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Further Special Editions

Zak McKracken

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First I apologize if this has been previously posted.


Seeing the news for the Special edition of the first Monkey Island got me really excited not just for the hope of seeing more of these special editions and the revitalization of the genre but also the thought of just re-releasing all their old games they could call it LucasArts Adventure Pack or something.


If they where to go back in their library and do more special editions, what would you like to see in them? Which games would you want them to do?


If I had to pick 3 I'd go with Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken and of course Monkey Island 2. Here's what I would like to see them do.


Maniac Mansion


First off eliminate dieing and security codes. Part of what made LucasArts adventures great is the lack of dieing or getting endlessly stuck.


Introduce commands such as "Look at" or "Talk to" Even though it would be more work then Monkey 1 in a design scope I feel it would help suck you in to that that world if you could interact more. Being able to talk amongst the kids ala Sam & Max or the other Mansion characters would be great.


Just having better graphics, full voice and music.


Zak McKracken


Like posted above remove being able to die or being stuck.


REMOVE the Mazes. Being a fan of the game the mazes have a certain charm but even David Fox wishes he didn't add them.


REMOVE the security codes and the issues with the CashCards. Even though it's realistic it's no fun being stuck across the world with no funds and the game far from being completed. You should have endless money when you need it.


Introduce commands such as "Look at" or "Talk to" More so then Mansion Zak explores the whole world and more and not being to immerse yourself more by looking around and by not being able to talk to the other characters or Annie limits the information you could receive.


It's no secret that Zak McKracken is one of my favourite adventures so just seeing this game brought back with enhanced graphics, full voice and music would delight me to no end.


Last point. I think that by adding little things such as when one of the crystals is activated for the aliens to abduct which ever character is in that screen at the time only to return when their mind has melted. Personally I've always wanted Lou from the pawn shop to be abducted after Zak sells one of the crystals for quick cash.


Monkey Island 2


Off the top of my head I can't of anything really other then doing exactly what they are doing for Secret of Monkey Island. If there was something that was cut out of the game or something that one of you always wanted please respond.

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Maybe Monkey Island 2. It´s the "worst" FM-Towns version...

And I hate the lack that you can´t talk in MM and Zak.


Zak agian:

Then play ZAK BTAS. (a German Fan-Adventure) You can lost your cash but the game returns and with a joke. But you can die. I don´t know I think only in the hard version. :D

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Maniac Mansion


First off eliminate dieing and security codes. Part of what made LucasArts adventures great is the lack of dieing or getting endlessly stuck.


Zak McKracken


REMOVE the security codes and the issues with the CashCards. Even though it's realistic it's no fun being stuck across the world with no funds and the game far from being completed. You should have endless money when you need it.


The releases of Maniac Mansion that came with Day of the Tentacle and the releases of Maniac Mansion/Zak McKracken in the LucasArts Classic Adventures pack already removed the security code parts. Not to mention ScummVM disables them in all versions too.

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Reposted from another thread, for the most part...


Spec:Eds will be a lot cheaper to make as soon as they hit the ones that are already fully voiced.


I doubt they'll go backwards in time from MI1 (Zak, Maniac Mansion). Though Last Crusade is possible I guess. So other than MI2, everything else ripe for a spec:ed is already voiced.


If they did revisit MM & Zak, I think they would do it later in the run... after MI2, Dig, DOTT, Full Throttle, Fate of Atlantis, Loom etc.

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Reposted from another thread, for the most part...


Spec:Eds will be a lot cheaper to make as soon as they hit the ones that are already fully voiced.


I doubt they'll go backwards in time from MI1 (Zak, Maniac Mansion). Though Last Crusade is possible I guess. So other than MI2, everything else ripe for a spec:ed is already voiced.


If they did revisit MM & Zak, I think they would do it later in the run... after MI2, Dig, DOTT, Full Throttle, Fate of Atlantis, Loom etc.



I'd rather have those games be re-released because for all the games mentioned above the only thing you could do is enhance the graphics which wouldn’t be a bad thing I'd still buy them and they'd look incredible. I'd love if they changed the voices for Loom though. It just never clicked with me.


A little part of me is really hoping that "IF" this is a success we will see further adventure games. I would personally love to have sequels to Loom, Zak and Full Throttle. Not counting Monkey because we have Tales coming out this summer. I'd love to see some new original games as well but I'd want the talent to be up for it.

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I gotta say that since Monkey Island 2 is the best in the series in my opinion. That is what I want redone with HD graphics, full voice and the new GUI.


Would be nice if they could scan the original art at high resolution but I would also take new artwork too, as long as it was pretty faithful (like the MI SE). And while I really like GB in MI SE, they better have him VERY faithful to MI2 because that is my favourite Guybrush by far.


After that :-


Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

The Digg

Maniac Mansion


The rest really don't need SE versions right now. Can't see it being worth putting effort into a HD version of Full Throttle or Curse of MI when they both still look fantastic. Sure Full Throttle looks a little pixelated now, but in ScummVM with the Eagle filter it looks HD anyway.


And I just played Curse of MI on my HDTV via an Xbox and ScummVM an it looked fantastic. Really no point upgrading that, I would imagine the same is true for Day of the Tentacle and Sam & max.


Although doing some minor upgrades to all the post 92 games and bringing them to places like XBLA would be very welcome.

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While I would love more rereleased versions of the games, it kind of depends how they go about it on some games. Remaking the background art on Loom, Last Crusade, and Secret of Monkey Island is fine, because it beats the original dithering type art, but for Monkey Island 2 and on, they would have to scan the original background art for me to not be unhappy and fix it so it works in hi-res. If it's the same team as this current remake, they just simply aren't skilled enough to match the backgrounds to Monkey Island 2, The Dig, Fate of Atlantis, Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle, and Sam and Max. Furthermore, I don't know if that team is skilled enough to redo any of the character sprites well enough for any of those. Monkey Island 2 even had more animation than the first and I can only imagine the stuff that the SMI:SE team would make would be too stiff compared to the original work to be considered an upgrade. They would have to upgrade their artist staff really and rehire a new art director that has more of an understanding on what he's doing. I guess that's harsh to say that, but the further along the LucasArts Adventure timeline they go, the harder it is going to be to faithfully emulate some of the masterful artists on the original team, big pixels or not. A new style certainly isn't going to fly on MI2 and beyond.


But I would certainly love voices on MI2 and for them to figure out how to make recorded live music fit within Imuse. I mean they could just record every transition the game has between screens for the music. It would be very time consuming, but anything else would be lazy, really.


I would hope maybe Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken, and Last Crusade to all be redone in the same fashion if there is enough interest. I don't think the design, deaths, or obnoxious puzzles in all of those games really needs to be fixed that badly.


A remake of Loom would be especially awesome, but I doubt anyone cares enough about Loom. If the team could combine the CD version and FM-Towns version, as well as maybe bring back the original actors to record all of the edited out dialogue to fit in with the rest, that would be great. They could bring the close-ups back and not even bother lip-syncing them. They didn't do it for for the SMI remake and I think it looks fine.

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A remake of Loom would be especially awesome, but I doubt anyone cares enough about Loom. If the team could combine the CD version and FM-Towns version, as well as maybe bring back the original actors to record all of the edited out dialogue to fit in with the rest, that would be great. They could bring the close-ups back and not even bother lip-syncing them. They didn't do it for for the SMI remake and I think it looks fine.


Aww, I love Loom. Loom is seriously underrated and was always a favourite. I think it's a crime that it didn't have a sequel it's one of the few games that BADLY needed it. When I was little I would dream of sequels like Monkey Island 3 or Loom 2. I'm still waiting on the last one LucasArts. When I heard of plans for Forge and Fold I was crushed they were never completed. People Always talk about the Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle and The Dig and I think many forget the great gems that are Maniac Mansion, Zak and Loom.

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I´ve another point for a MI 2: SE. It´ll be strange if you play the MI 1:SE and then the Low-Res MI 2. :D


Loom is not the best from LA, but it´s not bad. Especially the CD-version. :D Nobody forget MM and Zak. There is a German fan adventure of Zak.

And MM? Who don´t know MM? It´s the "first" adventure if you understand... ;)

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Aww, I love Loom. Loom is seriously underrated and was always a favourite. I think it's a crime that it didn't have a sequel it's one of the few games that BADLY needed it. When I was little I would dream of sequels like Monkey Island 3 or Loom 2. I'm still waiting on the last one LucasArts. When I heard of plans for Forge and Fold I was crushed they were never completed. People Always talk about the Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle and The Dig and I think many forget the great gems that are Maniac Mansion, Zak and Loom.


Yeah I sort of wish I never even heard that Loom was planned to be a trilogy. It makes me sad to know all of that was planned and never happened. Loom ended sort of abruptly and I would have loved to see sequels focusing on other characters and guilds with new art and an expanded story. I bet if LucasArts had given the greenlight on the Loom sequels, they would have each consecutively sold better and made Loom much more memorable to everyone later on.

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Let's face it, as long as MI:SE sells well MI2 is a CERT for a SE.


And as the best in the series it would be criminal for it not to get a voice-over and HD upgrade.


They really have to be VERY VERY faithful to the original though because it is an almost perfect point-and-click adventure. Scanning the original artwork in high-definition seems the best bet to me. Or repainting them in the same style.

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If we do get more remakes/re-releases like SoMI, I wonder if they will all follow the same model of new graphics and voicing, or if we'll see something different? I know we have Scumm VM for the DS (I have it for my DS lite), but I'd love to see some of the adventure games released for DS and given a proper dual screen interface and touch controls. And Fate of Atlantis kind of falls under this category, as Darrel Rodriguez included it when he talked about the Heritage Program he's starting at LA. I think MI2 does make sense for a full blown Special Edition like MI1 though.

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If we do get more remakes/re-releases like SoMI, I wonder if they will all follow the same model of new graphics and voicing, or if we'll see something different? I know we have Scumm VM for the DS (I have it for my DS lite), but I'd love to see some of the adventure games released for DS and given a proper dual screen interface and touch controls. And Fate of Atlantis kind of falls under this category, as Darrel Rodriguez included it when he talked about the Heritage Program he's starting at LA. I think MI2 does make sense for a full blown Special Edition like MI1 though.


The games originated on the PC, so I think the first and foremost platform to have other SEs released on should be the PC. (the XBox-version is probably just a side product of that).


What they actually could do, is make official Scumm ports for several consoles (basically an official ScummVM, which suits each console better... but integrated with each game, not standalone), so that they could just release all their classics in an unaltered form for every available platform. Maybe it could even be a collaboration between LucasArts and the ScummVM-team (now THAT would be a sight... and a change from any C&D-letters).


On the other hand this might neglect the interest in Special Editions, so I'd vote for more ports of the Special Editions instead. The weaker consoles (like the DS) could get the SE(s) with enhanced speech and music, but with the classic graphics though.

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Could they resample (?) the voices for the early talkie games in higher quality? The voices don't sound bad for those games, but they're not quite as crisp as they could be. Do you think they have the original recordings, before they were (presumably) compressed?

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