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The Force Unleashed III: Idea List


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So I started a thread over on the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums to gather ideas about features and plots for TFU: III. This was the result.


I've colored the ones I've added from posters here in red.


So we all know that when TFU 3 is made it must end in a way that brings things to canon by ANH. Vader must escape, and Starkiller must die or otherwise be brought out of the action for at least thirty five years or so.


The Escape:



The Dark Apprentice clone has stowed aboard the Rogue Shadow and frees his master. The two of them and a legion of the Empire's soldiers (Terror troopers?) wreck havoc upon the rebels and nearly kill Starkiller (but he escapes)


1. You play as Vader and slaughter your way off the base.


2. You play as the Dark apprentice use his Force cloak ability(think back to the betrayal trailer). You have to break Vader out and get him to safety.


The Middle:


A) Starkiller realizes that he isn't strong enough to defeat the dark apprentice (Who is allegedly more powerful than him if Vader is any judge, assuming he's telling the truth) and seeks a Jedi teacher besides Kota, one who trained under Anakin Skywalker herself... Ahsoka Tano!


B) Starkiller seeks the anwser to the question of whether or not he really is a clone or the original.


C) Vader did say Starkiller was his to control as long as Juno was alive, so Juno kidnapped again?... That would be lame and lazy.


D) While Starkiller is recuperating from the attack, Kota leads raids on Imperial intelligence outposts, hoping to gather information on the Death Star and or the Dark Apprentice. Starkiller must catch up to and help his friend.


E) Juno's death? Really give Starkiller a reason to go after Vader and struggle with the Dark Side.


F) Switch off between Galen and the Dark apprentice between each level, the final battle could allow you to make the choice between light and dark and determine whether you play as Galen or the Dark Apprentice during the battle.


G) Star fighter flying level, or part of a level, like a rail shooter similar to the TOR Space combat?


The End:


When the first TFU was in development, the team's earlier draft had the climax occurring at the Battle of Toprawa, the battle where the rebels got the death star plans just before the beginning of ANH. Starkiller would have been at the battle serving as a protector for Princess Leia. He was supposed to die fighting Vader's other secret apprentice, allowing Leia to escape with the plans. George Lucas rejected the draft, the plot was moved back a few years and the second secret apprentice was eliminated as a character. However the stage seems set for a similar ending to TFU 3. I foresee a climax involving Starkiller fighting the dark apprentice and Vader probably resulting in Starkiller killing the dark apprentice and being killed himself by Vader, eliminating the threat of the dark apprentice to the rebel alliance and perhaps allowing the alliance some victory or another.




1. Longer game, most would agree with this I think


2. More bosses with lightsabers, I just finished the Endor DLC and I realized I enjoyed that final boss battle more than any of the ones the original TFU II game. There are people they can use, like Mara Jade.


3. Variety of enemies, this didn't bother me as much as it did some but it would be a good idea for them to amp up the variety of the enemies. As long as they don't overdue it, too much variety just makes them seem silly to me, I'm not sure how to express it.


4. Stick to 2 lightsabers, if Starkiller starts holding a third lightsaber in his mouth like Roronoa Zoro from One Piece, because it's the third game, even I won't be able to take it seriously, and I have a lot of tolerance for this sort of thing.


5. You can't have too much Rahm Kota


6. Keep current powers from TFU II and improve upon them.


7. More enemies and variety to QTE


8. Improve or change back upgrade system like the first TFU.


9. Prequel Era Jedi robe costume, possibly with hood up


10. Multiplayer. A versus mode, co-op mode, or both, and the option to create your own character for the multiplayer. Story for multiplayer: Make everyone a Galen clone (limited force points available for varied abilities and everone isn't just a copy of everyone else), and make the story justification Vader sending semi successful clones against one another on Kamino prior to the events of TFU II to find the most powerful.


11.Different lightsaber forms, can also be used to confuse melee enemies, varying from;


One reverse-gripped-quicker but lower offense

Two reverse-gripped-slower but higher offense

Two forward-gripped-slower but higher defense

One forward-gripped-quicker but lower defense


12. Maris Brood's story finished. What became of her after swearing to abandon the dark side? Was she successful? Was she telling the truth?


13. Bring back the end stage summaries that totaled how many of a certain enemy you killed, what your score for the level was etc.


14. I liked the extra challenges within the levels (like release the sarlaac tentacles). Bring those back.


15. I liked Lightning Shield better than Mind Trick.


16. I liked the idea of having two types of saber crystals despite the inaccuracy. Let's keep color preference separate from functionality.


17. It would be a nice touch to let us switch between one and two lightsabers.


18. It was nice to have actual droid giants instead of rancors and floating scrap metal. But I miss the rancors.


19. I miss Felucia and Kashyyyk. Enough with the interiors of ships and futuristic cities. Let's go back into the jungle and get attacked by a huge sentient plant again.


20 The ability to skip cutscenes more freely. I know they added the "skip" feature, but honestly when I'm playing through the game for the the 4th time, or just replaying levels with a different skin I would like to not have to hear Kota telling me to "clear the deck Starkiller...we got to get our fighters out there!" for the umpteenth time. For a perfect example of how cutscenes can be handled check out Bayonetta.


21. More Easter Eggs man! We had the clone helmet, the Falcon, C-3PO, Sterns room in TFU I...just cool little things like.

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Three things for me:


1. I want the Dark Apprentice to be the second main villain, other than Vader. As I've explained in other posts, the only thing that makes sense is that he exists, even though he didn't end up striking Starkiller down. If they ignore him, they've thrown an immensely powerful character out there into Star Wars canon with his fate unsealed, and that's a problem.


2. I want Maris Brood's story finished. What became of her after swearing to abandon the dark side? Was she successful? Was she telling the truth?


3. This will probably not happen, but I want the story to begin where Galen and Kota have been studying the ancient Jedi technique of cutting someone off from the Force, as shown in Tales of the Jedi and toyed with in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, so that they can deal with Darth Vader who is in their captivity. However, Vader breaks free before this can be completed, and in the end, Starkiller somehow realizes that he has to perform the ritual on both himself and the Dark Apprentice in order to save the galaxy, sort of as a way of sacrificing himself without actually dying. After this, he could become a simple general in the Rebel Alliance, being called General Marek or something (this idea is inspired by the alternate outfit that you can download for the first game, which I've always liked).


By reasons for this last one are twofold: a) We know that Starkiller can't continue to exist as an ultra-powerful Force user for the Rebellion at the time of the films because it belittles Luke. b) Starkiller has already died once, sacrificing himself for the Rebellion, and a second sacrificial death will be extremely redundant (see Neo in The Matrix). By giving up his powers, it's a way for him to step down and let Luke take the spotlight without a cheap second death.

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Three things for me:


1. I want the Dark Apprentice to be the second main villain, other than Vader. As I've explained in other posts, the only thing that makes sense is that he exists, even though he didn't end up striking Starkiller down. If they ignore him, they've thrown an immensely powerful character out there into Star Wars canon with his fate unsealed, and that's a problem.


2. I want Maris Brood's story finished. What became of her after swearing to abandon the dark side? Was she successful? Was she telling the truth?


3. This will probably not happen, but I want the story to begin where Galen and Kota have been studying the ancient Jedi technique of cutting someone off from the Force, as shown in Tales of the Jedi and toyed with in Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, so that they can deal with Darth Vader who is in their captivity. However, Vader breaks free before this can be completed, and in the end, Starkiller somehow realizes that he has to perform the ritual on both himself and the Dark Apprentice in order to save the galaxy, sort of as a way of sacrificing himself without actually dying. After this, he could become a simple general in the Rebel Alliance, being called General Marek or something (this idea is inspired by the alternate outfit that you can download for the first game, which I've always liked).


By reasons for this last one are twofold: a) We know that Starkiller can't continue to exist as an ultra-powerful Force user for the Rebellion at the time of the films because it belittles Luke. b) Starkiller has already died once, sacrificing himself for the Rebellion, and a second sacrificial death will be extremely redundant (see Neo in The Matrix). By giving up his powers, it's a way for him to step down and let Luke take the spotlight without a cheap second death.


I like your ideas, not so sure about the last one though. It'd be hard to work out a situation where Starkiller decides to just cut himself and the Dark apprentice off from the force. I'd rather he just died after killing the dark apprentice, it just seems a bit contrived. Maybe a better way would be not a sacrificial death.


Instead, the dark apprentice kills Juno and Starkiller goes after him for revenge, but after defeating him he realizes that that the dark apprentice was nothing more than what he could all too easily have become and that revenge was not something Juno would want him to turn to the darkside over. The dark apprentice grows enraged when Starkiller refuses to kill him, believing that he has failed his master and attacks Starkiller, who raises his saber and kills the dark apprentice in self defense... just before Vader's saber cuts through his back.

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I know this isn't an official channel, but I'm not joining another forum so I might as well add:


1. I liked Lightning Shield better than Mind Trick.

2. I liked the idea of having two types of saber crystals despite the inaccuracy. Let's keep color preference separate from functionality.

3. It would be a nice touch to let us switch between one and two lightsabers.

4. It was nice to have actual droid giants instead of rancors and floating scrap metal. But I miss the rancors.

6. I miss Felucia and Kashyyyk. Enough with the interiors of ships and futuristic cities. Let's go back into the jungle and get attacked by a huge sentient plant again.


In other words, I liked TFU1 much more. In fact, the only improvements I actually enjoyed are duel wield, Force Fury, the Databank, and the Challenges.


Other things:


The kill animations and saber-locks are so redundant it's annoying. Sometimes I just ignore them so I don't have to watch Starkiller do the same moves over and over again. The final battle with Vader had me practically pulling my hair out every time Starkiller squeaked out another cliched threat.


It would be interesting if the game rated your performance in each level and tracked game completion (holocron count and campaign progress; I don't remember if the old game had any of this or not).


Let's get some turrets in there like SWBF. You don't have to go as far as vehicles (the Terror Walker was a nice touch), but the environment should be slightly more interactive. Also, I'd like to see some more complicated holocron gets, i.e. stacking more than one block to reach a height or having to use double dash (maybe this is in the game but I haven't seen it yet). Even though it was frustrating, I highly enjoyed acquiring the black saber crystal in TFU1.


Maybe costume properties would be a nice touch. For example, wearing a full suit of armor would offer better protection but less mobility. It's not realistic to take the same damage regardless of armor amount.


I like the purchasing system but there is still something to be said for instantly leveling up mid-battle and suddenly acquiring new skills.


I really like calling in airstrikes.


Add some fun ziplines.


Sith Acolytes can create instant defensive fields. Why can't Starkiller? It would be awesome if he could just throw up a Protego charm like Harry Potter (yes, I just went there). It would obviously be useless against melee. The failed clones (which the acolytes might in fact be) can do it too if I remember correctly.


That's all I can think of for now.

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I said this in another thread so I'm gonna copy and paste it since it has to do with this thread.


(Stuff that didn't quite relate to this topic)...

...Don't get me wrong, I like both games a lot. For TFU3 to be successful, LA needs to go out with a bang. They need some answers that were unanswered in TFU2, and they need to fulfill the fans gameplay needs, such as making it longer. I honestly would have thought if in TFU2, that they gave a twist near or at the end of the game, such as Starkiller getting a vision, but not a vision of things from the first game, or like 5 minutes in the future like when he had a vision of him holding Juno during his fight with Vader. I'm thinking he should've had a vision of right after his "death" and what Vader and Palpatine did with him afterward, revealing whether or not he's a clone. Also, by lengthening the game for TFU3, I'm not sure how they would do that since it's so soon before ANH that there isn't that much time, and that it would be strange if Starkiller's going from planet to planet destroying random Imperial bases for no reason. They'd probably have to do what they did in TFU2 again, which was have a little amount of planets and locations, but have them spend a lot of time at each and split them up into sections, I'm not too sure about that part.


As for the saber thing, We used 1 for TFU1, and 2 for TFU2, and for TFU3 that doesn't mean now we should get a double-bladed lightsaber. While they are cool, it doesn't fit this game and the character. I thinking you should be able to switch between 1 and 2, both being equal in there own ways, like single-blade for more strong attacks with fewer enemies and dual-blade for speed and a lot of enemies. And make each boss fight have 2 different QTE scenarios depending on whether or not you're using 1 or 2 sabers. So it's not like 2 sabers - 1 saber = single blade. They would be 2 different styles, one style with 2 blades and one with 1, making 3 so it fits the name. What do you guys think of this idea?



Yeah, I'm pretty anal about wording stuff right, especially when it comes to claiming something as fact that I damn well know to be a matter of opinion. That's just asking to be ripped a new one. No hard feelings, eh?


Sorry for this reply being late and in a different thread, but yeah no hard feelings man.

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As far as the storyline for TFU III I have faith it will be enjoyable. Despite all the negative reviews and confusion of TFU II, we are all still discussing the ending and interpretation. The game left an impresion and left me anticipating the next installment. In my opinion the storyline was not the weak point of TFU II.


What I would like to see return in TFU III are some of the extras and details that made TFU I so good.


- Bring back the end stage summaries that totaled how many of a certain enemy you killed, what your score for the level was etc.


- I liked the extra challenges within the levels (like release the sarlaac tentacles). Bring those back.


- A bigger variety of enemies...I never once though that TFU I had too many different enemies. The more species and characters the better. This is the Star Wars universe, full of different species and humanoids...TFU I had Jawas, Rodians, Ugnaughts, Imperials, Droids, Junk Monsters, Felucians, Rancors and most importantly Jedi. I had more fun with the end boss of the Endor DLC than any of the TFU II bosses.


- While I thought the lightsaber customization in TFU II was cool, I would rather a combination of the TFU I and TFU II systems. Let me pick the color and the effect separate.


- More variety in levels and NPC. While Cato Neimodia was cool, it seemed so empty. Why weren't there any Neimodians scrambling for shelter while the city was on lockdown? I mean we saw a couple frozen in the casino...I am not really up on my EU lore, but there were really no Kamionians left on Kamino...?


- Little things like the combo name and enemy name appearing near the health/force meters were cool. I know they were probably trying to clean up the HUD, but I missed that little detail.


- Holocrons. I was almost looking forward to exploring and searching and manipulating the environment looking for Holocrons more than anything else in TFU II...and boy was I let down. TFU I made it challenging to get these things. Hidden up high...hidden behind bendable shards of metal...hidden across vast chasms. In TFU II they were just...there.


- Speaking of Holocrons, I would much rather the Holocrons hold the game bonuses like crystals, skins etc then the challenges.


- The ability to skip cutscenes more freely. I know they added the "skip" feature, but honestly when I'm playing through the game for the the 4th time, or just replaying levels with a different skin I would like to not have to hear Kota telling me to "clear the deck Starkiller...we got to get our fighters out there!" for the umpteenth time. For a perfect example of how cutscenes can be handled check out Bayonetta.


- More Easter Eggs man! We had the clone helmet, the Falcon, C-3PO, Sterns room in TFU I...just cool little things like.


I have more...I'm just tired of typing on this iPad...

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As far as the storyline for TFU III I have faith it will be enjoyable. Despite all the negative reviews and confusion of TFU II, we are all still discussing the ending and interpretation. The game left an impresion and left me anticipating the next installment. In my opinion the storyline was not the weak point of TFU II.


What I would like to see return in TFU III are some of the extras and details that made TFU I so good.


- Bring back the end stage summaries that totaled how many of a certain enemy you killed, what your score for the level was etc.


- I liked the extra challenges within the levels (like release the sarlaac tentacles). Bring those back.


- A bigger variety of enemies...I never once though that TFU I had too many different enemies. The more species and characters the better. This is the Star Wars universe, full of different species and humanoids...TFU I had Jawas, Rodians, Ugnaughts, Imperials, Droids, Junk Monsters, Felucians, Rancors and most importantly Jedi. I had more fun with the end boss of the Endor DLC than any of the TFU II bosses.


- While I thought the lightsaber customization in TFU II was cool, I would rather a combination of the TFU I and TFU II systems. Let me pick the color and the effect separate.


- More variety in levels and NPC. While Cato Neimodia was cool, it seemed so empty. Why weren't there any Neimodians scrambling for shelter while the city was on lockdown? I mean we saw a couple frozen in the casino...I am not really up on my EU lore, but there were really no Kamionians left on Kamino...?


- Little things like the combo name and enemy name appearing near the health/force meters were cool. I know they were probably trying to clean up the HUD, but I missed that little detail.


- Holocrons. I was almost looking forward to exploring and searching and manipulating the environment looking for Holocrons more than anything else in TFU II...and boy was I let down. TFU I made it challenging to get these things. Hidden up high...hidden behind bendable shards of metal...hidden across vast chasms. In TFU II they were just...there.


- Speaking of Holocrons, I would much rather the Holocrons hold the game bonuses like crystals, skins etc then the challenges.


- The ability to skip cutscenes more freely. I know they added the "skip" feature, but honestly when I'm playing through the game for the the 4th time, or just replaying levels with a different skin I would like to not have to hear Kota telling me to "clear the deck Starkiller...we got to get our fighters out there!" for the umpteenth time. For a perfect example of how cutscenes can be handled check out Bayonetta.


- More Easter Eggs man! We had the clone helmet, the Falcon, C-3PO, Sterns room in TFU I...just cool little things like.


I have more...I'm just tired of typing on this iPad...


I agree with everything you said here. Those little details were awesome in TFU1 and were missing from TFU2. I think for the combo name and enemy name things those should be things that can be toggled on/off in the options like how the minimap in TFU1 was able to be toggled. I do like in TFU2 when the HUD disappears when nothing on it is needed at the moment, kind of like it was in KotOR 2. I hope that they make the lightsaber color and effects separate for TFU3 though.

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Oh and one more thing:


There was a gladiatorial arena in the game, practically a trademark of the SW franchise, but all we got to do in it is run from side to side on a ledge trying not to get squashed. The game developers missed a major opportunity here: I'm talking waves of animals (or melee warriors, but never droids) with increasing difficulty, either in the campaign or the challenges. Why does Kota get to have all the fun? The challenges did have various forms of wave combat, but nothing beats the environment of a gladiatorial contest with cheering crowds.

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Oh and one more thing:


There was a gladiatorial arena in the game, practically a trademark of the SW franchise, but all we got to do in it is run from side to side on a ledge trying not to get squashed. The game developers missed a major opportunity here: I'm talking waves of animals (or melee warriors, but never droids) with increasing difficulty, either in the campaign or the challenges. Why does Kota get to have all the fun? The challenges did have various forms of wave combat, but nothing beats the environment of a gladiatorial contest with cheering crowds.


That's actually a really cool idea. I don't know about using it in TFU3 as something during the campaign but as a challenge or even separate mode like a survival mode it would be great.


I'm still wondering why they changed the Gorog design for the final game from the teaser trailer. The one for the final game definitely looks more menacing and scary-looking, but the teaser trailer version looks more like it's from Starwars, since I swear they used the same face for it as one of the gladiators that Asajj Ventress fights from the Clone Wars cartoon, or a very similar one.


Edit: While the early Gorog and the character I was referring to had a some similarities, it was nothing worth posting, since the similarity was just the face shape, nothing more *sigh*. I still standby what I said though, the Gorog from the trailer looked more Starwars-y to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

love the "Maris Brood" story line, that would be an interesting this to see, but she wasn't much of a pivotal character in TFU1, yes she was a boss, and i hated that damned Bull Rancor, but there was no back story to her, there was nothing before TFU1 that made me care. The Asokha Tano storyline would be amazing. There is a story for her already made, and her ending is completely open. A grown up Asokha would be great, maybe she went into self imposed exile, like Yoda did, claiming great shame at being the Padawan of the infamous Darth Vader. maybe an alternative reality, but it is something I would love to see explored.


Those of you who do not like The Clone Wars show, i don't care, i like it.

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Those of you who do not like The Clone Wars show, i don't care, i like it.


I don't care about the show. It's the movie that annoys me. I finally saw it when it came out on TV and was really glad that I didn't waste my money in the theaters.


It would be interesting to see Asohka rendered in a different medium, but I have to side with the Clone Wars haters on this one because it would just seem a little weird for me since I don't watch the show regularly.


I'd rather have Maris Brood return for a number of reasons. First of all, she's mysterious and troubled, constantly struggling with her identity - if Starkiller weren't both of these things, he wouldn't be popular. Secondly, her return would mean so much more for the story and for Starkiller in particular, i.e. his decision to spare her would ultimately save his life, etc. And lastly, she's got a nice pair of lightsabers.

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Maris Brood returning would definately put a twist on things. Maybe she falls in love with StarKiller and Juno gets ticked off? :p


And is there anyway someone could mod TFU1 so you can play as Juno? I know it would probably be extremely hard, considering she appears in an actual level once; but I've always wanted to play as her for some reason. It'd be amusing to see a hot blonde with a lightsaber chopping up stormies, eh? :D


And by nice pair of lightsabers, I assume you were referring to something else? ;)

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i couldn't see having Maris Brood falling in love with Starkiller, and Juno getting jealous, that seem to sitcom-my for me.


I will concede that the Clone Wars movie kinda sucked, but i'm looking past that. Asokha's story is so open. Maris Brood's story has yet to be written, i am just a Clone Wars fan, so that's where i am going. In the newest season on the Clone Wars, Asokha is troubled as well, trying to find out if the Republic is as good as everyone believes it is, and if the CIS is as bad as everyone says. There is trouble withing both of them. But sinc they already have Maris Brood in the TFU story line, i couldn't see them bringing in another influential character.

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maybe in TFU3 DLC, every DLC so far you hace played through a darkside ending, so why not continue that, a Dark Apprentice Clone continuing his hunt for the last surviving Jedi. There has to be more surviving Jedi, hunting them was fun, the boss battles in TFU2 kinda sucked compared to throwing Shaak Ti into the Sarlacc pit, or crushing Kazdan Paratus with a big scrap engine. It wouldn't fit into the story line now, but a DLC would be pretty great.

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I actually hope for some light side DLC for TFU2. They can get away with it this time since Starkiller isn't supposed to be dead. Plus, lots of games now release DLC that continues the story and sets the stage for the next game, so why not do it with this game? They could think of it as a way of elongating the single player campaign.

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sam said blah blah :thmbup1:


I am all for LA making a sequel to one of the MANY better titles.


I am also for LA finishing the Starkiller story, either in game form or novel, as this thread is suggesting.


A friend made a good argument to me why SK in TFU2 is not a clone but actually the real dude. I have agreed with this all along, despite the arguments here and elsewhere... an intuition thing, and a Canderous-like acceptance that "this is the Force we're talking about here."


So, IMO, TFU3 should have Starkiller go through the experience of regaining himself... with demons to fight (he killed several Jedi masters and has murdered countless thousands)... and ultimately finding his death, either way. Starkiller must die, sadly, or some incredible explanation...

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  • 3 weeks later...

You all know by now that I'm not a TFU fan but I came up with something that could be amusing for you guys.


Anyone played LoK: Defiance?

In one level you played as Kain and in the other as Raziel. The whole thing led to a confrontation of the two and beyond.


I think it might not be a bad idea for a TFU game.

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