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Monkey 1 coming back to Live Arcade?


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I am happy because LucasArts remembered its legacy, but I don't understand why they picked the Xbox 360. Adapting the game for the Wii should be easier, because of the control scheme.

Good news anyway. :)

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I don't want to bring down the excitement levels, but it's going to suck and we all know it: It'll either be put together by some unknown low budget 3rd party, in a new "3D format" without Dominic Armato and new dialogue/bad music/ looking wrong OR It'll be some cruddy up-scaled version of the old 256 colour version.


Either way, what's the point? It isn't going to please the fans any.


I hope I'm wrong... but I expect all LucasFans should get ready for another down-pouring of ~%@$ from their favourite company.

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  ThunderPeel2001 said:
but I expect all LucasFans should get ready for another down-pouring of ~%@$ from their favourite company.


Favourite company?

I mean, even a plain PC port would be better than nothing nowadays.

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  jp-30 said:
Both your sarcasm detectors broke at the same time?


Guess so. I wonder why. Thunderpeel's avatar had to be a clue.

Indeed. Indeed.

Maybe we still think it's our favourite company, after all...deep in our hearts.


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  Icebox said:
This whole debacle begs the question: "Would it have been better to have loved and lost, than to see one's ex shamble back as a mindless zombie?"


I would've preferred a world without Monkey Island 4 if that's what you mean.


It raises the question, it doesn't beg the question. Begging a question is more specific than just raising a question.



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  ThunderPeel2001 said:
Actually "begging the question" doesn't even mean that. Not that any of us should truly care?


Well ordinarily I'd agree, it doesn't matter in the least, however Icebox seems to be a fan of logical fallacies and sounding educated (see about a third of the way down the comments) so I thought they'd appreciate it. ;)


I don't really want to get too much into this, but you mentioned that I got it wrong. I didn't think you could beg the question without raising a question, or at least without re-raising the same question. For example, if say "EMI sucks because it's crap." it raises the question "So why is EMI crap?". Have I got the wrong end of the stick here?


Sorry for being off topic.

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Sorry About that, next time I'll double check.

Whatever blunder Lucas Arts commits will never surpass the horror of EMI, but this news still doesn't bode well. Probably the most likely outcome would be a Germany exclusive release, considering the high adventure market over there, but if it is released or announced in USA or Britain, I wouldn't underestimate them... I mean, look what happened to Zork. Yikes!

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  diduz said:
Guess so. I wonder why. Thunderpeel's avatar had to be a clue.

Indeed. Indeed.

Maybe we still think it's our favourite company, after all...deep in our hearts.



I think that's more of what I was getting at.

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  Samnmax221 said:
I'm going to say it here and now. EMI wasn't that bad, compared to almost all of Lucasarts recent work its pretty good, compared to most games its pretty good.


It wasn't a bad game.

It was just a bad MONKEY ISLAND game.

If they had used the story with a different theme and lead characters I'd actually enjoy replaying it and I'd probably consider it their last classic.


Now it's just something I'd like to forget, because they wanted to make a popular franchise game.

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