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The One Year Thread 2014: Main Street Electrical Parade Through The Dark Side


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Sounds like my life... except I have 10 extra years on you. Oh, and I was in a two-year relationship that became so problematic, and catastrophic at the ending, that it made me rethink the desire to be coupled.


Except that now, it's two years after that, and I've kinda forgotten the trauma (or had it pale in comparison to more recent traumas...) and I'm feeling the aloneness of it all. And I get to watch the women I recently began to wonder "Hmm... what if she and I...?" fall in love and go off with the men of their dreams that are making them far, far happier than they've ever been in their entire lives(!) (Which, of course, they DO have an obligation to have to advertise these facts on Facebook where I can see it as often as possible...)


However: I acknowledge that there are problems with me that prevent successful coupling... My personality being a very large factor. Also, my work schedule, which is brutal and inhuman at times, certainly doesn't help. Being the sole caretaker of 2 elderly parents in poor health isn't exactly babe-bait either... as hard as that may be to fathom...


But like you, pretty much every woman I have ever directly asked out has flat out declined. From the first time I tried until very recently. (The relationships I have been in were all initiated by the female in question.) And it does tend to wear one's self-confidence and sense of humor down when that goes on for several decades...

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And I get to watch the women I recently began to wonder "Hmm... what if she and I...?" fall in love and go off with the men of their dreams that are making them far, far happier than they've ever been in their entire lives(!) (Which, of course, they DO have an obligation to have to advertise these facts on Facebook where I can see it as often as possible...)


Boy, do I hear that. I like that Facebook added to option to unfollow but not unfriend people - very useful, that :dozey:

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yeah....i take meds for depression, it helped me alot, specifically with drowning myself in all the alcohol-basically on them to save money. the problem didn't go away, i'm still single...just engage in high-risk behavior, **** it dude. if it has a thing where you sign a waiver for you life, do it. i just skydived, it was ****ing awesome!!!!!!!!


but then again, i'm a weird individual..."**** the american dream" kinda guy. don't want kids, never have wanted them, and probably never will. girls in my area all get an A+ in the slut/whore class. why beat myself up about it. the right one is out there, just not going to bother looking anymore. sick of chasing phantoms. the one i really want and could see myself with wants nothing to do with me aside from being just friends for life, that is ****ing depressing. but i'm just gonna say whatever, **** it, just do what makes me happy, gonna die and go to hell or fiddler's green anyway. :)

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Boy, do I hear that. I like that Facebook added to option to unfollow but not unfriend people - very useful, that :dozey:
Yeah, I've done that a couple of times.


Fortunately, one of the girls was someone I really liked, and kinda thought about, but wasn't super hung up on... it was just a thought. She also isn't super active on FB, so it's not like a knife in the eye every time I log in.


The other was someone I tried very hard not to develop any feelings for, as she is over an hour away, and has a schedule as crazy as mine, but at all the opposite times... so it was a totally unrealistic dream... but I failed. :(


I need to stop falling for my female friends. :rolleyes: Co-workers too... But since they are generally the only women who have any social contact with me in a given day, week, month, or year... it's proven difficult for me not to.


I need to get up on the online dating thing. Not that I have high hopes... but just to try something new and different. I haven't bothered yet... because my work schedule has been wackier than normal so far this fall, and I can't see trying to get out and mingle when I don't get home most nights until well after midnight. Seems like it's only another road to frustration to meet somebody promising, only to have it fall apart because you just happen work all the hours she has off.

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Yeah, the one girl I liked who I am Facebook friends with was already dating the guy she just married when I met her, so it's still hard seeing that stuff on there, but not in the sense that it reminds me of any failure on my part, since I was never even really in that race.


And it's also nice that in the 10 years I have worked at my company, I have never once been interested in any girl there. That makes Christmas parties and such a lot more fun, since I can just relax and have a good time without thinking about any of that stuff.

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okcupid is MUCH better than pof, as far as the matches.....pof is a ****ing joke...should be pow for plenty of whales. i dont message them though, only had one girl on there message me ....and it's gone. like i give a **** anyway!


sucks being 30. it really sucks. no decent girls. they're all whores.

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As I have said before. It wasn't until I was happy with myself and my life that I started seriously dating, and being successful at it. Confidence is sexy.


When I could say to them I have done things, and have hobbies. Like a 200 mile bike trip camping along the way. Sailing, curling. It comes to a point that a woman easily pictures doing those things with me. Enjoying what I enjoy, and then sharing what she enjoys.


To be brutally honest Keyan... to me you sound boring.


my wife made the same mistake. Spending 20 years focusing on her career. Yes she was successful, but she liked me because I was more interesting.

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When I could say to them I have done things, and have hobbies. Like a 200 mile bike trip camping along the way. Sailing, curling. It comes to a point that a woman easily pictures doing those things with me. Enjoying what I enjoy, and then sharing what she enjoys.


To be brutally honest Keyan... to me you sound boring.


Did you read the part where I explained I've done all that crap?

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Did you read the part where I explained I've done all that crap?


This is what you said in the previous big post

I have interesting hobbies and I have traveled to interesting places so that I will be an interesting person to talk to and live with.


They may be interesting to YOU, but not to someone else. Details speak volumes.


For example. I took a trips to the San Juan Islands, learning about the Pig war between the British and Americans lasting 12 years, both before and AFTER the Civil war, and the only casualty being a pig. It included hiking San Jaun Island itself and going to the highest point 1000 ft above see level seeing the Cascade mountain range to the East, and Mount Rainier in the distance. The Olympic mountain range to the south. Victoria island and Canada to the Northwest, and surrounded by islands and water all around me.


THAT is interesting, and makes people go Ooooh. and that was only one day of my trip that lasted a week in the area.


Saying I went to Seattle is BORING. Saying i went on a bike trip is BORING. telling a story about that trip is exciting. Especially when YOU get excited about the events and start gushing about all the fun you had


You dumbed it down to the point it is nothing more then a check point on a resume

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Project #2 for a mostly rainy, crappy Saturday.


(Project #1 was cleaning up, scanning, and updating the software environment on my laptop, which has been running like a Yugo with 500,000 miles on it lately, and sounding like an Apache Attack Helicopter about to take off with the cooling fan running at full blast pretty much all the time. It seems much faster and happier now... but I'm sure there are more tweaks I could do...)


(Project #3 was checking my Facebook settings and seeing if they really are what I think they are, and deleting groups and games I never actually look at anymore...)


Soldered the electronics into the free Strat I was given; screwed it all back together; strung it up with a set of .10s; set the action and intonation; and gave it a polish.


It plays OK. Sounds pretty good. My soldering skills aren't quite as horrible as I remembered... Of course, this is the first time I've used the soldering iron I bought years ago. It's a really nice one! Who knew?


So... Another guitar on the pile. Whoo-Hoo!




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my roommate woke me up by pounding on his room wall, there are pigeons that decided to roost up in the rafters right next to his room i guess...its been like that since i lived here, i'm used to them...but i got rudely awakened by the loud noises (smashing of the wall) so i got up and now i got music playing really loud. there's not really any way to get rid of the pigeons other than burning the whole ****ing house down.


I didn't go to Oktoberfest yesterday, guess my friend was just meh and not wanting to go out. I really need to get a car...hopefully I can get one by the time I graduate so I can get a job at a prison somewhere and start making some real money.


I resubscribed to the old republic. Shadow of Revan expansion is coming out. 2 new worlds, 55-60 level, more flashpoints, probably another operation or 2. I'm excited.


Not sure what I'm doing today. I'd like to hit up Oktoberfest since it's the last day at this place we went to 2 years ago. It's also nice out, so maybe I'll go for a test run to find out the strength of my newly healed shins. Gotta wait for my buddy to wake up....lol


I'm getting caught up with The Clone Wars, I started Season 4 last night.


The Walking Dead comes on tonight...I don't have cable hooked up in my room, so I'll be missing that. :( but i can still catch it on stream.

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Oh she looks like a beaut Ed.

It's decent for a Squire. It will make somebody a pretty good starter axe, or me (if I keep it) an OK 2nd "beater" workhorse.


It was hard to beat the price... free.


I had the pickguard with all the pickups and electronics already wired. It took me a couple of hours to put it all back together. Stetting it up and getting the intonation right was the longest part of the process. Oh... and finding 11 screws to put the guard back on that kinda matched. In the end, I stole 8 of them from an old Dell keyboard...



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Oktoberfest was awesome. had a few drinks after doing a test run on my healed shins with my new shoes.


good to go for this next week, gonna be doing 30/60 sprints for 2 miles as opposed to running 2 miles straight. going to do that for 2 weeks after lifting and situps, gotta get my bfp% down! :)

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traded Sniper 3 in for Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor. It's open world, so this should be good...


edit: it's awesome. worth the trade in. lots of orc/uruk gore! :D plays somewhat like assassins creed, there is a day/night/precipitation system in it which is pretty nice.


my plans the rest of this week....hitting the gym harder, probably going to alternate my running i felt a little pain on my shins again. :rolleyes: guess i'll just have to figure something out.

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Meh weekend. Worked Sunday for a one-hit-wonder band from the late 60's/ early 70's. Long day...


Yesterday I did very little of note.


At least this week is slow. I'm going to try to take a couple of days off this week in preparation for the week after, which is brutal.

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Another Curling season has started!



I started with hammer and the final score was 11 to 8


Me__ 3 0 2 0 2 0 3 1

Them 0 2 0 2 0 4 0 0


in the sixth end, I was going to concede them getting a point. And tried to draw the button for a point, but I was able to keep the rock out far enough from the center guard and miraculously take out the opposing rock to score two. a 3 point shot


But in the 6 end i missed a couple of take outs, and the opposing skip need to draw the house to score 5 and missed. Keeping me in the game


My vice had some great shots in the 7th, and a finaly tap back by me allowed us to score 3.


in the Eighth end the opponent had an opportunity for an open takeout and score three to win the game, instead he threw too heavy and missed the shot.

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