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Monkey Island: Special Edition OFFICIAL!


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Now it´s my turn. MI: SE has one big disadvantage. The exclusivity of the FM-Towns version is now broken! And I love this hightech version!!


Btw here an interview of the new president:



Will we see more of those old adventure properties resurface?

Monkey Island is one of a few going on right now. The classic game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is included in the new Wii version of Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, which comes out on June 9th.

We’re looking at other opportunities to bring back the best of our heritage products to consumers. LucasArts has a rich history of storytelling and innovation and I’m excited to bring back Monkey Island and begin sharing it once again with today’s audience.

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I just watched on GameSpot that the Special Edition will have the Curse of Monkey Island voice actress for Elaine.


They're using the entire original cast from Curse of Monkey Island, so yes, she is.


@Megakles: Still looks too confident, IMO. The original game's Guybrush was supposed to look like an ordinary 16 year old kid who washed up on a shore one day and decided he wants to be a pirate. He isn't smooth, he isn't cool, and he looks like a flooring inspector.

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They're using the entire original cast from Curse of Monkey Island, so yes, she is.


@Megakles: Still looks too confident, IMO. The original game's Guybrush was supposed to look like an ordinary 16 year old kid who washed up on a shore one day and decided he wants to be a pirate. He isn't smooth, he isn't cool, and he looks like a flooring inspector.


You're right, and a lot of it is in his posture too. They've given him such a hero posture, standing up straight with his shoulders back...


In the original game, it looks more like he's slouching a bit, or at the very least relaxed. He's more Woody than Buzz Lightyear, Lucas Arts.

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@Megakles: Guybrush still looks too confident, IMO. The original game's Guybrush was supposed to look like an ordinary 16 year old kid who washed up on a shore one day and decided he wants to be a pirate. He isn't smooth, he isn't cool, and he looks like a flooring inspector.


I think it's a good point to understand exactly WHY we liked Guybrush in the first place... I'm not sure the sprite designer did?

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@Thunderpeel, I completely agree with your first post. It must be possible to get back some of that easy-going-ness, even when adapting the art style, or remaking in 3D (I can't tell from that picture whether it's 3D or not).


Talking with LucasArts about it, might best be done on their forums maybe...



Apart from the graphics though, very impressed with the way they've apparently extended the original game/engine, rather than reimplementing everything from scratch, which is what I assumed at first.


Apart from the face/hair, I think the idea's great. Not sure the scenes sound very good acted out with voices though... And the narration sounds a bit too Space-Questy to me. But I don't think those quibbles aren't enough to put me off.

Ultimately, it would be great to see more adventure game love from LucasArts. If I had an XBox or capable PC, I'd happily buy it to show my support, the same way I did for Telltale with the Bone games.

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Seems the voices are gone when you switch to the old art.

Huge let down for me as I was planning on playing with the old art.

I don´t really like the balding huge neck new Guybrush.

The animations also works better in the old art from what I´ve seen of them.

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