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Planet Siron


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A planet mod for k1.


Siron is a major trading hub of the galactic republic. Located on the very edge of the mid rim, it has become the next target of Malak and the Sith. The Governor of Siron has reached out to the Jedi, and the Republic for help. Take a break after the second star map has been acquired to help put an end to the Sith's threat, and discover the dark secret that draws the Sith here.




  • New area models
  • New armors, guns, swords, and many other items
  • And much, much more!

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This is not Quanon or Sithspecter level area modelling, but the fact that you can area model to this level of quality is extremely impressive. I'm very much looking forward to this planet mod.


Unfortunately, I don't have time to write out an actual script for this mod, but I'd be more than happy to provide ideas for the plot and characters. Just PM me if you are interested. :)

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ON TOPIC: Nice work, always cool to see some new face walk in and not only say hi, but throw a bunch of impressive skill in our face. Glad to have new talent!

@your first screen: Not knowing the first thing about rendering from Max or any other 3d, I was wondering if the flatness of the image was due to a weak render. Other than the 2d look, it was cool, and I like where you are going with the skin/texture!

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This is not Quanon or Sithspecter level area modelling, but the fact that you can area model to this level of quality is extremely impressive. I'm very much looking forward to this planet mod.

Thanks. I have not been modeling for too long, but my brother is a good teacher :)

Unfortunately, I don't have time to write out an actual script for this mod, but I'd be more than happy to provide ideas for the plot and characters. Just PM me if you are interested. :)

I would love for you to help. My brother has talked about your work a few times before.


Will it all be voiced?

If i can get enough people to voice act, then yes.


Looks like a nightmare when time to texture.

Actually, it already is. (though it is still a WIP) :thmbup1:



@your first screen: Not knowing the first thing about rendering from Max or any other 3d, I was wondering if the flatness of the image was due to a weak render. Other than the 2d look, it was cool, and I like where you are going with the skin/texture!


It is not flat, thats my bad rendering tallent :¬:








And a wire-frame image, to show off detail that the render doesn't



EDIT: The head for the Governor of Siron


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I rarely say anything here, but those pics are ****ing awesome!


By that I mean that are great the only I've seen so fast making modules/areas/renders is newbiemodder.

P.S. You think what ****(4 stars) mean by yourself.

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Z did some voice acting work for me. He's top notch.

Great! I will message you when I get to that point!


I rarely say anything here, but those pics are ****ing awesome!


By that I mean that are great the only I've seen so fast making modules/areas/renders is newbiemodder.

P.S. You think what ****(4 stars) mean by yourself.

I refuse to reply to this thread without an update :thmbup1:



Does your brother happen to be SithSpecter? :p

Canderis, actually.

That's some seriously good work. The governor must be a pretty wealthy guy to afford all that granite. :D

Its a merchant world. He charges 1 percent taxes of all transactions and makes about 2 million credits an hour :xp:


I can't wait to see what you come up with next.


Well you don't need to wait long :D


I didn't really like the first model i did, so i made a new one


siron8.jpg siron9.jpg siron10.jpg

(click on the pictures)

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Stuff like this is why I have lost all motivation.



This is not Quanon or Sithspecter level area modelling, but the fact that you can area model to this level of quality is extremely impressive. I'm very much looking forward to this planet mod.


Unfortunately, I don't have time to write out an actual script for this mod, but I'd be more than happy to provide ideas for the plot and characters. Just PM me if you are interested. :)


Nice project, please keep at it. Looking good

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Most impressive. :vader:


Just curious, what will the area beneath the platforms look like? Oceans, swamps, more metal/granite/cityscape? It interests me.


Nice work on those platforms.


The entire landmass of the planet is all a city, like Coruscant. But unlike Coruscant, it has an ocean. There are minor cities on the ocean, like Mannan. And there is even an under water city, the capital.



And now, to keep with the system of always posting an update when I reply:


siron11.jpg siron12.jpg

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Just out of curiosity...who is your brother?


Does your brother happen to be SithSpecter? :p

Canderis, actually.



And to stick to the system


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I always like new planet mods - whether they are for K1 or for K2. I do have 2 questions:


1) Seeing as this is a K1 mod, do you foresee any conflicts with the "Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomon's Revenge"


2) Will your Planet Siron have unique landing and take off videos as the other planets do?


If the answer to number 2 is yes, might I recommend getting in touch with Darth Stoney (http://www.lucasforums.com/member.php?u=141251)? He apparently has a Ebon Hawk model that has a working ramp in it.

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Ok, deep breath here people, lets chill out and keep this on topic, has become a little bit heated here. I've pruned the thread of off topic arguments, please keep this discussion related to Xerios Planet Siron WIP and keep forum politics and other niceties out. Please also leave the moderating to the moderators. -- j7

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