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Games you would KILL to play again..


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Have you ever rented a game, or played a really old one a long time ago and then, few years later, go "Damn that was a great game, wish I knew where it was..."


Mine are:



I don't care what you say, Rebellion was awesome, I would sometimes spend many many hours in my quest to reign supreme over the Empire/Rebellion. Plus, the addition of many many EU characters was nice...


Star Ocean: The Second Story

I rented this a few times about a year ago (Then those bastards at Blockbuster decided to clear out their PSX inventory without telling me):mad: Basicly, this was one of the most ADDICTIVE RPGS EVER! Thats all I have to say!

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Master of Orion II

One of the best stragey game created in the whole universe.


Rebellion(Amen Clefo:D )

I LOVE the Super Star Destroyer


the book Rebel Dream says that the Rebel Alliance owns a Super Star Destroyer!!!:eek: They are killing the Vong with it.



Alpha Centauri

One of the best land game ever


Final Fantasy 8

ONE OF THE BEST RPG and storyline!!! I LOVE IT!!!!




Spoiler unspoiled. - Eets :eets:

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umm, supreme...errrr u posted the spoiler tag wrong! i got spoiled! AAAARHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


I have Rebellion. That game is SO fun...but only when I'm completely without internet i play it....cuz it takes SO long to beat, it's really fun.



i don't think i'd kill just to play any game....i have all the games i like. hmm...maybe just MAYBE dark forces for playstation or masters of teras kaasi...

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I have rebellion...the thing I want...IS THE EDITOR FOR IT!!!


I've have seen and heard fables about it. But I never downloaded it. Now when I want to download it I go to my bookmarked Rebellion site and BANG. It isn't there. Anybody know where I can get it?:ball:



the book Rebel Dream says that the Rebel Alliance owns a Super Star Destroyer!!! They are killing the Vong with it.



Hate to spoil your spoiler, but...


That SSD is the Lusankya, It was first introduced to the SW universe in the Rogue Squadron Series. Not sure exactly which book though...Pretty sure it was either Krytos trap or the one before it (havn't read R-Squadron books in years) Anyway, I thought I had read somewhere that they dismantled it, but as you can tell it is up and running. The most noted commander of the Lusankya is Wedge Antilles himself. He was in command alot after it's capture, but seems to have taken over an entire fleet by the NJO time. I won't spoil how the Lusankya was found...I'll let you read the R-Squadron books:D


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technically no...The Lusankya is the only one recorded SSD to be captured. Also it is CONFIRMED that it is the biggest ship in the New Republic Navy. Also in Rebel Dream the Vong said that that SSD was the biggest ship they had seen from the infedels. "It was like one of their wedged ships but much larger."


Most of the navy is split between lots of captured Star Destroyers and Mon Cal Ships (with assorted frigates mingled in)


Now there were several Imp SSDs...

Let me see...


Night Hammer



Iron Fist??? (Warlord Zinj's Ship)


I was thinking there was at least 5 confirmed SSDs...hmmm...I'll think of them later though.


(Yes Tie Guy I am aware that Han says that there are plenty of those ships when refering to the Executor, but that has never been confirmed in any other text, and besides plenty could be in reference to 2-3 maybe more, these were big ships remeber. They took most of a planet's resources to build these monstrosities)

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euh.... for the ssd info read the spoiler :D



Night Hammer: was a SSD build by one of the Rogue warlords. It was captured by admiral Daala and she added a 'K' for the name, cause she was about to trash the Jedi training center with it. it got destroyed inside Yavin. and by that i mean the gas giant... it got crushed.


Executor: well we all know this story.


Lusankya: this is the prison ship of Isanne Isard. she took over the empire after Palpatine's death. it got captured during the battle of Chandrilla by Wedge Antilles who officialy wasnt with Rogue Squadron anymore. It is X-wing book number 4, The Bacta War.


Iron Fist: it is Warlord Zinj's ship. he captured it from the kuat shipyards. it was believed to be destroyed by General Solo with Wraith Squadron at the end of X-wing book 7. but it tirned up in the Courtship of princess Leia. and then Han Solo destroyed the bridge of the SSD with 2 missles out of his Millenium Falcon. The Hapans finished it off.


In X-wing book 7 there is a nother SSD... i cant remember the name. But Zinj was about to steal that too but Wraith Squadron was able to track the SSD and destroy it with General Solo's fleet.

I believ sometjing like Storm hammer or death's hand.. i dont realy know.



i hope that this cleared it :D

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I just d-loaded RebED...ROCKS!!!! (after owning the game for about 3 years maybe longer {because I got it when it first came out})


Anyway...I remebered another SSD


The Eclipse


In the Guide to Vehichles and Vessels it states that the Eclipse is a Super Star Destroyer Class (although it is bigger and more powerful)

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To get back on subject...


It's interesting but I'd like to play Need For Speed SE again. (doesn't work on Win 98 {ya that's right 98})


I liked the Checkpoint races where you could go through the cities and along the coast and actually be going along a course instead of a circuit...o well.

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