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Quanons Crazy Projects!


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Excuse me while I go nerd out......*5 minutes later* Okay, I'm not done with my nerd out, but I thought it would be best to comment.




I really like the lighting you did here. As VP said it gives the model a Citadel Station feel. I can't wait to see this finished.

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Yeah... if there was only some way Quanon could get it in-game and working... sigh...


IF..... ONLY..... QUANON..... COULD..... GET...... IT...... WORKING..... IN-GAME.......




Hey it worked on Sithspecter :p


This makes me want to model an asari head.


Asari in Star Wars? Heresy! :lol:


Thanks for all the positive feedback people; really appriciate it :)

Getting this is area into the game isn't going to happen just yet. I think I'm about 80% done with the texturing. There's just a lot of little borders, odd bits and bobs that need attention. Fiddly, somewhat more boring work.


Then I need to dress up the area further. It's far to clean to be Nar Shaddaa. I'll add extra lamp posts; crates, weird machines; commercial signs...etc.


Good news is, I've got a bunch of models for that already on my HD. They just need some retexturing to fit. Then placing them around. After that, it'll be the crazy job of making a working walkmesh. Getting each piece of this model into the game.


But, let's not get to far ahead. Today I finished up a blank spot in my area. Then proceeded to texture it in one go. And for funs I've made a couple of shots to show it off :D

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Then I need to dress up the area further. It's far to clean to be Nar Shaddaa. I'll add extra lamp posts; crates, weird machines; commercial signs...etc.


When I think of Nar Shaddaa, I think of New York City in the 70's - dirty and dangerous. Perhaps you could have piles of refuse, animated billboards advertising tawdry things, and more interesting skins for characters? Perhaps a pimp? (LOL. Just kidding about that last one.)

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When I think of Nar Shaddaa, I think of New York City in the 70's - dirty and dangerous. Perhaps you could have piles of refuse, animated billboards advertising tawdry things, and more interesting skins for characters? Perhaps a pimp? (LOL. Just kidding about that last one.)


Nar Shaddaa is a Hutt world right? a Hutt pimp, why not? picture that fat awful worm giving you a list of the exotic alien pleasure services offered on his fine establishment located, conveniently enough, on one of Quanon's awesome buildings on a high foot traffic area. :p

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
Loving the Nar Shaddaa screenshots Q! Quite a world away from those old BoS:SR areas, haha. Was the problem with the camera cutting into the area's mesh on rotation ever solved?


Saddly no, the camera still swings straight through walls... :-S

Quiete annoying when enemy NPCs are involved. They and your companions start shooting through everything...


Ahum, I'm sure most of the people here at the boards have heard that I've been suffering from depression. I'm still taking treatment at a hospital, though I do get to spend my weekends at home now. Which gives me some time to spend on modding.


So the last 2 weeks I kept on working on my Nar Shaddaa street area. The thing is nearly fully textured now. One or 2 parts need a fix on the UVWmaps. After that I think I'll start doing a test run in the game.


But that's for a later date, today I did some renders just to show you guys some progress and that this isn't another dead project :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, peeps, back in for a small update. Not much progress has been made. Had other stuff happening in real life. Plus Mr.Q has met a very pretty missus, so that has devoured a big chunck of time to :lol:


Anway, the progress: Yes, well I finally finished texturing the street area. Now working on "dressing up" the model. Talking about little tech-stuff, lots of crates, randome junk/ crap, crates, food stalls... etc


I also worked on some commercial signs/ screens. Here's a small peek on how that's shaping up:




From left to right: Huttese escort burea, next a attorney/ lawyer service, then a U-shaped sign showing off an arms shop at the top and a dance club, last is a new type of starship for sale.


Some of you might recognize the ship, it comes from the old Kotor comics by dark horse. Oh, the nice skins for the Twi'lek and Chiss girl where made by Redrob. In some distant past he passed them along to me to have some rendering fun.


I figured they would look good on my commercial signs :D

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Great job on those signs Q....and....Yuma Juice??? Is that sopposed to be Juma Juice?

o_Q Argh, should have double checked the spelling!

Oh well... Perhaps Yuma is a cheap discount rip off brand :lol:


Looking awesome! All one really needs in life is a ship, a slave, and some Juma Juice, no?


My thoughts exactly! Great minds... ^_^

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