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Lego Star Wars 3


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I don't really think that there will be one unless it expands into EU. But, the closest you'll get to our knowledge is the Lego Star Wars: Complete Trilogy set that is coming out this fall. Though, it's really more of Lego Star Wars 2.5.
Yeah LSW: The Complete Trilogy is a combination of the 2 games with a few extras thrown in (such as levels). I'd like to see Lego Star Wars: Bricks of the Old Republic :D but it will never happen, still i can always hope......
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I have a good feeling that they may try making it, LA really is starting to please us with the 3 new games.


Really? I'm getting the idea that people are somewhat pissed off with the releases of the Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga contemplation, Star Wars: Battlefront Renegade Squadron and Fracture. I think that people would rather see such titles of "Star Wars Battlefront III" (assuming that the new PSP game isn't that), Republic Commando II, and most notably, Knights of the Old Republic III.


Regarding a new, complete version of a Lego Star Wars game. I really hope they don't create one. I think most of the Star Wars gamers out there would rather see one of the few titles I listed above rather than a third Lego Star Wars game.

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I highly doubt any more LSW games will be made aside from the Complete Saga. They've already done the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy so it would seem out of place to make one in another period.

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  • 1 month later...
Really? I'm getting the idea that people are somewhat pissed off with the releases of the Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga contemplation, Star Wars: Battlefront Renegade Squadron and Fracture. I think that people would rather see such titles of "Star Wars Battlefront III" (assuming that the new PSP game isn't that), Republic Commando II, and most notably, Knights of the Old Republic III.


Regarding a new, complete version of a Lego Star Wars game. I really hope they don't create one. I think most of the Star Wars gamers out there would rather see one of the few titles I listed above rather than a third Lego Star Wars game.

i would like to see knights of the old republic three it would be soooo cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.

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What I'd like to see in Lego Star Wars:The Complete Saga is:


1.Attacking AI for allies, in other words have it so your ally NPCs can attack


2.Some sort of duel or battle mode where you can fight a character of your choosing or fight a friend in a 1 on 1 duel


3.More damaging lightsabers (in the games lightsabers do no more damage than the blasters)


4.Punches and kicks for Jedi (each Jedi/Sith could have a melee attack at the end of one of his power combos, like how Luke can do a kick on one of his power combos)


5.Faster Framerates


6.Less restricted customization of characters (when you want to give them hair, you can only give pink hair, can't give them jetpacks or thermal detonators or Boba's gun, why couldn't we have Darth Vaders chest piece, or make our character use Sidious's lightning)


7.Everything currently planned for the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I say we need another one, first one was boring 2nd was great, but I dont know about this complete saga, I think they should release a download for those who already have the first 2 cause I aint gonna buy the new one for a few new things....And in my opinion they should give better controls for vehicles like have the mouse do the stearing for it, I had lots of trouble with that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm really looking forward to The Complete Saga, if only because I can get it for my DS (along with Force Unleashed). I wouldn't mind a LSW III, but I don't know what they'd base it on, except something out of the EU.


But, then, they're coming out with Lego Indiana Jones & Lego Batman, so I think it's pretty likely that Traveler's Tales is finished with the Star Wars title and is moving on to other things. Considering how much fun LSW I & II were, though, I figure Lego Indy & Batman ought to be pretty good games.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I think that people would rather see such titles of "Star Wars Battlefront III" (assuming that the new PSP game isn't that), Republic Commando II, and most notably, Knights of the Old Republic III


Well, most PSP versions of a series don't turn out to be a sequel. Such as Medal of Honor Heroes, Ace Combat X or Call of Duty: Roads to Victory. They are just PSP versions of the game. So Renegade Suadron probably isn't the same thing as Star Wars Battlefront 3

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