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What should the True Sith BE Like?


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I didn't see anything directly relating to this topic in the forum, so I apologize if I missed it (in which case I would be more than willing to delete this thread or move it to the appropriate place).


As the title says, what should the True Sith be like? How should they act? This came from a thread in another Kotor III forum that I really liked and decided should be here as well. This is what I personally came up with:


I think the cold and passionless character of him is perfect. Jedi are like Buddhists, that try to remove all emotion through contemplation of nature (the force). Sith are Darwinian Romantics that embrace and revel in emotion as a tool to increase the potency of the force.


It would make sense that the true sith would be completely emotionless, just coldy calculating- in other words, true psychopaths. Unlike the jedi, they wouldn't deny their emotions because they are afraid of acting impartially, but because they aren't willing to surrender their judgement to anything outside themselves. Motivated purely by the drive for perfection and power. Not FEELING hate, because they NATURALLY hate everything besides themselves. Not feeling LUST, because all they care about are themselves.


I also like the idea of them NOT using lightsabers, since that would certainly help distinguish them, but I've got an alternative option. If any of you have played Planescape: Torment, then you know all about Dakkon's magical sword that is formed by will. I think it would be awesome if the True Sith all used these weapons- essentially wielding pure force WITHOUT an actual lightsaber. They could go from fighting you with a single-bladed weapon, then transition to a double-bladed one, then maybe a spear-type one. An additional feature would be that YOU wouldn't be able to wield these weapons unless you went fully dark side.


Look forward to hearing other ideas!

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Larger, stronger, somewhat calmer (for example, like the emotionless beings the OP talked about) than most denizens of the galaxy. Should really be able to wield swords for wicked effect. In my eyes, they are soldiers who fight to win, not for honor. They're always looking for the advantage and staying calm so logic doesn't fly out the window so someone wont get the advantage on them.

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I have followed this topic so far and I think the idea of making them emotionless and calm is a good thing to do. These are the things a Jedi must be as well to master the Light side. For a Sith it means he/she is disciplined and he/she doesn't loose control, cannot feel mercy, doesn't care about anything but themselves. I think the most dangerous thing of this Sith is because of his/her calm and emotionless nature he/she can be very difficult to detect for a Jedi. The Jedi might not see the evil nature in a True Sith, worse he/she could infiltrate the Jedi order.....

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Again, this is an Allronix Theory .


First of all, and there are two lines that keep bugging me - Jorak Uln's trick question "A True Sith never dies" and Kreia's scolding that "The Sith are a belief."


This is not going to war against an empire. It's going to war against an idea. You can kill the practitioners of an idea, but the idea itself cannot be killed. The "True Sith" are the idea that has existed since the Jedi were nothing more than a handful of monks on Tython.


The keepers of the True Sith are those who keep archives like the Trayus Academy, those who live the ideals and seek to draw in others. They are not True Sith, only followers of the ideal. Kreia would be one of these keepers. Atris was actually well on her way to becoming the same. There are VERY few of these lorekeepers, but Force help you if you run afoul of one.

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To be honest, I really do not know the diference between True Sith and Regular Sith. But if I had to make descriptions, I would say the True Sith have to be more powerful and more wiser. And also they have to be master practioners with the force and ESPECIALLY with the Lightsaber.

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I have to agree with Alronix that the True Sith are an idea. From the way that Kreia talks about the Sith and also from what is said in the code of the Sith, it seems that the "True Sith" is simply the ideal that all Sith want to achieve.

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The way I figure it, the "True Sith" really shouldn't have anything to do with the Sith as we know them. Meaning that we should have absolutely no idea about their origins. Kinda like the Rathkata (or however it's spelled), in the sense that they are a society of Force sensitives (I think that's a must)-one that "naturally" adopted the use of darkside powers (kinda like the drow, to give an example). You don't become a True Sith, or join them, you are one by birth or not at all. Maybe they never knew of the Republic and it's star systems. Maybe they learned of it from one of the "original" Sith.


I'm pretty sure that is the implication (that they aren't at all related to the Sith as we know them) made in Kotor 2. Sure, the idea of the Sith will exist as long as the Force exists, because it is a different way of using the Force. So the True Sith in my mind would be everything that Sith attempt to be without even trying (mainly meaning powerful in the Force, specifically with the darkside, and also aggressive in terms of concrete power).

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First of all, and there are two lines that keep bugging me - Jorak Uln's trick question "A True Sith never dies" and Kreia's scolding that "The Sith are a belief."


In the first line, it should be noted that Jorak was stating that a true practitioner of Sith beliefs does not believe in the fact that will die. He considers himself all-powerful, all-conquering and immortal. Jorak was not referring to the "True Sith".


In the second line, Kreia is referring to Revan's Sith. Revan never encountered or hired the original Sith in his crusade against the Republic, like Exar Kun. But he shared the evil intensity, the hate against Jedi that was present in the only slice of True Sith the Republic had seen - Naga Sadow. Since there was not much knowledge about Ludo Kressh or his supporters, it was a general assumption that Sith are evil beasts, worshippers of the Dark Side and against the Jedi and the Republic. Exar Kun and Darth Revan took up the title of The Sith to represent their faction, so that they could forward the dark-sided legacy of the Sith. Moreover, the Sith were the only major dark-sided faction the Republic knew of.


Kreia says that the Revan and Exar followed the Sith ideology, but technically were not Sith themselves. The real Sith, are the true Sith and they are more than the ideology that Revan followed.

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I agree with Jediphile. They should be ruthless and cold, and completely merciless and willing to do anything to further their own ends. Any loyalty would be given grudgingly, and only to someone far stronger who can aid their own plans. Erm. Machiavelli in a costume?:p

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Here's my take on the "true Sith":


Since it is obvious that these "true Sith" retreated into the Unknown Regions millenia prior to the Great Hyperspace War, perhaps it refers to the Legions of Lettow? Perhaps Xendor and his followers crossed paths with some of these travelers from the Sith race, and the two became one. They then constructed the Trayus Academy on Kashi, which was now barren of life after one of its suns went supernova (as, I believe, it is established that the Lettow had Kashi as their homeworld before they were defeated). And once Xendor was killed and they were defeated by the Jedi, they retreated into the Unknown Regions and established their own empire, having their own line of Dark Lords. In 2,000 BBY, they return to Republic space and are integrated into Ruin's new Sith cult when he unified all of the remaining Sith factions, including the True Sith, thus grafting his order onto that of the True Sith; and they ended with Sidious and Vader. Now we have a slightly different version of what I've presented, starting with Xendor, remaining in hiding for 23,000 years and returning, and having the Sith we see in the movies being a part of their order. Now this devalifies all known Sith and Sith Lords prior to Darth Ruin, making them all false. The Sith Lords that we see in the comics and games--Ajunta Pal, Marka Ragnos, Ludo Kresh, Exar Kun, Ulic Qel-Droma, Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, etc.--they were not a part of Xendor's original line of succession, and are thus false. It isn't until the True Sith return to Republic space--however dwindled their numbers may have been since their war with Revan--in 2,000 BBY under the leadership of Darth Ruin, the rogue Jedi who united all Sith clans, that the True Sith are once again present as the Jedi's enemies. And of course, this line of succession continued on through Darth Bane's Rule of Two all the way up until Sidious. This explains how Anakin brought balance to the Force by destroying the Sith, breaking their line of succession, when it would appear to outside observers that this line had been broken and the Sith had been wiped out many times in the past, when really it was only false Sith who kept getting wiped out. And thus, Darth Krayt's Sith Order in the Legacy era are not true Sith, and neither are Lumiya or Jacen Solo.


EDIT: Oh yeah, and this would mean that Kashi is Malachor V.

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