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The XWA One Year Thread III: Revenge of the Sh*t


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Eh... it was fairly boring.


I spent most of it sleeping, thanks to going decaf. But that was probably exactly what I needed more than anything, since I was feeling like crap for several days in a row now, and haven't had a full day off in 2 weeks, and only one off in the last 3 (which was actually spent dragging my sorry carcass off to see Rush play.)


I'll celebrate tomorrow. Maybe...


I'll probably be in better spirits then anyway,.. seeing as I typically hate birthdays (they tend to make me depressed and irritated...) and the worst effects of withdrawal should be behind me by then.

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im gonna go pick up bad company. it looks awesome, i havent bought an xbox 360 game in a long while. might as well pick up a 3 month sub as well.


just bought it! gold edition, last copy!! never played a battlefield game before....wonder if it's anything like battlefront. hope it's not as glitchy or arcadey as that.

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We just had our "Rhythm and booms" fireworks show. over 300,000 shells and the show lasted 30 minutes and was synced to music. Some Wizard of oz songs, Mary Poppins songs, "the sound of music", and a finale with the 1812 overture.. and appropriate howitzer percussion.


The whole city of madison is on the fair grounds, and almost everyone in the area find a spot to watch them from a distance. I was across the lake from the fireworks show... with all the cute collage chicks lounging around.


Of course I had to go to the bathroom afterwards along with everyone else. I couldn't even use the secret bathrooms since they were being used... of course one cute girl forgot to lock the door to the Unisex bathroom while she was in the can.


So instead i decided to hold it in, and go home. Took me 10 minutes to get out of my parking stall, and another 10 minutes to get out of the parking ramp, 10 minutes to get home... and I almost sprang a leak by the time I got home.

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Saw that last week. It was really good!


Never made it to the movies today...nobody could make it with me tonight, but maybe later this week they'll be able to. It's a short and slow week at work, so what the hell... I can wait a few more days I guess.


Went out and bought a TV instead. (To replace the giant, ancient dinosaur in my upstairs office/ bedroom that looked and sounded like crap, and that I never watched anymore cuz it looks so bad. And that I pretty much refused to play the XBox on since it was so dim and blurry, it made my eyes hurt after less than an hour...)


Just a small one (19")... but 720P HD with a HDMI port for the XBox. Looks pretty bitchin'! (I'm not familiar with the brand: Dynex. I think it's Best Buy's house brand. Maybe Crack can confirm/ deny... Whatever... the image is fine for what I need, and the size was perfect.)


My cable box isn't HD... but it looks fine. A lot better than the TV it replaced anyway... and I spent less than 280 bucks total, and got a couple of CDs there too.


DVDs look great through the 360.


Now I just need to upgrade the audio for it up here...


Then I have to start thinking about the other sets... but now getting the cellar room rebuilt isn't such a pressing priority. I can take some time, and put that room back together right, instead of rushing it because I want my game setup back ASAP.


I really should pull up all the old, crappy, moldy tiles and clean that floor with some kind of stripping agent before I make another move down there. Put down some new kind of surface... Then get a bunch of brand new bookcases to line the walls with.

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  edlib said:
(I'm not familiar with the brand: Dynex. I think it's Best Buy's house brand. Maybe Crack can confirm/ deny... Whatever... the image is fine for what I need, and the size was perfect.)


I think so. My keyboard, mouse, and USB hub are all Dynex. They are cheap pieces of crap, essentially.

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It's definitely no frills... and the sound leaves a lot to be desired. (But I know how to work around that... if I care to be bothered...)


The picture is as good as anything else I saw in the price range and size... and for less than $300, it's pretty damn good.


But even beyond all that: it's easily a thousand times better than the 20-year old set it is replacing.

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played SWG for a bit....some stinkin spy caught me while recoloring my armor. annoyed so i quit, found a way to help my guild get back at the rebel alliance.....it's going to take over an hour to do so though.....will definitely help us keep track of rebel players and what professions they play. *evil laughter*



bad company is gettin pretty fun. :D too lazy to set up the xbox live.


bought some boots today.....braham swat.. .pretty cheap $30 pair. should last a few months. why boots? i dunno just got sick of sneakers.

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Hmmm... well I doubt I would have done much better with the "under $300" budget I forced myself to stick to anywhere else.


I might possibly have gotten something in a better brand name at one of the wholesale warehouses... but I couldn't be bothered to drive that far.


If it lasts me a couple of years I'll feel I've gotten my money out of it.


I'd much rather save the money here, and sink it into a totally kick-ass one for downstairs. But I was pretty sick of living with the old, funky one I had.

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getting into b:bc. it's freakin crazy. it feels a little like a ghost recon + halo. vehicles are freakin awesome. wish there was a co-op mode in it or split-screen. that's the only downside. FPS' are gonna be tough to get used to after playing this...haven't bothered to hook up xbox live yet, need time to go through the story mode on hard difficulty, so why waste the few days i won't be playing on xbox live. :)


it ties GRAW 2 as my favorite war FPS. it's fun hearing my teamates shout and do war cries and stuff. funny thing...i couldn't stop laughing at when we just annihilated buncha mercs in a town and haggart shouts 'The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many' it was awesome hearing a 300 quote being shouted after a brutal firefight.

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Bought GRAW 1 yesterday.


I started 2 a while back, and felt like I had missed something, so I decided to play them through in order.


You can't do the whole campaign through in co-op on those games, though,.. can you? That would be cool... but it doesn't look to be the case... at least I didn't see where you could set that up.


So I still have to look for a good co-op game.


A friend also gave me his copy of Forza 2. Needed to do some racing for a change.


It sucks steering on gamepad, though... but I can't really see paying for a steering-wheel controller... as cool as that would be.

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GRAW 2 has it's own co-op missions. also downloadable ones. as well as quick missions (firefight, recon, defend, chopper killing)


another game that has some co-op is Splinter Cell Double Agent. think that has a few co-op missions.

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Duly noted.


Well... how 'bout 'Rainbow Six: Vegas 2'? I've heard that the co-op in that is pretty good.


Or we'll just end up getting 'Army of Two.'


But co-op campaigning is what is the most fun for me. My buddy from work who talked me into getting the 360 in the first place keeps similar hours as I do... so it's real easy for us to plan times when we can both be on.


I'm not hardcore enough to ever really get good at multiplayer. And single player gets frustrating sometimes.

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Work was OK yesterday.


The band played a little long... but they were good, and attitudes were at a minimum. (Thankfully! A few of the musicians who were on stage are a bit, shall we say,.. notorious.)


Meeting today... whee. :dozey:


New digital monitor board being delivered today... WHEE! :D


Planning on seeing Wall-E after work tonight. It might be our last slowish week for a long while... maybe all summer. So we are all looking for ways to take advantage of it.

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