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I have found Humor - Zero Punctuation [Warning: Language]


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My god, that SonyDefenseForce site has to be a joke. It's funny just reading it. From how they spin any marginally bad news for other consoles into horrible catastrophes and make a single good news item for PS3 the next "PS3 will win console war because..." But the most hilarious thing is how they take the sales figures of the Wii, DS, and 360; and then compare them to "The Playstation Family" - as they combine the sales of PSP, PS2, and PS3 all together and declare victory.


Seriously, that has to give a bad name to Sony fans, makes them look like raving lunatics. :p

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  Tyrion said:
The reason why Bioshock sucks so much is because it's not on the PS3.


It's true. The PS3 version would've had mutant unicorns and technicolor water. All the Xbox-360 version had was fun.


Yeah, I caught that on Digg a month or so ago. While the review is hilarious, I found the comments underneath funnier!


If you honestly think the game is that poor you need to have your eyes and your head checked.


This site hosts the largest collection of retarded fanboys, regardless of camp, ever. You’re doing a disservice to PS fans and product.




Oh NOES! a 5/10, that ought drag Bioshocks metacritic rating of 99% to… oh wait… that’s right, Sony Defense Force is about as credible as Fox News.


LOL, you PS3 fanboys are hysterical.


You’re going to buy the game to reassure yourself that it’s NOT good. The comedy.


I just want you to die so i can **** on your grave


Are you stupid??? Was that review part of a bet to see who can post the most irritating, useless and childish review?? Or is it possible that you are REALLY that dumb???


Its people like you that further the steroetype that games are blinkered, aggrevating, childish sub-humans with zero grasp of the real world. Why dont you stop reviewing games and spend your time in a more profitable manner….. like pulling your foreskin over your head and suffocating yourself!!!!


****ing idiot


LMAO! :rofl:

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  TiE23 said:

Holy crap, I've never seen anything so funny in a long time. It basically ignores all the good things and only points out the obvious bad things. It's a must see, even if you don't even care about BioShock.


Edit: The rest of the Author's reviews:


Heh, nice find. Those motor-mouthed video "reviews" were pretty funny, and spot-on about some things, even though I hardly agree about every point he raises. Not much of a review as they don't tell you much meaningful about the games to help you form an opinion, but fun as comedy commentary on their own. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  acdcfanbill said:
Idiotic view? Hogwash, I find his wit pointed precisely and his criticisms hilarious. Besides, I don't have to agree with them all to find them funny. :D


I didn't agree with most of them, either. It's just funny to listen to an irate Australian nerd.

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