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First-person shooters: PC or Console?

Rogue Nine

First-person shooters: PC or Console?  

162 members have voted

  1. 1. First-person shooters: PC or Console?

    • PC (the correct answer)
    • Console (the wrong answer)

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PC, but some games I did like better. Xbox pwns PS2/3 and Wii.


Just a small clarification


Dude wii is the most popular right now and it is ontop of the market. Wii and PS3 are both the best right now. Xbox is just old crap. The 360 is way better than the original xbox. so dont say that its better than the wii. Oh and every one is tired of the xbox and the 360. It was fun at first but now its just the same, a bunch of punks walking around with a xbox shirt on tlaking about Halo or Gears of war and they all have there head in a hole.



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Dude wii is the most popular right now and it is ontop of the market. Wii and PS3 are both the best right now. Xbox is just old crap. The 360 is way better than the original xbox. so dont say that its better than the wii. Oh and every one is tired of the xbox and the 360. It was fun at first but now its just the same, a bunch of punks walking around with a xbox shirt on tlaking about Halo or Gears of war and they all have there head in a hole.

There is so much fail in this post. So much fail. :ugh:

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There is so much fail in this post. So much fail. :ugh:
No, he has some merit.


At least with the Wii the remote is mapped similar to a mouse; i.e., you don't have to spend all of the time actually aiming with an analog stick, you can just point and click, like a mouse. Now, it's not as accurate or intuitive as a mouse, but it's still leaps and bounds better over any analog stick, where you actually spend more time lining up shots than actually firing them. Same goes for the DS's touchscreen.

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hm, well the PC has thepotential to show so much more. But the average person who uses a PC finds themsleves behind the curve and lacking the hardware required to show the best of the best graphics....thats another reason why I like the console, almost always garenteed to work and show some really good graphics. Not the best, no, but almost...

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No, he has some merit.


At least with the Wii the remote is mapped similar to a mouse; i.e., you don't have to spend all of the time actually aiming with an analog stick, you can just point and click, like a mouse. Now, it's not as accurate or intuitive as a mouse, but it's still leaps and bounds better over any analog stick, where you actually spend more time lining up shots than actually firing them. Same goes for the DS's touchscreen.

It would have merit if he actually said that in his post. All I read was 'lol xbox sucks because it sucks lol'.

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come on, this one is a no brainer. there's just no way that you're going to match the speed and precision of a mouse compared to the clumsy, auto-aiming joystick. the difference is just amazing when you compare the exact same game on the PC to any console.


the difference becomes even more apparent when you get into multiplayer where speed and precision become that much more important. nabbing a headshot on one person and quickly turning around because you're taking damage from the rear borders on the impossible when it comes to consoles.


so, yeah, no contest: mouse and keyboard pwns joysticks (aka, consoles).

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come on, this one is a no brainer. there's just no way that you're going to match the speed and precision of a mouse compared to the clumsy, auto-aiming joystick. the difference is just amazing when you compare the exact same game on the PC to any console.


the difference becomes even more apparent when you get into multiplayer where speed and precision become that much more important. nabbing a headshot on one person and quickly turning around because you're taking damage from the rear borders on the impossible when it comes to consoles.


so, yeah, no contest: mouse and keyboard pwns joysticks (aka, consoles).


Ya I like the speed of the mouse and the accuracy. But I am still more comfortable with my console.

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Unless a good game gets created on the console and then the PC port is butchered, it's always going to end up that the PC version will be equal, if not better potentially, because you have the choice of controls (since after all, you can use all sorts of controllers on a PC, not just mouse+keys, and via programmable buttons and emulation, you can use just about anything even if the game doesn't support it officially), there's the possibility of mods (note I say possibility, since not all games permit it)... and at least until recently, the possibility of official updates and online play were possibly ONLY on the PC (still, the few games that do have the latter are generally poorly supported on the console that I've seen, by comparison).


A few consoles do give the ability to use mouse+keys for FPS games, however as consoles use fixed hardware, the possibility exists, that over time the PC user will be able to get upgraded hardware, better performance and then surpass the reflexes (and thus skill) possible in the FPS title if it were on the console (witness such a disparity eventually surfacing in Quake3 on the Dreamcast vs. the PC).


One good thing about console FPS games is the near universal way they've accepted voice chat in recent years, though I'm sure people will point to the downsides of that too.


But yeah, unless the creators sabotage their own game, the PC version will meet or exceed the bar set by any console FPS.


Given the price ranges of the latest crop of consoles, this makes the whole debate about hardware that much more silly IMHO... sure the latest PC games have steep requirements, but once you shell out all the expense for consoles to get up to speed, you might as well have bought a decent PC. Right? (and nevermind scalable graphics)


I love consoles too, but let's face it... for FPS games, PCs win, period.


PS: The WII is pretty popular with people I know (doesn't mean it's the best of course or with people you know). Most adults I know who still play console games own a WII (not a 360 or PS3, at best they'll have a PS2 if they even still play it). It appears essentially to be a souped up Gamecube with gimmicky controller options (nothing wrong with that), that combined with the lower price appeals to casual gamers (which outnumber hardcore gamers, who at least until recently, were more likely to go PC-only anyway).

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I almost didn't catch it when I read the question, it's a old nerd tech joke man.



Can anybody say: Console Window!


You know - the thing that drops down on your PC during a game that your playing, you hit the tidle key, type in cheats, etc.



And the PC, well that's obvious is it not.


Good One..... Rogue Nine.





You know what! Apparently I still didn't catch it, well sort of.


I still believe that it's a tech joke, but not the one that I'm thinking of.


Ok, let me see - you are refering to the console as the game video console and the PC as the Player Controls.


In which case you wouldn't play any game with just a console, you would play with the Player Controls. So the right and only answer would be the PC.


Am I right? Or am I just being an idiot and overthinking this?

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Am I the ONLY one here who says Console?

But when I say console. I only mean the 360, my reason being this:

When you play with a keyboard, controls and keys are spread out, and you need to have, like me, a photographic memory, so that you can remember where every key is on the keyboard and not mess up by hitting the key to put your reload then have to scramble for the right key when you mean to move away from the enemy in tense fighting moments.

However the 360's Controller keeps the buttons simple and easy to remember, I can use half the buttons with my thumb alone, and it's pretty much well... better.



You know what! Apparently I still didn't catch it, well sort of.


I still believe that it's a tech joke, but not the one that I'm thinking of.


Ok, let me see - you are refering to the console as the game video console and the PC as the Player Controls.


In which case you wouldn't play any game with just a console, you would play with the Player Controls. So the right and only answer would be the PC.


Am I right? Or am I just being an idiot and overthinking this?

You're overthinking or Rogue's just trying to trick us:

PC is used to refer to Computers, so he's asking us if we think First Person Shooters are better on say... the Xbox or on the Computer.

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Am I the ONLY one here who says Console?

But when I say console. I only mean the 360, my reason being this:

When you play with a keyboard, controls and keys are spread out, and you need to have, like me, a photographic memory, so that you can remember where every key is on the keyboard and not mess up by hitting the key to put your reload then have to scramble for the right key when you mean to move away from the enemy in tense fighting moments.

However the 360's Controller keeps the buttons simple and easy to remember, I can use half the buttons with my thumb alone, and it's pretty much well... better.


I'll assume you have played a PC FPS before, but seriously, it's not like people who play on the PC are constantly struggling with controls. If you play FPS's on the PC, you know what you're doing. You don't need a photographic memory at all. You're basically describing the experience of someone completely new to PC FPS's, which everyone has to go through, console or PC.

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Neutral :carms:


Who still has (and plays with) NES Zapper and Super Scope 6?


(And certain "adaptations" or incarnations of these games where the mouse replaces these perpihperals are prohibited on this site! :p)


GTA games take a bit of adjusting to on the PC (definitely meant to be played w/ a controller). However, I like Orange Box on the PC--and I'm gonna love Garry's Mod once I have resource enough to get it.


Yeah go ahead and give crap--I'm still not changing my mind and wish for a third option: apathy.

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I'll assume you have played a PC FPS before, but seriously, it's not like people who play on the PC are constantly struggling with controls. If you play FPS's on the PC, you know what you're doing. You don't need a photographic memory at all. You're basically describing the experience of someone completely new to PC FPS's, which everyone has to go through, console or PC.


I can still guarantee that anyone new to PC FPS's really should give up, because people on CS:S have godly reflexes and cut you down the instant you expose your cheeky little face.

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all of you are dead wrong. Point and click isnt a first person shooter, its a first person sit on your ass and move your hand and click the button. If you want a real FPS you have to go out to your local arcade and play those Jurassic Park and other games where you hold the gun in your hand, point at the screen and pull the trigger. Other than that, your just kidding yourselves.



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  • 2 months later...
all of you are dead wrong. Point and click isnt a first person shooter, its a first person sit on your ass and move your hand and click the button. If you want a real FPS you have to go out to your local arcade and play those Jurassic Park and other games where you hold the gun in your hand, point at the screen and pull the trigger. Other than that, your just kidding yourselves.




Awesome! You just failed so hard! :thmbup1:

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