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Star Wars: Vector


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I can't wait to till' new releases come out too! Two of my favorite characters are gonna be shown too: Luke Skywalker and Cade Skywalker! :3heart:


The new Clone Wars series frowns on this conclusion!


Aw, c'mon, Prime! I still love Clone Wars! Even if Vector sounds great to get. :lol: But seriously, I'm looking forward to both. :D

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I wonder if this will tie in with the huge "OMG!" moment that's supposed to be in TFU...


Also, I dunno if this is a stupid question or not, but I'll use spoiler tags anyways:



The fact that they show Vader, Luke, Cade and Zayne all together is a bit strange as the first three are direct descendants, so it makes you wonder if Zayne might be part of that family? Any tthoughts on that?



I've been getting the KotOR TPBs so far so I'll get the KotOR issues at some point...I might get the whole storyline in TPB if/when they decide to make it :)

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@Jason Skywalker - Don't worry! I'm pretty sure they'll focus on Zayne. And remember how Legacy was boring at first? It could get interesting... ya never know... ;)


@The Padawan - You're welcome, Padawan! Just wanted to put this out there for you guys. This had me excited, so I really wanted to tell all my friends at LF. :D

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Aw, c'mon, Prime! I still love Clone Wars! Even if Vector sounds great to get. :lol: But seriously, I'm looking forward to both. :D
Nice backpaddling!! :D


I wonder if this will tie in with the huge "OMG!" moment that's supposed to be in TFU...
I doubt it. I think the point of Vector is to introduce readers to all the eras covered by Dark Horse.


Im so out of the loop with EU and comix moreso... the little spare time I get to read Ive been reading other stuff.... I'll get around to it one day..
I've been limiting my EU readings of late. I'm all over Legacy and still into KOTOR, although it has had its poor archs and art. I've more or less given up on Dark Times. As for novels, I think I may be done after finishing Legacy of the Force. It has been very up and down and overall I've been fairly disappointed.


@Primeski, I hope you are taking good care of mythe EU forum...
I pop in there from time to time, although to be honest I'm finding the best EU talk is in the KOTOR forums...


Hmm, i never thought Legacy was boring anyway.
Nor I!
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I like legacy ... but I dont really like the way Sith's look ... I mean ... the type of Rule ... the Dark lord of the Sith and their fashion for red skin and tatoos ... but other than that it's cool ... I like Kotor comics and well I dont really read much Rebellion ...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oi...Vector is beyond "meh" for me. In the first issue, nothing happened, and everyone was...chunky. I'll stand by my KOTOR Comics, though, because I'm convinced that the whole Vector story has been forced on them by DH. Though, the quality of the KOTOR Comics in general seems to have been deteriorating, but they're still more than decent. After all, what else am I going to read while I wait for K3? :p



Oh, and I for one do not care about the Vector plot beyond the KOTOR Comics. I'm not going to fall for their marketing ploy, no sirree. While prophetic stories involving multiple time periods can be interesting, they don't belong in Star Wars any more than "flow-walking" does. If you want to read about the history of a Star Wars-esque universe, go read the Foundation series (really, go read it :p).

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I happen to collect all 4 comic lines, so any ploy is wasted on me, as I'll be getting them regardless, but as I said before I quite like the Vector plot, I'm just really unhappy with the art.


@JCarter, I'm still on the fence about flow walking, I acknowledge its ridiculousness, yet it carries a plot and doesn't spoil a story for me...

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I thought the same thing when I read both! :lol:


It's a shame, its not that the artist can't draw well, it just that his style is totally differant from what the others where doing.


That's what mostly is bugging me.


I'll wait a bit longer before "judging' the story.

But I enjoy this Kotor series as much as the old ones.

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Well, storyline took a weird turn but i'm still enjoying it. Unfortunately, the artist doesn't change. Don't know why they even change artists. I miss Ching and Weaver.


Yeah. Ching and Weaver did some pretty awesome work with the covers and comics. Kinda miss them too. Probably makes you wanna think "Man. I bet Ching and Weaver can do a better Celeste, rather than to make her look big." :D

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