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Details of Non-Monkey Games


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I'm replaying Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade for the first time in years. Did you know Indy has reactions when you try to Pick Up some of the people in the Venice restaurant?


Man: "I don't want to disturb him."

Woman: "I don't think she would appreciate my attention."

Man: "I don't want to disturb him."


Cat: "Why would anyone want a cat when they could have a dog?"

Old Lady: "Please! I've got manners!"


Slob: "I don't want to disturb him."


Lover (woman): "She just doesn't have Elsa's... charisma."

Lover (man): "That's not my style, and he's definitely not my type."



EDIT: Even though Tales restored Guybrush by the end, I like to think that was his skeleton under Venice, and that I have his hook in my inventory yet again.

Edited by BaronGrackle
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That’s such a fun detail! The Legend of MI site has done such an incredible job showcasing details and Easter eggs that I never knew existed that I’ve been wanting to seek out details in the other Lucasarts games. 

The only one that comes to mind right now is in Fate of Atlantis whenever Indy is in a pitch-black room, the room brightens slowly, as both Indy and the player get to adjust to the darkness.

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Hmm, let's see what I can come up with off the top of my head (please correct any faulty rememberings!)


Maniac Mansion/Zak McKracken

Both games have one item each that would only be of any use if you could somehow cross gameworlds and combine them - a chainsaw and some chainsaw fuel.


Day Of The Tentacle
I can't think of much here that's likely to go unnoticed, except maybe...
Peter Chan's trademark of hiding his kid's name Zach in the artwork, here as the licence plate of the Wash Me car.
If you have the flag in your inventory when you change the design for it in the past, you get a snazzy morphing animation.


Sam And Max Hit The Road
This is jam-packed with stuff but again it's all pretty much in front of you. Uh...
You can go back and check the answering machine in their office to get new messages.
Once you learn how Trixie and Bruno escaped, you can go back to Flambe and ask him about it.


Full Throttle
The hood ornament on the limo is a caricature of Tim Schafer
If you hassle Emmet for long enough he'll let you have a go at his knifey-handy-stabby game
If you hold onto any fluffy bunnies you can put them through the fan on the front of the truck in the end sequence
At least one of the bikers is a Maniac Mansion character - Razor (I think there's one more?)


The Dig
I think if you show a photo to another character, Robert Patrick does his T2 "Have you seen this boy?" line. I dunno, it's The Dig, whatever.


Grim Fandango
If you ask Glottis about the Rusty Anchor, he'll sing you a song. Despite it serving no purpose, it's been fully written, performed and manually lip-synced! 

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Finished Grim Fandango on PS4, with my kids. 

Things I had forgotten about: not knowing what Manny is looking at, trying really hard to make Manny look at something different, trying to figure out where the exits in a room actually are, following a trail with a bone grinder or a NN ticket and desperately wishing Manny would say, "I think I get the idea" and resolve the puzzle after I'd started it.


Grim Fandango is a game whose narrative and environment aged much better than its gameplay and UI, in my opinion!

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15 hours ago, BaronGrackle said:

Grim Fandango is a game whose narrative and environment aged much better than its gameplay and UI, in my opinion!

I have said the same thing when it comes to Psychonauts 1 (meat circus) and Brutal Legend as well. Amazing stories and environments, but the gameplay always misses at times. 

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I hadn’t seen Orson Welles’ Macbeth in a while, and what jumped out to me on a recent revisit was how the voices of the witches (depicted in this version as sort of Druidic priestesses), with their Scottish burr and odd inflections, sound remarkably similar to the Mayan mechanics in Year 4 of Grim Fandango.

I don’t believe for a second it was an intentional similarity, but I thought it was an interesting detail nevertheless.

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