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Ask A Silly Question....

Jae Onasi

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If you were a lemon tree, what kind of car would you drive?

Someone kills you and loots your corpse, what loot do they find in your pockets?

If you worked at Cadbury, how would you get the caramel in Caramilk bars?

Bubble tea, awesome or what?

To all male cast members: Boxers or briefs?

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If you were a lemon tree, what kind of car would you drive?

Someone kills you and loots your corpse, what loot do they find in your pockets?

If you worked at Cadbury, how would you get the caramel in Caramilk bars?

Bubble tea, awesome or what?

To all male cast members: Boxers or briefs?


i second all that




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*Who has the greatest martial arts skills in Lucascast ? Why ?


*If you were told you could stop the Clone Wars, but only if you slept with George, would you do it ?


*If Reincarnation was possible, which would you rather be, Leia's metal bikini, or Hans Stormtrooper Codpiece?


*Apart from Santa and Jesus, who has the best beard EVER ?



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If you could ban one active member of any of these forums, who would it be?


you see, I highly doubt they'd touch this question, becuase I'm sure they'd want questions that wouldnt bother someone else in the forums (or at least it should bother them ;))

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