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question on a few item properties in kotor tool

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most of the properties you can give items through the kotor tool are easy enough to figure out, but there are a few that i don't get what they do, Keen, Light, Mighty, Freedom of Movement, and On Monster Hit. I'm guessing on monster hit means that the subtype given will be applied on a critical hit but i wanted to be sure. Could someone please tell me what these mean?:confused:

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There was something else leftover from NVN in the .utc file. There's a field called "LawfulChaotic", evidently left over from "proper" the D&D alignment system.


I'm interested about this "light" property. I might try it out...


What about the "Special Walk" property? Does it do anything?


Edit: No, light does nothing.

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As far as I know, no. I'm almost positive, but someone like the stoffe would be able to explain it to you in more detail.


Proof please?






AB: 1, Keen


AB: 1, DB: Energy, 1


AB: 1, DB: Energy, 1


From; http://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotor/sabercrystalsguide.php


I was under the impression both HotG and MotF were both also keen, and that the property acted in much the same way it does in TSL - but don't quote me on the latter ;)

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In the first KotOR the lightsaber uti files contained all the info on what properties were added when an upgrade crystal was applied. In TSL they are not stored in the lightsaber file, but instead were moved into the upgrades uti files.


This allowed for a more easier upgrade system but also made the original KotOR I HotG and MotF crystals impossible to replicate in TSL, hence why they are not present in the game and we got orange and turquoise colors instead.

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