!!!"


Anakin/Vader "Join me and togeather we can rule the Galaxy"... Everyone else... 'What all of us... what about the rule of 2?" Anakin/Vader... "Damn guess I really should get a new line as it never actually works!"


Malak "Can I leave please, I'm a pussy and just a cheap take off of Vader, so can I leave?? Or can we reconvene the fight at the Star Forge where I will then be all powerfull"


Sion "Wait, I can't fight yet... I need my makeup team... I always look like hell in the morning, they don't make those vibrobeds the way they used too"


Nihilus "I'm back with ketchup....." Procceeds to eat everyone... with special fried rice!

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Darth Plag-something or other - wasn't he the one that learned how to keep people from death?


I personally think it would be between Revan and Kreia. Vader was owned by Palpatine. Palpatine was then owned by Vader. Tyranus was owned by Vader. Sion was owned by the Exile, Maul was owned by Kenobi, Malak was owned by Revan, Nihilus was owned by Exile and crew, I'm pretty sure Bane was owned by a Jedi, Plag-whatever was owned by his apprentice - are we beginning to see a pattern here? Only Revan and Kreia weren't killed by someone else at one point.


Plus, they both were subtle and powerful in what they did - Revan a bit more so IMO. More than the stupid Sith Lords from the movies.

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Only Revan and Kreia weren't killed by someone else at one point.


Plus, they both were subtle and powerful in what they did - Revan a bit more so IMO. More than the stupid Sith Lords from the movies.


I seem to remember my Exile killing Kreia


Nihilus would suck them all up with a straw.


Stupid Sith Lords in the movies? Canonically Palpatine is the strongest Sith Lord ever, and is manipulations to gain control of the republic and turn it into an empire seem quite clever to me... but then maybe I'm simple!

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Palpatine 4tw... he is officially (sort of) the most powerful Sith ever, or at least the most sucessful. He is the only one to ever actually gain total control of the Galaxy. Good on him. Nihilus has the powah though (Unlimited POWAAAAH!), so it'd probably be a matter of Palpatine persuading Nihilus not to suck him dry.

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Shocking how puny Vader is compared to all of these.


Whoa... whoa... WHOA!!!


Darth Vader was VERY powerful. I believe he is so powerful he would have broken Sion's will and maybe even so powerful that Nihilus could not drain him (too much dark force energy?).


Here is some history for those who don't know. Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) WAS the chosen one. He was discovered having great force energy and he was trained. After falling to the dark side he fell to his master Obi-wan Kenobi. Darth Vader was meant to be TWICE as powerful as the Darth Sidious... yes TWICE. But the injuries (the burns to his body and lungs (which is why he needed respirators) and his lost limbs) crippled his powers hugely to only become 80% as powerful as Palpatine. However he was still the second most powerful Sith to ever walk the galaxy and was more menacing and ruthless than even the emperor. His son redeemed him and Vader destroyed both himself and the emperor, destroying the Sith and completing the prophecy.


This is all said by Lucas himself on an official site, i can't remember but if he had not lost to Obi-wan Kenobi at Mustafa he would have OVERTHROWN the empirer and ruled the galaxy. This is shown in the episode 3 game when you win the dual as Darth Vader. Had he not have been crippled i would call him the easy winner... even still i would be confident in backing him.


Darth Vader was a MIGHTY lord of the Sith and he would have owned Sion and any other Sith lord placed in front of him. I even think Darth Tyranus would have owned Darth Sion. Yes, Sion can resurrect but what does that mean if he can't vanquish his foes.


Darth Nihilus is the only that complicates this situation as his power is very unique...

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Whoa... whoa... WHOA!!!


Darth Vader was VERY powerful. I believe he is so powerful he would have broken Sion's will and maybe even so powerful that Nihilus could not drain him (too much dark force energy?).


How do you figure? Nihilus was able to eat a planet full of Force-sensitive Miraluka, not to mention the visiting Jedi council all at the same time.

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Whoa... whoa... WHOA!!!


Darth Vader was VERY powerful. I believe he is so powerful he would have broken Sion's will and maybe even so powerful that Nihilus could not drain him (too much dark force energy?).



Darth Vader had the potential to be very powerful. But he wasn't. Maybe he could have broken Sion's will, but Sion is IMO the better duelist.


Darth Vader has the greatestpotential ever, Lucas said that. But that does not mean he ever reached his potential.


Anyway, Darth Nihilus is there. Since none of this Sith are known to know how to resist Nihilus' drain, he wins.


Leave Nihilus out of the fight, and I'd say Revan, Bane or Sidious would win.

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