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What famous people have you seen in rl?


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Just the other day George Bush senior and his wife came to the grocery store I work at in Houston, TX. They came in a black suburban, and secret service was on either end of the grocery isle while the old farts picked out their grocerys. Pretty cool, its a small world. Anyone else seen some famous people when they didnt expect it?

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Well, the first ones that I can think of are Elijah Wood (never talked to him, just saw him walking past me) the guy who played Jaws in the James Bond movies, Ray Parks (I talked with him for about five minutes, nice fella) and the guy who played Haldir in the Lord of the Rings (talked with him for a while too).

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I met Chris Rock......... well, not the famous one, but I did meet Chris Rock... he was white and balding :p


In much the same fashion, my sister has spoken with James Brown and William Clinton... again, not the famous ones, but still, it's amusing enough to make a mention of, no? :D

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Alberto Gonzales spoke at my sister's associates graduation ceremony.


Also, my friend's dad once had a conversation with George Lucas in an airport.


Oh, and my sister saw Billy Bob Thornton eating at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, where she used to work.

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  RoxStar said:
When was this?


May 6th 2005. I took a picture:




Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot to mention this. My friend and his buddy went to an event that George W. Bush went to, and they asked to take a picture with him. He said it only lasted about a split second.




My friend is on the right.

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Got a restaurant reservation screwed up as our table was double-booked by Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn.


Knew Nickelback personally when they were just starting to come up through the ranks in Vancouver's club circuit (when Vancouver actually had a club circuit for live music), and was a good friend of Matthew Goode's old bass player.


Other borderline interesting bits: one of my cousins accidentally kicked Brad Pitt in the head during the filming of Legends of the Fall, another cousin regularly delivers UPS packages to Malcolm Jamal-Warner, and I once assisted in repairing a motorhome after Justin Timberlake managed to burn out the entire bedroom suite in an incident involving groupies and candles in Whistler. True stories.

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Well, I've met my share of famous people:


I've met two U.S. Senators (Rick Santorum and Arlen Specter) and I met Franco Harris when I was younger. I met the Mayor of Columbus several times and I've met every member of Columbus City Council, as well as several state reps, as well as sharing an elevator ride with the speaker of the Ohio House and several others. Eh... I'll meet more.

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I've been working as a tech in various concert venues for well over a decade now.


So... Far too many to mention.


The latest ones that come to mind are Christopher Guest (from Spinal Tap and Princess Bride...) and his wife Jamie Leigh Curtis.


Bill Maher filmed his latest HBO special at our place last summer... but he's kind of an *******.


I hung out for a while with Carlos Santana about 10 years ago. That was uber cool!

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Styx, Chicago, got some autographs by 4Him. Sold about $100 worth of steak to REO Speedwagon when I was working at a little grocery near Branson, MO and they happened to be on tour. I didn't realize til after they left who they were. Waved at President Bush as he passed by on a large touring bus (the security for that was pretty tight). Saw Kofi Annan (former UN Sec'y-General) at hubby's graduation and listened to Shimon Peres (then foreign minister in Israel, former Prime Minister, and current President of Israel) speak at my commencement. I saw Bill Clinton when he was running in the Ohio primary for the Democrat ticket for President in '92--he spoke at a rally at Ohio State.

I saw Mandy Patinkin in concert twice (fabulous singer in addition to actor), and he sent me a handwritten thank you note for the cookies and brownies I had baked for his crew and him.

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