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Darth Sion and Uthar Wynn /Spoilers, maybe

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I think I've figured out who Darth Sion is. I believe him to be Uthar Wynn, the Master of the Academy on Korriban. He sort of looks like Uthar. He is bald like him. Kind of has the same voice but darker. Uthar's death could have been explained by Revan killing him in KOTOR 1 and Kreia could have found him and brought him alive again. Tell me what you guys think.

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They have the same kind of voice? Uthar's voice was smooth. Sion sounds like he's choking on rocks. As for the baldness, anyone who's been torn apart like Sion would be bald. Besides, Kreia can't bring someone back from beyond the grave, so unless she was shadowing Revan inside that tomb, Uthar would have been long dead before she found him.

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What about Hanharr? He looked REALLY dead when Kreia found him(he even vanished and left remains in-game). There's a chance, as Sion was seen meditating in the Korriban Academy near where Uthar meditated, but the voices are totally different. The gravelly-ness is probably something that the constant pain could cause, but Sion has a distinct Scottish accent, if you listen closely.

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I think I've figured out who Darth Sion is. I believe him to be Uthar Wynn, the Master of the Academy on Korriban. He sort of looks like Uthar.


...Nah. Unlikely. Remember, Darth Sion was changed by the events of Malachor V. He talks about the "blades the Force through my flesh", showcasing that The Force wounded him terribly.


Still, good idea for fanon.

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It is belive that Darth Sion was a Failed Padawan called Haazen Here is the info >>> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Haazen


He look's just like Sion.... I think he might be him.


Interresting idea, but Darth Sion doesn't have any mechanical parts(to our knowledge), and if he did, wouldn't they've shorted out in the Kolto tank aboard the Harbinger? If you ask me, the whole Dray/Haazen/Carrick as Kreia, Sion, and Nihilus theory is kinda sketchy, unless the devs are really creative with their retcons.

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Meh. It's as good a theory as any. Yes, Sion didn't have any obvious mechanical parts. Still, the bad eye is on the correct side, the face looks about right. There's a white-haired shutta running the show...


Makes as much sense as K2 did.

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Their accents are completely different, Uthar's nose is way bigger, and it just isn't possible. I will admit that I thought about this very theory once, when I saw the scene where Sion sits in the middle of the academy meditating in the exact same spot where Uthar once did the exact same thing. I dismissed the idea after some thinking, mainly because of the different dialect of the British accent that each characters speaks, and the nose.


He's more likely that robotic guy from the comics.

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Probably isn't. If Sion was Uthar the devs would've revealed it to us during the game rather than have left it for us to guess.


Uthar's death could have been explained by Revan killing him in KOTOR 1 and Kreia could have found him and brought him alive again.


Meh, seems too over-the-top to me. Bringing people back from the dead with the Force is just silly. :)

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Not possible, Sion isn't "undead" as such, he is alive but his hatred and power in the darkside keeps him alive even though he is in constant pain from his fatally damaged body. So Sion can't be Uthar, it's just not logical (besides Obsidian would have atleast hinted towards this in TSL, which they didn't).

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Not the same. Cade so far has demonstrated he can bring back people from the very edge of death, not people who are completely dead.


Indeed, even if Cade COULD bring people back from the dead, it wouldn't matter. So far, Cade is the only known person to do what Anakin wanted - to save people from death. So highly doubtful Kreia would know any of that knowledge, or anyone else from that time period. And as for the Haazen/Sion comparison I've heard alot, I doubt that too. The differences are subtle, but significant. The only real theories pertaining to the comics and the game I would say are possible are Krynda Dray being Kreia, Alek being Malak, and the hooded guy being Revan. Especially since Alek becomes bald and wears red armor in the comic when Serocco is bombed. But as for Sion, I doubt that he used to be any character we've already seen in the games or comics.

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