VarsityPuppet Posted September 26, 2009 Share Posted September 26, 2009 Quote KotOR had a deeper story than TSL? Yeah, you know going around collecting Star Maps as a reprogrammed Revan jedi puppet to bring about the destruction of the Sith empire... that doesn't sound superbly deep to me. I'm not saying that k2 is like 7 miles deep, but it got me thinking more than k1 did. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
minus0ne Posted September 27, 2009 Share Posted September 27, 2009 Regardless of which had a deeper story, KOTOR was a more well-rounded game (I could call it finished to drive the point home ), but that aside, I'd like the third game to have its own story, which doesn't revolve around the characters of the previous games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shem Posted September 27, 2009 Share Posted September 27, 2009 minus0ne said: If this ever gets made, I'd like for Obsidian/BioWare to drop the current Revan/Exile storyline and come up with something entirely new.I agree with this. minus0ne said: There could be a few background stories or quests related to KOTOR1/2 characters, but nothing major (excluding the backdrop events of the first two games of course). A century or two between them would be a healthy change without seeming unfamiliar in my view.If they would to elaborate somewhat on Revan and the Exile's death, that would shut up the fanboys. Seriously, there are tons of Revan fanboys speculating that Revan is still alive in the upcoming TOR game and it doesn't matter if you say it's 300 years later and that humans don't live 300 years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Avlectus Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 ^^^I'd like for the villain to be the one who ended Revan and Exile--and that is all for the connection to the previous two games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cire992 Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 ^ Nah, I'd say leave it a mystery. Things get too tied together in Star Wars lore. 'Aleema Keto may be a 4000 year old ancestor of Serra Keto', 'Darth Vader fights Maul's clone'... just gets kind of flabby after a while, ya know? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Avlectus Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 On second thought you're probably right. Like a murder mystery never to be resolved in the game. Methinks TOR will have some allusion to this anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parmenides Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 I would love to see more Revan action, but it probably is best to leave that alone for a while more at least. More than anything, there needs to be a single player KOTOR3 in some form, even if the characters are new and Revan's fate remains a mystery. I'm not going to play a monthly fee for an MMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DAWUSS Posted October 4, 2009 Share Posted October 4, 2009 Wookiee Rrudolf said: Of course Revan is an icon and Great Hero of the Republic. But Exile should also be well known. She was the Last of the Jedi after Jedi Civil War (even though through the game there are other Jedi she ends up being the last one) and the one who rebuilt the Jedi Order. Not mentioning the Exile in TOR would be like not mentioning Skywalker in Legacy Era (OK, maybe I exaggerated a bit ). But you also have to remember - the name you gave the Exile is the Exile's real name - as we saw in K1, the name you gave Revan wasn't Revan's real name. Sure, you could continue to refer to the Exile as the Exile, but is a rather generic title. And I don't think anyone wants the Exile to have an official name, either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cire992 Posted October 4, 2009 Share Posted October 4, 2009 ^ Meh, people will know what you're talking about if say "Exile". Shouldn't be an issue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Avlectus Posted October 4, 2009 Share Posted October 4, 2009 Not much of one, though there are a ton of exiles and from an outsider's P.O.V. who could care less, a tad more elaboration on an otherwise generic title might help. Plus as a general story writing rule, any one of generic title should be made distinctive from others by noteworthy deeds to its name. Probably ought to be the 'Jedi Exile' best known for working in secrecy and responsible for the eventual rebuild of the Jedi order. Outcast savior maybe? Savior exile of Jedi? Something more--the jedi exile itself simply wouldn't make sense since there are millions throughout jedi history. Even though "WE" (IRL) understand it. It would be like saying the oucast marine for one of our wars--"which one?". But I've derailed this thread enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deadshot#1 Posted October 5, 2009 Share Posted October 5, 2009 Right on bro! way to stick it to the man! way to stick it to the freaking man!! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Te Darasuum Mandalor Posted December 8, 2009 Share Posted December 8, 2009 Can't wait! This means Obsiden and BIOWARE would have their fair share in KOTOR games. I just hope it isn't incompleted like number two. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
90SK Posted January 1, 2010 Share Posted January 1, 2010 I would love a KotOR III by Obsidian. LucasArts is such BS, their greed and unrealistic expectations for Obsidian ruined K2's potential, and Obsidian + the fan community suffers for it. LucasArts isn't generating games for the sake of making a good game, they're doing it because they want cash money. Seriously, an MMO over a regular RPG? How can they continue a seriously plot and story driven series with an MMO? They're whoring out the KotOR universe just like very other aspect of the Star Wars mythos, leaving originality and creativity in the dust. I want to be engaged, entertained, and enriched when I experience a story. Storytelling is an art, and every medium of that art it seems is being corrupted by greed and an ignorant demographic that doesn't understand quality. This new "Old Republic" game's saving grace will be Bioware's involvement, and it's reception will probably be great... it's still an original idea being jerked around, manipulated and milked to death for maximum profit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Te Darasuum Mandalor Posted January 1, 2010 Share Posted January 1, 2010 I'm with you 100% on that! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Q Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 Never gonna happen, folks. Besides, Feargus might talk a good game, but he never delivers. Sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TKA-001 Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 In any case, it is true that KotOR III will never happen. They actually did begin pre-production sometime after TSL before they ended up canceling it due to some kind of financial issue or something (look it up). Personally, I don't think a KotOR III would be any better for the series or for the Star Wars canon as a whole than The Old Republic is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Avlectus Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 90SK said: I would love a KotOR III by Obsidian. LucasArts is such BS, their greed and unrealistic expectations for Obsidian ruined K2's potential, and Obsidian + the fan community suffers for it. True dat. Quote LucasArts isn't generating games for the sake of making a good game, they're doing it because they want cash money. Seriously, an MMO over a regular RPG? How can they continue a seriously plot and story driven series with an MMO? They're whoring out the KotOR universe just like very other aspect of the Star Wars mythos, leaving originality and creativity in the dust. I want to be engaged, entertained, and enriched when I experience a story. Storytelling is an art, and every medium of that art it seems is being corrupted by greed and an ignorant demographic that doesn't understand quality. QFAbsoluteT because the Clone Wars franchise ought ot be proof positive of this, then again looking back at ROTJ you could kinda tell this was where it was headed even back then. Ironically, though, I know one of the Ewok cast members. Quote This new "Old Republic" game's saving grace will be Bioware's involvement, and it's reception will probably be great... it's still an original idea being jerked around, manipulated and milked to death for maximum profit. That's what I figure because while individuality will be there, one can't help but observe how the whole storyline will be grinded into dust and blown by winds into the oblivion of unoriginality that somehow mingles the drivative with the cliche. Might be fun to play but it will likely ruin any storyline uniqueness whatsoever. The same ambiguity that allows for the freedom, als is what already clouds it up before the game has been released. Evil Q said: Never gonna happen, folks. Besides, Feargus might talk a good game, but he never delivers. Sorry. True. TKA-001 said: In any case, it is true that KotOR III will never happen. They actually did begin pre-production sometime after TSL before they ended up canceling it due to some kind of financial issue or something (look it up). Oh that old news? Yeah, any person who was cynical upon reading that would have come to a realization even back then that LA was going to look into some other avenue for more profits in any scenario before even remotely considering making a K3. If the MMO bombs out into failure they might consider making a K3 as one last cut and run, but I think old Georgie boy is making his last stand here with this MMO. He'll either hang it up or move onto something else if there is still some blood left in the stone for squeezing out. Quote Personally, I don't think a KotOR III would be any better for the series or for the Star Wars canon as a whole than The Old Republic is. Yeah, I hear ya on that one. He said SW will be around as long as there are people who want it--trouble is now that he is chasing us all away there won't be anyone left before long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghost Posted January 3, 2010 Share Posted January 3, 2010 I think its time i put my input on this discussion. Quote I would love a KotOR III by Obsidian. LucasArts is such BS, their greed and unrealistic expectations for Obsidian ruined K2's potential, and Obsidian + the fan community suffers for it. 100% agree. Quote LucasArts isn't generating games for the sake of making a good game, they're doing it because they want cash money. Seriously, an MMO over a regular RPG? How can they continue a seriously plot and story driven series with an MMO? They're whoring out the KotOR universe just like very other aspect of the Star Wars mythos, leaving originality and creativity in the dust. I want to be engaged, entertained, and enriched when I experience a story. Storytelling is an art, and every medium of that art it seems is being corrupted by greed and an ignorant demographic that doesn't understand quality. Agree again. However, you have to be realistic here. Ever since the first company people have been wanting to make money and that only. (offtopic) Walmart is trying to put Amazon out of buisiness, and becoming this huge monster (ontopic) LucasArts is just a big company with no taste of art, or perfection. Almost every big company in the world only wants money. They don't care about the people. Companies will lie, cut corners, and exaggerate through their teeth to get money, and LucasArts is one of those companies. Now I may be young, but i have a taste and the new TOR is just another ****ed up way to get money, just like the prequel trilogy. I love the original trilogy, and it may seem a little off, but that was the 70s and 80s. The character concepts atleast had some sort of good personality. However, the new characters are just stupid, And the Emo Whiny Bitch Skywalker just screwed up the whole thing of Star Wars. Thats when LucasArts and Film started going for money and only for the "Oh happy happy joy joy!". God I bet HK-47 would be shooting himself for the retardedness of the LA. Or maybe he would just go Rambo, like he did against the HK-50s(TSLRCM). Anyway... TSL may have had some bad things, but atleast they did not put the stupid comments and statements that Bioware did, with all the seriousness. Atleast Obsidian HAD a sense of humor. The K1 game, however, was just "Stop the Evil Sith and Save the Galaxy!" Plus, Obsidian did very well in saying that the Exile did not have amnesia and did not ask the stupidest of questions, like Revan did. So on the thing of a K3, LA does not care about us, just money money money. A lot of projects are being made. Like ROR. Atleast the community wants to keep the series alive, which i like. Because LA does not really give a ****, and probably never will. :¬: So LA just thinks our rants are just but eventually people will just stop buying their crap. I played SW Clone Wars Republic Heroes (Yes, shoot me please) and it was terrible. Sure it had good graphics but it was nothing new. Just the same "save the galaxy" as I said before. The only good part was clone mod when you could go rambo and shoot everybody. Now that was good. Okay, back on topic, yes my post is long but here it is. Kotor's engine is not the best, but the stories are good. There are two things that can be done with a new Kotor made from scratch. A. Make a new engine which allows characters to do things that the old engine did not allow (like jumping) and improve the graphics, or B. finish the story with 1 or 2 more games. Personally I like tragedies in which not all stories are happy happy joy joy. Maybe kill off one of the characters in an honourable way (Hopefully the emo Carth will die. We can only hope). Here ends my speech. Please listen LA and don't be the same lazy jerks you usually are Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shem Posted January 3, 2010 Share Posted January 3, 2010 Though I won't touch the MMO game unless something drastic changes my mind, I would drool over a K3, especially with today's technology and how much more breath taking it would be over the first two games. I can hope that one day it may happen, but not expect is how I'm looking at it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mstr kenobi Posted January 4, 2010 Share Posted January 4, 2010 There's hope for a sprpg in the star wars universe further down the line,but, i don't think it will be named kotor, the mmo will probably seal that era for good Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Te Darasuum Mandalor Posted January 4, 2010 Share Posted January 4, 2010 Come on, I didn't think republic heroes was that bad. Sure, it got kinda boring, but the cutscenes were kinda fun. What I liked was the clone missions.I don't know about other consols, but on the Wii it was kinda fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghost Posted January 4, 2010 Share Posted January 4, 2010 ............... Reason why i dont think RP is good, is that it is of the Prequel era, which has been milked to death. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vanir Posted January 5, 2010 Share Posted January 5, 2010 LA shot themselves in the foot and cheated themselves into pretty much exhausting the Star Wars galaxy with canon. You've got a brick wall one side of Kotor with Dark Horse canon, and another one just the other side with the MMO. There's nowhere to put any original ideas and events without running into canon in the Old Republic era anymore, unless you go before the Sith ever existed (more ewoks and droids). The whole Old Republic spin off from Star Wars is hereby owned by the MMO, no doubt about that. That leaves for any K3 only an epilogue to TSL, where yet another fresh Jedi Padawan goes following after Revan and encounters the "True Sith" and must save the galaxy. Maybe in this one you'll get to choose alien species to play to add at least something new. But we're already running into problems doing this, since Kotor is forming its own mini canon by placing successive games so close together in timeline. It is getting unavoidable to have appearances or more detailed references to Revan and the Exile, but who they were and what they did was entirely up to the gamer when they played the earlier series (which TSL attempted to deal with at game start). The whole bonus of the Old Republic era was being relatively untouched by canon. But now that's all down the tubes and personally I think it a waste. EU novels have messed around with 1000 BBY, Dark Horse has 4-5000 BBY covered, Kotor is 3995 BBY or thereabouts but right after this is MMO at something like 3700 BBY. And you'll want to leave a good thousand years or so after the MMO blank so that game doesn't have problems running into canon that wasn't there over coming years. The thing you want with an RPG is plenty of space around it in timeline to give player freedom. Far enough from earlier canon so that it can be original, and plenty of room ahead of it so that events can proceed in any manner and major events can be tossed in at the drop of a hat. You can't really have anything too big or impending in a K3 anywhere near known space because they'd have heard about it in SWOR. They should've put the MMO a good thousand years or so later, something like 2500 BBY and left Kotor plenty of room. Obviously the decision by LA was to dump Kotor for good. Maybe there just weren't enough Ewoks in it to suit GL. Love to see a K3 but it's never going to happen. Really. You know and there is a thing about money and profits and RPG versus MMO. Firstly just the way telemarketing wants you to buy a membership to AAA Diet Club the world of computer marketing wants you plugged in and downloading all the various products and adware/spyware of their companies, not to mention this is how ISP's make money, and the theme of capitalism is always more, more, more. More download speed, more monthly data allowance, more money, more jobs, more wealthy execs, etc. The other part is RPG style games require total conversions to play more than once really, unless a die hard fan the majority marketbase plays once and then the DVD case collects dust for the rest of eternity. The story is done. The idea is new expansions/conversions are released on a common shell, like with NWN2 which at this stage is about four full length RPG's in one or something. For some unknowably ridiculous reason LA doesn't do this, they want the one game made, the project finished and completed and the profits tallied and distributed, the end. They do this with every project. Now consider the fact new games sell for $80-110 but their resale value is really closer to about $50. Overpricing is a marketing standard, but with your standard RPG, ie. NWN what you get for your hundred dollars is something which is guaranteed to develop further, they even include a modding/modelling toolkit and this factor is part of the sales pitch. LA has none of it. They strictly control licensing and would have to make Obsidian a subsidiary to allow them post production game support like traditional RPG (expansions and conversions). So put simply LA just isn't set up as a business which can provide RPG games unless they are individually licensed standalone products like Kotor/TSL. Which is really selling everybody short and they'd have to know it, they'd feel much more comfortable with an MMO themselves because you don't have the same issues as single player RPG in terms of keeping it alive and making it playable more than once. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cire992 Posted January 5, 2010 Share Posted January 5, 2010 Mrcharlton said: on the Wii it was kinda fun. Those Twi'lek dancers are "kinda" hot. But when you step back and take it all into frame you realize that something is terribly wrong. "kinda fun on the wii"? Step back, take it into frame and correct yourself: "Not worth 50 bucks". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Te Darasuum Mandalor Posted January 5, 2010 Share Posted January 5, 2010 I got it for christmas, so I didn't realize how much money it costs. I think it's worth more like 25-30 bucks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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