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What OSes do you use?


What OSes do you use? Check all that apply.  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What OSes do you use? Check all that apply.

    • M$ Windoze XP
    • M$ Windoze ME/98/95
    • M$ Winblows 2k
    • M$ Winblows NT
    • Linux (any varient)
    • Mac OS X
    • Mac OS 9 or lower
    • Unix (Solaris, AIX, BSD ect...)
    • Other (OS/2, BeOS, VMS, whatever...)
    • I don't understand what you are asking, you're to elite for me.

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XP is made for anything. gaming, programming. Sure MAC are better for profesionnals out there, but to everybody else it's the PC.


XP is great, stable, pretty fast, a different design than all those other Windows 9x.


BTW, CaptainRave: XP is very good for old and new games. For older version you can set the OS to run it as Win95 or 98 if you want. compability with different windows versions. Pretty usefull.

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I just use Win98SE at the moment. It's stable enough, and does all I want it to (at the moment). Isn't Win XP more resource hungry?


Anyway, if I ever get around to whacking some more hard drives in my case, I'll probably give Linux and BeOS a whirl. I've got no current plans to upgrade to XP. :)

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Given my choice, I'd do life on my Mac OS X system ... but that isn't how life works ;)


I like Win2k quite a bit - unfortunately I've not been able to upgrade to WinXP yet (though I have the discs) due to something in our networking (glad I asked!).


I also like NeXTStep quite a very bit, but have abandoned it as I now have everything that I needed to run there running on OS X. That was the best side-by-side comparison I had with a PC, and the NeXT box wiped the Win2k box for stability and performance on similar hardware.



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Windows XP is by far better than any of the previous versions. I used it at my old job a bit and it networks very easily. Its as fast as windows 98, and hasnt crashed yet in the 2 months ive been using it. I had one crashlike bug with Dark Ages of Camelot, but that was due to my GeForce3 Ti200 needing the newer drivers, and it didnt really crash, it just restarted. I have yet to see it freeze or have problems dealing with a faulty program. It will shut them down without a problem if it needs to, unlike previous versions of windows and their attempts to dealing with them leading to a frozen OS.


I recomend XP to anyone who can 1.) afford it and 2.) run it on their system.

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After trying win2k on my system, I am definately NOT going to change my OS unless something as revolutionary as win95 comes out. 98SE is stable, is not a recource hog, runs most dos games fine, and runs all recent games fine. If it aint broke, why fix it? So the start button is green? Pfft

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98 "SE" was more or less a huge bugfix for things in 98 1st E that should have been fixid before release in the first place. Course, they still made lots of money selling "upgrades."


I use XP on my gaming box. Framerates are good and stability is much better then the 9x branch. It is certainly not perfect, it's crashed and done some wierd things from time to time.


No M$ OS on my network has ever been able to match the 3+ months of uptime I got from one of my boxes running Mandrake Linux 8.1. I could have had it up longer but I wanted to swap out some parts.

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Originally posted by Broode

After trying win2k on my system, I am definately NOT going to change my OS unless something as revolutionary as win95 comes out. 98SE is stable, is not a recource hog, runs most dos games fine, and runs all recent games fine. If it aint broke, why fix it? So the start button is green? Pfft


Whats revolutionary about it is that you can play old games on it that you cant on 2kpro, which is WHY i changed.



The only thing that finally convinced me to chance was that I went and bought a copy of Interstate 76 for about $5, and it wouldnt run on 2kpro. So I thought "dammit, I wanna play this", so i installed xp :D


It's a LOT faster and just as stable as 2kpro

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