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Sentinel to ... what?

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I just started my 2nd play-through. The first time through I chose Guardian to Jedi Weapons Master, as I didn't plan on ever having another play-through and with only one shot I wanted to wield a lightsaber pretty heavily.


So this time around I'm going Sentinel, focusing on strength over dexterity because I prefer melee combat and still want to use the lightsaber, but I don't know which Prestige Class to choose.


Can some of the experts here lend some advice on which Prestige Class to go starting as a Sentinel, and why?

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Watchman is supposed to be the logical progression, but I was never into sneaking around enemies, so I usually went with Jedi Master for the extra Force points and powers. If you'd prefer to do lightsaber combat, Weaponmaster is still the way to go.

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If you are still focusing on lightsaber skills than yes, Weaponmaster is still the way to go. Watchmen tend to focus a lot on dexterity but they can be good melee users with out it. The prestige classes are so overpowered that any one of the three can be good with a lightsaber if given good physical attributes or items/upgrades.


If I were you I would go with watchman just to try it. Since you are early in your KOTOR gaming, its good to at least try out different combinations. I used to always play guardian/weaponmaster over and over and it got real boring real quick. Watchmen, as the middle class, really can be good with the force or lightsaber depending on attributes. While weaponmasters are still obviously better with a lightsaber, I find the versetile watchman to be more fun.


:slsaber: -HOP:slsaber:


EDIT:- just saw GA's second post) - Oh well if you go with jedi master (just ignore my whole watchman tirade then :) ) you can still be a good melee user though weak compared to the other two classes. I dont even use the watchman's stealth stuff, I just use it as a slightly less melee oriented weaponmaster who gets more force powers and points. Like Jae I'm not a big fan of creeping around in stealth, no matter what attack bonuses I get.

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Considering every class has the same BAB they're all the same combat wise. ;) What you want to look at is the special feats each class gets. And from my last playthrough I'm not even certain that the Weapon Master feats even work. :¬: Stealth feats aren't the only thing that Watchman get though, skills and Sneak Attack are also features of that class. ;P

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Personally I reccomend not doing the relevant prestige to earlier class. i.e. don't go sentinal/watchman. I think purley because it allows you to take advantage of the various bonuses accomidated to two classes.


I'd probably say go Master, only because you get the 'inspire followers' feat which makes influence a hell of a lot easier.

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Ok so I did a little reading on the feats - based on the comments here I'm definitely not going Watchman.


The feats for Weapon Master are Blaster Deflection, Inner Strength, and Increase Melee Damage.


The feats for Jedi Master are Prestige Sense, Light Side Enlightenment, and Inspire Followers... is that right? What benefits do these feats provide?


EDIT: After reading jonathan7's post I think I'll go Sentinel/Jedi Master to give those feats a shot and see how they work, and just attribute points to strength so I can still wipe out masses with my lightsaber from time to time.


Follow on question: Are any force powers restricted by Medium Armor, or is it only Heavy Armor that has restrictions?

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I'd go Watchman. The Sneak Attack feats are really worth it, especially if you focus on Critical Strike. Plus you get the extra skill points, and get a good balance between VP and FP. But it's really a matter of preference. If you have time, try all three. ;)

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It's going to be a big stretch for me to play a 2nd time through... given enough time I could play several times, but by the time I finish this play-through I'm guessing TFU will be out and I'll be forced to dedicate some time to that.


Also, the sneak attack isn't really attractive to me. Maybe that's because I haven't used it, but I like brute force or force powers over sneak attack.

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Oh, the second playthroughs and on go a lot faster because you know where quests go and what items are needed, how to defeat certain enemies, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if you got to try multiple playthroughs before TFU comes out. Each time can be very different and I would try different combos of classes, powers, skills, lightside vs. darkside, male vs. female, and so on so you can see the different aspects of the story come out.


Some powers are restricted by _any_ armor. However, if you bump up your DEX that bumps up your defense, and using the Jedi robes with the inlays and overlays can actually allow you a higher defense even if the actual armor bonus is 0.

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The issue is finding time at all. I've tried to play the past 3 nights - I've amassed a total of 17 minutes so far. I typically get home from work at 6 to 6:30, and I have two little boys (almost 4 and 16 months) that I devote the next couple of hours to. Then the wife needs attention as well. And of course my MBA takes up quite a bit of time too. Until that's done, and the boys are a little older and more self-sustaining, I just don't really have any time at all.


Anyway, hopefully you're right Jae and it won't take me forever and I can get a couple more play-throughs.


As for focusing on DEX, I think I'm going for strength more, and I'll just have to rely on robes with inlays/outlays and using force heal a lot during battle. I like to be strong :)

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Also, the sneak attack isn't really attractive to me. Maybe that's because I haven't used it, but I like brute force or force powers over sneak attack.


Using Force powers can get you Sneak Attacks. ;) Anytime you immobilize an opponent with Force powers, like Stasis, Insanity, Wave, and/or just stun them with using Critical Strike/Sniper Shot, the damage increase from Sneak Attack is applied. This is why Scoundrel/Consular is such a great combo in K1. :D

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Man, if you're into lightsaber slaughter, massive damages and god-like toughness, just go Sith Marauder, whichever starting class you chose ^^


Choosing Sentinel was a wise choice, anyway. You get those immunities to mind-affecting powers while usually, strength-built characters are terrible when trying to survive against Force Powers.

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I'd say Watchman would be great a choice for Consular or Guardian because:

Consular's Force Focus can make it easier for you to stun your targets;

as for Guardians, as soon as you catch an enemy that is not facing you, jump and sneak attack, and that attack will pretty much be fatal.


I also love Scoundrel/Guardian combo in K1. It actually works better, because a lot of scenes in K1 are wide plains, and it is easy for me to jump around. While in K2 it seems that such scenes are quite rare.

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The finesse with lightsabers feat allows you to add your DEX modifier to your attack roll instead of STR. That way you can up your defense and attack at the same time.


Becoming a Master is pretty much pointless unless you were a consular first.

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Becoming a Master is pretty much pointless unless you were a consular first.


Well that's not entirely true. Becoming a Master is just:

1) learn more force powers

2) have almost unlimited supply of FP

3) Increase your party's abilities


it really has nothing to do with Consular...

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It most certainly does.


Consulars have the Force Focus feat tree that makes offensive powers harder to resist. What would be the point in having all of those powers, all of the force forms and that huge FP pool if you're only going to use them for buffs? Without Force Focus you're basically hobbling yourself as a master, IMHO. ;)


BTW, I believe that consular makes a good starting class for any of the three prestige classes, as you get a good FP pool and the Force Focus feats to make good use of it offensively.

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Consulars have the Force Focus feat tree that makes offensive powers harder to resist. What would be the point in having all of those powers, all of the force forms and that huge FP pool if you're only going to use them for buffs? Without Force Focus you're basically hobbling yourself as a master, IMHO. ;)

When hobbling onesself: cheat with KSE :xp:

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