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Cowboys and Aliens


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Just goofing around on IMDb today and I came across Cowboys and Aliens. At first I thought it was going to be something kiddy like Aliens in the Attic. First I saw Olivia Wilde, and thought Thirteen, I’ll go see that. Then I saw Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford and I am sold. Grew up a big fan of the western, then when Star Wars came out I was sold on the fantasy/scifi, not I get the best of both worlds.





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Cowboys versus aliens premise? Don't think I've ever seen those two together, might be an welcome addition to the weathered alien invasion plot movies and... cowboys movies? I don't dare say western spaghetti since it's obviouslt not. There are just cowboys in it.


Still, some great names there: Favreau, Spielberg and... crappy visual effects? I'm not one to bitch on the visuals but, damn, the spaceships bombing the town at 1:30 was just poorly done by today standards. I saw the same technique (or at least very similar) being done over and over again on Independece Day. And, God, do I see a rope pulling the cowboy at 1:33?

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Caught the preview when I took my son to see the new Harry Potter movie (my first, his 27th or however many there've been)
Welcome to my world. Seen them all with my cousins. I would set through them a hundred more times if it meant not having to watch movies like The Tooth Fairy and Hannah Montana again.

I was sold at "Jon Faverau". Aside from Elf, I don't think I've been disappointed with anything he's done.
Blasphemer, I shall not listen to someone badmouth Elf in my presents and so close to Christmas at that.:xp:
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