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Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire


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Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire



It is a perilous time for the galaxy now that an exhaustive civil war has taken a hold of the Empire’s gaze. The treacherous group of traitors, under the name the Rebel Alliance, have struggled for the past five years in the efforts of destroying the imperial government in hopes of returning the peace of the old Republic.


Amid the turmoil, the Emperor has filled his mind with the destruction of the Alliance so he may continue his Dark Reign on the greatest throne of power anyone has ever known. The Alliance has come to its near destruction as the Dark Lord hunts down the remaining leaders of the Rebels.


On a diplomatic mission to Alderann, the Tantive IV has been captured by the Executor, Darth Vader’s flagship, while a member of the Shadow of the Empire, a secret society of Force Sensitive agents under the direct command of Vader, searches effortlessly for the defector Princess Leia Organa…




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So far this is the list of all the major companions that will become part of your followers:


Commander Zorin - This man is a respectable commander withing the Shadow Order and is your superior.


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D5-U7 - This astrodroid will have a similar purpose to T3-M4 on Taris in KOTOR. The droid is suppose to help you get inside of Imperial Garrison on Slehayron. You will be able to choose between one of the three droids (D5-U7, AS-36, and THETA). ---Sorry, no screenies yet. It needs to be reskinned---


AS-36 - This war droid will have a similar purpose to T3-M4 on Taris in KOTOR. The droid is suppose to help you get inside of Imperial Garrison on Slehayron. You will be able to choose between one of the three droids (D5-U7, AS-36, and THETA). ---Sorry, no screenies yet. It needs to be reskinned---


THETA - This monster bodyguard will have a similar purpose to T3-M4 on Taris in KOTOR. The droid is suppose to help you get inside of Imperial Garrison on Slehayron. You will be able to choose between one of the three droids (D5-U7, AS-36, and THETA). ---Sorry, no screenies yet. It needs to be reskinned---


Armand Umbacano - He is an x-Imperial general who for personal reasons abandoned the Galactic Empire and is actively protesting against the Emperor's reign.


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Oriha Thress - She is a mysterious woman who escaped the Great Jedi Purge and the attack on the Jedi Temple and has experienced both the teachings of the Jedi and Sith.


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The Freighter



The Devestator

The Tantive IV


The Phoenix - PC's Vessel (Imperial War Vessel)

Yavin IV



Mon Calamari


The Executor

The Unknown World


Rough Outline (possible spoiler alert):

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After joining the assault on the Tantive IV the Veteran (a war hero from the Clone Wars) will discover the secrets behind the War of the Rebellion and forge new allignments with the Alliance. After the destruction of Alderann the Veteran will discover the survival of his son who was captured by the Empire and marked as a high priority target. You'll embark on a quest to save your son which will ultimately teach you the highest secrets behind the Empire.


Progress (percent completed):

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The Tantive IV - 99%

The Executor - 80%

Mygeeto - 0%

PC's Vessel - 5%

Yavin IV - 50%

The Obliterator

Utapau - 0%

Mustafar - 0%

Coruscant - 0%

Tenupae - 5%

Korriban - 0%

Telos - 0%

Klatooine - 40%%

The Jedi Temple - 20%

The Executor - 0%

The Death Star - 0%


Team Recruitment:

If anyone would interested in helping with this new Story Conversion please check the list below to see if you can participate with anything that's needed. If you feel that you can help please send me a PM and I will see what can be done.


What we really need are:

Modelers - Specifically anyone who can model new modules

Skinners - Both characters and modules

Dialog Builders - People to actually review my dialog and enhance it

Side Quest Ideas

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Wow, this looks incredible! I've just recently started my own little OT mod (though much smaller) only to be thwarted by this! So, is this kind of a story behind the OT? Needless to say, I'm excited for this as well. It's always great to see the announcement of a big mod with already considerable progress.

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This is the story of a 501st Clone War Veteran who is now serving with Vader and his secret task force of Force Sensitive agents. It will follow the cannon as best as possible and will bring you to a final confrontation with the Emperor and Vader (like I said it will follow the cannon as close as possible).

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You do realize that there's an official LucasArts game called Shadows of the Empire? There's also a comic and a novel.


Yes, well about a month or two into the project. :migraine: But heck, this is a mod, where we can decide everything that happens. I'm sticking with the title.

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  Holty1-5 said:
is it a new vader model or is it that guys who's name i cant remeber Avo or somthing like that


Avol made the original Vader model, but I wasn't aware that he had given anyone permission to use his model in a mod before he left into the great unknown.


If it is his, then I don't think you'd be able to release the mod with his Vader model in it.

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